This past weekend I enjoyed a retreat with the high school youth- they are such awesome kids and we had a wonderful time. It was also great because Josh and Jason were there. It was so great to see Josh with HIS youth group and see Jason and his wife. It's funny because as soon as I got around the two of them I got silly. I miss their friendships and fellowship, but have forced myself to accepted their new roles and where God has put them. I still miss them dearly. This trip also gave me a chance to get to know the new youth director. I have to admit, for a social butterfly, it's taking me a while to warm up to her. She is a lovely person and I have not one bad thing to say about her. It's just that she isn't Jason or Josh. I think part of me is a little resentful towards her for being in her position and not them. I keep praying I got over it and this retreat weekend sure helped a lot. We did some bonding Saturday night and had a long discussion and it helped me to see past the fact that she isn't "Jason or Josh." Can you tell I still need the Lord to help me work on letting them go and embracing her. All in all it was a wonderful time and being with these kids made me realize how physically exhausting caring for Lauren and being pregnant is. Even though this retreat was atop a steep mountain- I still felt so much more energetic/rested than if I had been home.
Speaking of home...we have our Christmas tree up and decorated! Matt and Lauren got it Sunday and we put it up together, since I got home from the retreat moments after them getting home from getting the tree- God's perfect timing. Yesterday, after getting home from the park, Lauren and I decorated the outside too. I don't do much outside, just some lite garland and lights around the porch posts. But it feels more like Christmas now that all the decorations are up. The warm weather has me a little thrown, but I'm not going to wish that away!!!
I also ordered our Christmas cards! I really like them and can't wait to see what they look like when I pick them up. I laugh because the worst part about Christmas cards is licking all of the frappin' envelopes!!! I hate it and have been known to beg Matt to help me. I was reminded of this as I finished Lauren's birthday thank you notes. Yuck, it just tastes so bad and I'm fearful of a paper cut on my tongue No I've never gotten one, but ouch, I hope I never do.
Today I had another baby appointment and I'm in owe of the fact that it's already time for by-weekly appointments. I was a smidge upset by my weight gain. I think between Thanksgiving, an extra sweet tooth, and the retreat this weekend (oh it was so nice to enjoy food I didn't have to shop for, cook, or clean up after- and gotta love the high fat, yummy food only a cafeteria can provide) I have not been paying quiet as much attention to this area lately. Matt was able to go to this appointment with me and he laughed at me when I tried to blame some of it on the baby. I just crave sweet things, yum. I do not have a sweet tooth naturally (Matt would laugh if he read that statement). I'm more of a pasta and bread girl. When I was pregnant with Lauren I didn't crave much out of the ordinary for me. So the fact that I love and want sweet things all the time with this one is different, so I feel I have grounds to pass along a little blame on the baby/pregnancy.
The light bulb in my head went off as I thought about my weight gain since I've started to feel so much bigger and like I did at the end of the pregnancy with Lauren. I did look at my pregnancy calendar I kept with Lauren and I did have a big jump in the second trimester with her, that I didn't have with this one. And my weight is only off by a few weeks. I weighed this much at 34 weeks with her, and I'm 30 weeks now. I just have to keep reminding myself that it's okay to gain weight, just not 7 pounds in 4's that for being real? That's ~2 pounds a week!! So I told Matt to get ready for lots of Chicken noodle soup- nutritious but low calories- I believe I got an eye roll for this comment. Needless to say I've been pretty hungry today and have subsequently drank lots more water. Just proof that I was eating too much- since I consciously ate appropriately today (soup and salad do a body good). Oh goodness...enough about this.
Some silliness from Lauren to end the the past few days I've noticed another growth spurt with her vocabulary. She is just cracking me up. The other day she blamed Bunny Night-Night for her mess- yes she blamed her stuffed animal! I didn't know that a two year old had enough logic and understanding to do this. It took all I could not to laugh at this. Then today while we were making crafts she told me "I got that mama" and when I asked her who did something she said "Lauren did." She can "sing" her ABC's almost correctly. It's too precious to listen to. Her sentences are getting longer too. I can't think of one now, but she just blows my mind with her intellect! Amen for such a sweet and smart little girl, but Lord please help me to stay a step ahead of her...please!
I'll end with a cute cartoon I saw on (here's the link so I don't get in trouble:
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