Is there such a thing as winter cleaning, like people say spring cleaning? Well if not I coin the term and have invented it. Today we took down all the Christmas decoration, leaving up the fluffy white snowmen of course, and reclaimed our house from pine needles and clutter. I decided that as I was cleaning, decorating and un-decorating for Christmas invoke the same feelings in me as going on a road trip some where. I'm super excited and don't mind the packing and drudgery of the process when you're headed to your destination but somehow the process in reverse as you get ready to head back home seems so daunting. Same with decorating, it's fun to put it all up, and you even look forward to the mass amount of work that goes into it, but then when it's time to take it all down it's just not fun and seems to take FOREVER!!
Needless to say the Christmas decorations are in their boxes once again, not to be opened until November 2013, which right now seems so far away. The house feels more open and refreshed. I'm sure that it is a combination of having all of the rooms better organized and things where they belong due to the recent closet reorganization too.
Matt also got the picture hung above the beds in the 'big girl room.' I've been trying to call the rooms upstairs the 'nursery' and the 'big girl bedroom', so they really don't belong to one person. I know that might seem weird but I'm hoping my forethought will help Lauren feel a little less invaded when a few years go by and baby girl number two begins to take up residence in there with her. I bet that is one of those things that really doesn't make a difference, but you just never know.
I did a laundry load of baby stuff today and I was pretty giddy about it. I needed to wash the crib rail protectors, a floor blanket, the two "Bundle Me" blankets that go into the baby car seat carrier (what a great invention), and the crib skirt. There is just something about washing baby stuff that is so wonderful. I still love doing Lauren's laundry. Just this past week my step-mom was being helpful and folding the laundry I was doing and I jump in when Lauren's load came out of the dryer because I just love folding her clothes, always have. I wonder when that will stop? Don't get me wrong, I'm a person who already enjoys doing laundry to begin with, but baby laundry is that much sweeter. I'm sick and I'm well aware of this, but what are you going to do?
After all the hustle and bustle of today Matt informed me that tomorrow is a holiday of rest. I told him that was fine as long as organizing craft supplies was considered restful, I would agree to his proposal. I figure Lauren and I can pull all the stuff out and do some crafts while we organize and I asked her if that was cool and she completely agreed- two against one, Matt had to consed (he loves us and I'm sure he'll hop in and do some crafting too, just don't let him know that I said that).
Well there's only three more hours left in the year, so I plan on spending them in bed next to Matt- him reading about his new Dremel tool and me trying to find something interesting on the television. Here's too the beginning of a new year! I'll drink my sparkling grape juice to having a stronger faith and seeking the Lord's direction for what the next twelve months will bring us!
"Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that." James 4:14-15
"No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit...The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart..." Luke 6:43-45 "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life..." Proverbs 11:30

Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
How my list is coming...
If you've been so lucky as to follow my blog throughout this pregnancy you know that as soon as the second trimester started so did my need to get the house perfect before baby arrives. This was a lot sooner than it was with baby number one but in my defense I had a lot more to this this time around. With Lauren I just needed to decorate her room and I was done, although it didn't seem that simple then. This time we had to move our room downstairs, move Lauren into our old room, and then prep the nursery for the baby. This was a big undertaking and has been going on for quiet some time now. I do however feel like things are moving along and I see a bright light at the end of the tunnel now. Since my dad came down I was able to get a HUGE portion of what was left done, and that was closet rotation and organization.
Now, all of my clothes are down in my bedroom closet, Lauren's clothes are moved into her new room and that closet is organized, baby clothes now reside in the nursery dresser and closet as well, and finally the office closet is now wonderfully organized and there is no wasted space. So much more fits into there now and neatly too. Before I had stuff stacked on top of stuff so things would fall or you'd have to move seven different things to get at what you needed, so annoying. During this processed I learned that the office closet is the biggest closet in the house (yikes)- and I'm grateful since it's the only storage space we have for all those things that one would usually put in a basement or attic, of which we have neither. So check out my picture below:
The picture doesn't quiet do justice to all I have crammed, I mean organized, into this closet. My dad and I maximized the space as best we could and I think it came out great!
Here's my list, once again, and you can see all we've done to prepare for this sweet baby, who at the moment is squirming and bopping around inside my tummy.
My Four Phase plan is moving full speed ahead! Check out what I got done:
Phase One: -Empty guest/playroom and closet - moving everything upstairs.
-Prep room to be painted
-Purchase paint and paint room
-Reorganize closet in office to accommodate more stuff (this
should be fun...)
Phase Two: -Move our bedroom furniture downstairs and set up room
-Decorate our new master bedroom
-Redesign, purchase, and install closet organization for this room
-Sell one queen mattress set
-Purchase two twin mattress sets
Phase Three: -Reorganize upstairs closets- we have three and they will all be
- Purchase two new dressers, and anightstand for Lauren's new
-Reorganize Lauren's stuff into new room
- Purchase bedding for new beds
-Purchase and hang new blinds for this room (curtains too, but
no rush on those)
Phase Four: - Decorate Lauren's new room
- Wash, fluff, and spruce up nursery for new baby
-Redecorate upstairs bathroom into a kids bathroom
So really all that is left is decorating Lauren's new room which is slowly coming together. I purchased a really pretty canvas painting (at half price might I add) for the wall above the beds. The quilts I'm having made for the beds are coming along and are more beautiful than I could have imagined (Lauren's should be done before the baby is born, but the second one will be a little later than that). The only things that are on the back burner right now are the curtains for that room and the name canvas's that Garrett is going to do for me. I don't want her to do them until I have a quilt all done so it can help inspire her creativity. I've changed my mind so many times on the curtains I haven't purchased anything. I think once the quilts get in there I'll have a better idea of what I want, and I think it's most likely going to be something I'll make and not buy, go figure. And the dressers, I think that will be on the back burner for a while since we have what we need now, so maybe I'll worry about that when it's time to plan for baby #3. I'm sure I'll have a picture for you when it's all done, in the year!
As far as the "Wash, fluff, and spruce up nursery" I plan on doing that during the month of January. Now that all the extra stuff that was in that room has been moved to were it belongs this will be much easier. And now that the holiday season is done, I'll have more time to do it.
Oh goodness, so much done and just a few things left to prepare for my sweet baby's arrival. I'm quiet giddy about it all. Although, I'm still quiet content at being pregnant, still not ready for baby to arrive just yet.
"Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken" Psalm 55:22
Now, all of my clothes are down in my bedroom closet, Lauren's clothes are moved into her new room and that closet is organized, baby clothes now reside in the nursery dresser and closet as well, and finally the office closet is now wonderfully organized and there is no wasted space. So much more fits into there now and neatly too. Before I had stuff stacked on top of stuff so things would fall or you'd have to move seven different things to get at what you needed, so annoying. During this processed I learned that the office closet is the biggest closet in the house (yikes)- and I'm grateful since it's the only storage space we have for all those things that one would usually put in a basement or attic, of which we have neither. So check out my picture below:
Here's my list, once again, and you can see all we've done to prepare for this sweet baby, who at the moment is squirming and bopping around inside my tummy.
My Four Phase plan is moving full speed ahead! Check out what I got done:
Phase One: -
Phase Two: -
Phase Three: -
- Purchase two new dressers, and a
- Purchase bedding for new beds
Phase Four: - Decorate Lauren's new room
- Wash, fluff, and spruce up nursery for new baby
As far as the "Wash, fluff, and spruce up nursery" I plan on doing that during the month of January. Now that all the extra stuff that was in that room has been moved to were it belongs this will be much easier. And now that the holiday season is done, I'll have more time to do it.
Oh goodness, so much done and just a few things left to prepare for my sweet baby's arrival. I'm quiet giddy about it all. Although, I'm still quiet content at being pregnant, still not ready for baby to arrive just yet.
"Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken" Psalm 55:22
Jolly Holidays!
So much has happened around the holiday season this year I'm not sure where to start, maybe I'll brake this into two posts.
First, we had a spectacular Christmas filled with God's love and smiles all around. My dad and step-mom made the voyage to see us this year and it was such a wonderful visit. It was unfortunately cut short by two days- the day they were suppose to leave a huge snow storm caused them to turn around and leave the following day, and then day they were suppose to travel back home another snow storm was going to come in, so they left a day early to get ahead of the mess. Even with two days lost, it was a blessing every moment they were here.
My step-mom and Lauren did a lot of playing and Lauren loved having Grandma Sue sleep in her bedroom with her. She hasn't stopped talking about Grandpa Mike since he left, it's rather adorable. Matt and I enjoyed sleeping in a bit each day as Grandma and Lauren would get up and play while we laid in bed and enjoyed our extra quiet time. My dad was awesome in helping get the closet's organized by installing shelves for me. Matt and I got away for a free date night!! My parents babysat and we enjoyed some Red Lobster thanks to my Grandma and Grandpa's generous gift card present. We just spent a lot of time together enjoying each other and being productive at the same time (my dad has to have a project to keep him occupied or he gets stir crazy). It was just a great time for Lauren to get to know them and for them to get to know her. It brings a smile to my face as I think about it now!
In the middle of the visit, we especially enjoyed celebrating the birth of baby Jesus. Christmas Eve is usually when all the holiday hub-bub starts here. I usually make a soup in the crock-pot or on the stove to be eaten after the Christmas Eve service, but this year Grandma Sue took over and made crock-pot minestrone soup (oh so good) while my dad, Matt, Lauren, and I ran to Lowe's to get all the closet supplies we'd need since stores would be closed the next day. We got started during Lauren's nap, but unfortunately we had to wake Lauren up from her nap to get to the church service on time, so she seemed a little out of it until we got home. Our church does a "spontaneous" Christmas pageant and this year Lauren was an angel. She was so cute!
We spent the rest of the day enjoying each other and being bums. It was a wonderful Christmas! We are so grateful to celebrate the birth of our Savior that came so humbly into our world, as a baby, to give us his grace and mercy. That is the biggest gift of all and there is no god, like our God- one who loves us in spite of our selfishness and sin. I pray that I always remember he is the reason for the season and HE is the best gift of all!
"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6
First, we had a spectacular Christmas filled with God's love and smiles all around. My dad and step-mom made the voyage to see us this year and it was such a wonderful visit. It was unfortunately cut short by two days- the day they were suppose to leave a huge snow storm caused them to turn around and leave the following day, and then day they were suppose to travel back home another snow storm was going to come in, so they left a day early to get ahead of the mess. Even with two days lost, it was a blessing every moment they were here.
My step-mom and Lauren did a lot of playing and Lauren loved having Grandma Sue sleep in her bedroom with her. She hasn't stopped talking about Grandpa Mike since he left, it's rather adorable. Matt and I enjoyed sleeping in a bit each day as Grandma and Lauren would get up and play while we laid in bed and enjoyed our extra quiet time. My dad was awesome in helping get the closet's organized by installing shelves for me. Matt and I got away for a free date night!! My parents babysat and we enjoyed some Red Lobster thanks to my Grandma and Grandpa's generous gift card present. We just spent a lot of time together enjoying each other and being productive at the same time (my dad has to have a project to keep him occupied or he gets stir crazy). It was just a great time for Lauren to get to know them and for them to get to know her. It brings a smile to my face as I think about it now!
In the middle of the visit, we especially enjoyed celebrating the birth of baby Jesus. Christmas Eve is usually when all the holiday hub-bub starts here. I usually make a soup in the crock-pot or on the stove to be eaten after the Christmas Eve service, but this year Grandma Sue took over and made crock-pot minestrone soup (oh so good) while my dad, Matt, Lauren, and I ran to Lowe's to get all the closet supplies we'd need since stores would be closed the next day. We got started during Lauren's nap, but unfortunately we had to wake Lauren up from her nap to get to the church service on time, so she seemed a little out of it until we got home. Our church does a "spontaneous" Christmas pageant and this year Lauren was an angel. She was so cute!
How it works is someone tells the Christmas story and each section of the story brings kids dressed as angels, sheep, and wise men to the front during a song that accompanies that part of the story. Lastly, Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus arrive. So for her part, our little angel went up front. Well, to give a little background each Sunday our church has a children's time when the kids go to the front, sit with the pastor and he tells the message to be given that day to the kids on their level. Lauren has been going up there for a long time, but not so long ago she started getting up and wondering and checking the area out. We had to talk with her each week about staying put and listening to Pastor Spencer. So when daddy brought her up front and put her down she didn't move, just like we taught her. However, she was right in the middle of the walk way and people were asking her to move so more kids could fit up there. Each time she would point at us, like saying "Mommy and Daddy told me not to move or mess around." (See the second picture below)
So this brought one of her friends down to sit next to her, Renae, (mind you this girl is three years old) and she spent the better part of five minutes trying to get Lauren to move- this wasn't working. So she got up to tell her mom and then another little girl takes her spot next to Lauren, and boy did this upset Renae. By this time it was hard to watch anything else going on or pay attention to anything being said. By the end the three girls had gotten up and were dancing. Lauren in all her glory, pulled up her dress and picked her noise, while the other girls were crawling and chasing each other. It was so close to the end that we left her there. She sat through 95% of it, just joined the other girls in the last few moments of crazy. Oh goodness- I know it brought a smile to my face and the faces of those around me. Childhood is so wonderful!
After getting home, we ate our yummy soup, decorated cookies for ourselves and Santa, then we read the book "Twas the Night Before Christmas" and allowed Lauren to open one present. This present happened to be the present that stole the show this year. It was her shark stuffed animal, which she has since named "Sharky, My Sharky" Check out the smiles below...
Before we knew it Christmas morning had arrived! Here are the few shots we got of opening gifts, making blueberry pancakes and eating them, and then playing with our presents:
We spent the rest of the day enjoying each other and being bums. It was a wonderful Christmas! We are so grateful to celebrate the birth of our Savior that came so humbly into our world, as a baby, to give us his grace and mercy. That is the biggest gift of all and there is no god, like our God- one who loves us in spite of our selfishness and sin. I pray that I always remember he is the reason for the season and HE is the best gift of all!
"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6
Friday, December 21, 2012
Sometimes all we need is...
...the right motivation. That motivation today happens to be the up and coming visit from my dad and step-mom. I'm thrilled to say they will be arriving sometime on Saturday and we're all excited. I love when family comes to visit, especially around the holidays.
So what was I motivated to do? Two very simple, less than half hour jobs I've been procrastinating for quiet some time now. I was giggling to myself as I scrapped the old caulk away from the tub side, that I've been wanting/needing to recaulk the bathroom floor by the tub for over a year, and I'm just now doing it. The job took me less than a half hour and it looks great, so why, I ask myself, had I not done it before? I guess all I needed was the right motivation.
Task two even easier! We purchased a "sideboard" for our kitchen. I'm using it as a buffet for my china and stemware. In the drawer of the sideboard I have bowls, small plates, and my cream & sugar bowls. Here's the problem...when you walk around the kitchen with anything heavier than a tip-toe the bowls and plates wiggle around making a rattle noise. It drives me nuts 99% of the time. We've had this new piece of furniture for about four or five months now and today, because I had the right motivation, I put paper towels between the bowls and also some between the plates to stop the rattle every time you walk around the kitchen. No more annoying noise and I think this took me ten minutes.
I've been thinking about the baby coming and how motivating that has been to get a lot of projects around the house done. I know it's somewhat nesting that is driving me to do things, but the bulk of the motivation is coming from- when in the world am I going to find time to do anything with two kids?? I hope you who read this blog and have more than one kid are laughing at me- I need to be laughed at- but really, Lauren can entertain herself pretty well and I can do things like laundry- oops that reminds me I need to switch the loads. Okay were was I? Okay, and other household chores, but with two grasping for my attention- will projects get done?
I think that is why I love it when my dad and Matt's dad come to visit so much. They help us get projects done around here. Not that Matt doesn't help, but sometimes the continuous need to ask him several times and then sometimes he'll just moan and groan the whole time he's doing it- making all of us miserable with him, isn't worth it. Other times, it's something he can't do without the help from someone more knowledgeable or a job that needs two man hands. That's one of the many times I hate being so far from family. While other times I just feel bad that he's gone 75% of his day and on the weekends he just wants to relax with Lauren and I and to be quiet honest, I want to just relax with him too. I feel like lately he says "When is there going to be a weekend when we just don't have anything to do" and I want to say "Never!" while I'm really thinking in my head- you just wait, when this wee little one comes out we'll have plenty of weekends where nothing but survival will be on our "To Do" list. There always seems to be something though- so I guess that's often why I procrastinate the little jobs. And it's also why I'm grateful when the right motivation comes around to get them done!
So today I'm grateful for family that motivates and helps us keep this house from falling into shambles. Amen for getting the little jobs done!
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up" Galatians 6:9
So what was I motivated to do? Two very simple, less than half hour jobs I've been procrastinating for quiet some time now. I was giggling to myself as I scrapped the old caulk away from the tub side, that I've been wanting/needing to recaulk the bathroom floor by the tub for over a year, and I'm just now doing it. The job took me less than a half hour and it looks great, so why, I ask myself, had I not done it before? I guess all I needed was the right motivation.
Task two even easier! We purchased a "sideboard" for our kitchen. I'm using it as a buffet for my china and stemware. In the drawer of the sideboard I have bowls, small plates, and my cream & sugar bowls. Here's the problem...when you walk around the kitchen with anything heavier than a tip-toe the bowls and plates wiggle around making a rattle noise. It drives me nuts 99% of the time. We've had this new piece of furniture for about four or five months now and today, because I had the right motivation, I put paper towels between the bowls and also some between the plates to stop the rattle every time you walk around the kitchen. No more annoying noise and I think this took me ten minutes.
I've been thinking about the baby coming and how motivating that has been to get a lot of projects around the house done. I know it's somewhat nesting that is driving me to do things, but the bulk of the motivation is coming from- when in the world am I going to find time to do anything with two kids?? I hope you who read this blog and have more than one kid are laughing at me- I need to be laughed at- but really, Lauren can entertain herself pretty well and I can do things like laundry- oops that reminds me I need to switch the loads. Okay were was I? Okay, and other household chores, but with two grasping for my attention- will projects get done?
I think that is why I love it when my dad and Matt's dad come to visit so much. They help us get projects done around here. Not that Matt doesn't help, but sometimes the continuous need to ask him several times and then sometimes he'll just moan and groan the whole time he's doing it- making all of us miserable with him, isn't worth it. Other times, it's something he can't do without the help from someone more knowledgeable or a job that needs two man hands. That's one of the many times I hate being so far from family. While other times I just feel bad that he's gone 75% of his day and on the weekends he just wants to relax with Lauren and I and to be quiet honest, I want to just relax with him too. I feel like lately he says "When is there going to be a weekend when we just don't have anything to do" and I want to say "Never!" while I'm really thinking in my head- you just wait, when this wee little one comes out we'll have plenty of weekends where nothing but survival will be on our "To Do" list. There always seems to be something though- so I guess that's often why I procrastinate the little jobs. And it's also why I'm grateful when the right motivation comes around to get them done!
So today I'm grateful for family that motivates and helps us keep this house from falling into shambles. Amen for getting the little jobs done!
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up" Galatians 6:9
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
And all God's people said...
That's what I'm saying today for two reasons. First at today's doctor appointment I'm proud to say not only did I not gain any more weight but lost a pound and some ounces. After last appointment's seven pound jump, yikes, I'm doing better. My doctor's nurse asked with concern "you're still eating, right?" and yes I'm still eating, just being more careful about what I put in my mouth and walking a lot more.
This brings me to my second reason for a big amen. Today on our afternoon walk Lauren and I saw a stuffed Minnie Mouse on the edge of someone's lawn. It looked quiet lonely and in nice shape so I'm sure some little girl is missing it and it had accidentally fallen from a bag. The route we took today took us down this particular side street twice. On the first pass we talked about it and how someone must have dropped her and that I'm sure they're looking for her. On the second pass Lauren just watched her as we walked on by and she was no longer visible.
We finish our walk, get back in the house and it was pretty much nap time. So we do our routine: potty, pick out books, hop into bed and read them, and then prayers and snuggles. Each afternoon when we say prayers I ask Lauren who she wants to pray for. Most days its "Dada, Mama, Bo Bear (Annabelle), baby, Bunny Night-Night, Kitty Night-Night, Bibbit Night-Night (frog)" or some version of that. If we've had someone over, like a friend, or visited someone they can often be thrown into the mix of usual people. Today however, her only response was "Minnie Mouse outside."
All I can say is that I knew my daughter was very compassionate but this even took me off guard. I mean wow! My two year old just showed me that she knows what prayer is for and why we use it. I'm not completely sure she can verbally express this but she's internalized why we pray- we pray to God for those who need God. She felt that lonely looking Minnie Mouse needed God today. My little Gift from God just never stops amazing me. But this time I made sure after coming downstairs that I prayed a prayer of thanksgiving for my compassionate, God loving girl- I'm not sure that I can fully express all the emotions I feel from that moment, but it sure is one I'll never forget!
"The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made." Psalm 145:9
That's what I'm saying today for two reasons. First at today's doctor appointment I'm proud to say not only did I not gain any more weight but lost a pound and some ounces. After last appointment's seven pound jump, yikes, I'm doing better. My doctor's nurse asked with concern "you're still eating, right?" and yes I'm still eating, just being more careful about what I put in my mouth and walking a lot more.
This brings me to my second reason for a big amen. Today on our afternoon walk Lauren and I saw a stuffed Minnie Mouse on the edge of someone's lawn. It looked quiet lonely and in nice shape so I'm sure some little girl is missing it and it had accidentally fallen from a bag. The route we took today took us down this particular side street twice. On the first pass we talked about it and how someone must have dropped her and that I'm sure they're looking for her. On the second pass Lauren just watched her as we walked on by and she was no longer visible.
We finish our walk, get back in the house and it was pretty much nap time. So we do our routine: potty, pick out books, hop into bed and read them, and then prayers and snuggles. Each afternoon when we say prayers I ask Lauren who she wants to pray for. Most days its "Dada, Mama, Bo Bear (Annabelle), baby, Bunny Night-Night, Kitty Night-Night, Bibbit Night-Night (frog)" or some version of that. If we've had someone over, like a friend, or visited someone they can often be thrown into the mix of usual people. Today however, her only response was "Minnie Mouse outside."
All I can say is that I knew my daughter was very compassionate but this even took me off guard. I mean wow! My two year old just showed me that she knows what prayer is for and why we use it. I'm not completely sure she can verbally express this but she's internalized why we pray- we pray to God for those who need God. She felt that lonely looking Minnie Mouse needed God today. My little Gift from God just never stops amazing me. But this time I made sure after coming downstairs that I prayed a prayer of thanksgiving for my compassionate, God loving girl- I'm not sure that I can fully express all the emotions I feel from that moment, but it sure is one I'll never forget!
Lauren is just a week old and this is one of my favorite pictures of her, even to this day. I felt like she knew God and was praying to him even before we ever taught her. |
"The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made." Psalm 145:9
Monday, December 17, 2012
Nap Time, Oh Sweet Nap Time
I often write/read blogs during nap time. Lauren is a A+, gold star napper, and that can't make a mama happier. She will often give me at least two hours of radio silence to do my thing. I enjoy this time and often use it to get stuff done on my list for that day. Sometimes I procrastinate that list by being on here. Today I didn't really have too much on my list, which is a nice welcomed break. Christmas is taken care of, minus the one last trip I need to make to the post office tomorrow (might I add everything is sitting in a pile by the back door all ready to go, gold star for mama). I'm not reading any books right now. I haven't started any new projects, although there are a few I should. So here I find myself blog reading and writing.
Before writing this today though I did start my "To Pack" list for the hospital bag. Wow, we're getting that close that I'm starting to think of this whole labor and delivery thing. This time is much more complicated since I'll be packing a bag for Lauren as well. My great friend Esther has agreed to take Lauren at whatever wee hour I need her when labor begins, what a great friend! But Lauren will need her stuff with her too, so it just adds a new dynamic to the preparation and execution of said plan, than last time. Last thing I want is to be in labor wondering if Bunny Night-Night and fresh underwear made it with her. I'm not sure how long she's be at her best bud Caitlyn's house and that all depends on when we head to the hospital and when my wonderful MIL makes it here, so over packing is the way to go (no a problem for me)!
While writing this list I had the thought that I can kiss this sweet two hours good-bye after sweet baby #2 arrives. In fact, I've been thinking a lot about how the dynamics are going to change around here. I think it's because I'm not quiet as naive about how much changes when a new baby is brought home this time around- or at least I think I am. I'm wondering how our schedule will shift and morph over the first few months. I wonder if I'll be a wreck or easy going about it all. I wonder if this baby will be fussy or chill. There are just so many "what ifs" to allow me to plan. Have you noticed that I'm quiet the planner?!? Hence the almost ready to use "to pack" list for a hospital trip we pray is over two months away. Oh my, I just realized that it's now only two months away! I felt like it took forever to get to three months away and now it's just two- when did that happen? Someone needs to keep me privy to these things. It still amazes me how vastly different I am with this pregnancy than I was with Lauren, which leads me to believe it will be such a different experience all together when we bring her home.
I'm sure you're bored of my babble already, but these are the thoughts that fill my head. I'm making sure to embrace this time we have left as a family of three. I'm being realistic about how this baby will most likely be polar opposite from Lauren. I'm over joyed and excited at becoming a family of four and I'm looking forward to holding this baby in my arms and looking into her eyes. I can't believe that will happen in a mere two months.
When all is said and done, I know that this journey were on is no mistake and it has God hands and heart all over it. I also know that I'll look back on this post in three months and laugh because I have faith that whatever is about to happen will all be for the better! These are my nap time thoughts.
"but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint" Isaiah 40:31
Before writing this today though I did start my "To Pack" list for the hospital bag. Wow, we're getting that close that I'm starting to think of this whole labor and delivery thing. This time is much more complicated since I'll be packing a bag for Lauren as well. My great friend Esther has agreed to take Lauren at whatever wee hour I need her when labor begins, what a great friend! But Lauren will need her stuff with her too, so it just adds a new dynamic to the preparation and execution of said plan, than last time. Last thing I want is to be in labor wondering if Bunny Night-Night and fresh underwear made it with her. I'm not sure how long she's be at her best bud Caitlyn's house and that all depends on when we head to the hospital and when my wonderful MIL makes it here, so over packing is the way to go (no a problem for me)!
While writing this list I had the thought that I can kiss this sweet two hours good-bye after sweet baby #2 arrives. In fact, I've been thinking a lot about how the dynamics are going to change around here. I think it's because I'm not quiet as naive about how much changes when a new baby is brought home this time around- or at least I think I am. I'm wondering how our schedule will shift and morph over the first few months. I wonder if I'll be a wreck or easy going about it all. I wonder if this baby will be fussy or chill. There are just so many "what ifs" to allow me to plan. Have you noticed that I'm quiet the planner?!? Hence the almost ready to use "to pack" list for a hospital trip we pray is over two months away. Oh my, I just realized that it's now only two months away! I felt like it took forever to get to three months away and now it's just two- when did that happen? Someone needs to keep me privy to these things. It still amazes me how vastly different I am with this pregnancy than I was with Lauren, which leads me to believe it will be such a different experience all together when we bring her home.
I'm sure you're bored of my babble already, but these are the thoughts that fill my head. I'm making sure to embrace this time we have left as a family of three. I'm being realistic about how this baby will most likely be polar opposite from Lauren. I'm over joyed and excited at becoming a family of four and I'm looking forward to holding this baby in my arms and looking into her eyes. I can't believe that will happen in a mere two months.
When all is said and done, I know that this journey were on is no mistake and it has God hands and heart all over it. I also know that I'll look back on this post in three months and laugh because I have faith that whatever is about to happen will all be for the better! These are my nap time thoughts.
"but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint" Isaiah 40:31
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Oven Shenanigans
Tonight's dinner exploded! Well sort of. We were having roasted veggies and chicken. I cut up all the vegetables and chicken, put some seasoning and oil on them, put them in the oven at 450 degrees, set the timer and walked away. Matt and I headed upstairs to get Lauren up from nap and when we came down I opened the oven to check on dinner to find that the baking dish I put the food in had broken into a billion pieces and our food was everywhere. I had to take a pictures because Matt and I were just so shocked that such a thing had happened. Here, take a look for yourself:
I sent this picture to my mom and MIL and called both of them. I have just not been having good luck with the oven this week. You see this is the second dinner debacle. Earlier this week I had made barbecue beef brisket, a meal I had made several times before. The brisket I had bought was smaller than the recipe intended so I was estimating the time it would take to bake, and had under estimated, causing my side dish to be done before the meat. I turned the temperature up, only 50 degrees, and figured it would cook a little faster. Well when I checked on the meat it looked like it had ballooned up. I was baffled as to how and why this hunk of meat would do this. I called my mom and MIL, who were both baffled by this as well. Mind you I had never had this happen any of the other times I had made it. It ended up that one of the corners turned/curled under causing the meat to look like it had ballooned. It tasted fine and all was well. At least this craziness ended with us being able to eat the food.
We ended up eating left over bunny pancakes and greek yogurt for dinner instead. I loved the pan and I'm upset it now resides in my garbage can. I'm also bummed because I was looking forward to a yummy dinner and the wasted money on all that food. Matt had suggested we try to salvage the food and eat it, but I was afraid their might be small shards of glass in there, so we agreed to just toss it out.
After a wonderful day spending time together it really didn't matter what we ate for dinner, and there is so much to be thankful for we didn't cry over our spilled dinner. But how crazy is that?!?
I sent this picture to my mom and MIL and called both of them. I have just not been having good luck with the oven this week. You see this is the second dinner debacle. Earlier this week I had made barbecue beef brisket, a meal I had made several times before. The brisket I had bought was smaller than the recipe intended so I was estimating the time it would take to bake, and had under estimated, causing my side dish to be done before the meat. I turned the temperature up, only 50 degrees, and figured it would cook a little faster. Well when I checked on the meat it looked like it had ballooned up. I was baffled as to how and why this hunk of meat would do this. I called my mom and MIL, who were both baffled by this as well. Mind you I had never had this happen any of the other times I had made it. It ended up that one of the corners turned/curled under causing the meat to look like it had ballooned. It tasted fine and all was well. At least this craziness ended with us being able to eat the food.
We ended up eating left over bunny pancakes and greek yogurt for dinner instead. I loved the pan and I'm upset it now resides in my garbage can. I'm also bummed because I was looking forward to a yummy dinner and the wasted money on all that food. Matt had suggested we try to salvage the food and eat it, but I was afraid their might be small shards of glass in there, so we agreed to just toss it out.
After a wonderful day spending time together it really didn't matter what we ate for dinner, and there is so much to be thankful for we didn't cry over our spilled dinner. But how crazy is that?!?
Monday, December 10, 2012
God's Gift
As I watched my sweet daughter roam around the house this weekend singing her ABC's, I just couldn't help but stop and give thanks to God for our answered prayer.
Our road to parenthood was filled with many heartbreaks. We had two miscarriages prior to conceiving our sweet baby girl. I look back at that time as a time of growth in our marriage, personally, and in my faith.
I smile as I think about how there isn't a time when I didn't want to be a mom. In college I changed majors and was blessed when I realized God's calling for me to be a teacher, but never did I have a second thought about wanting to be a mom. I babysat from middle school on and loved being around children. When Matt and I got married we always envisioned ourselves being parents one day.
We didn't have kids right away, like some young couples do. My parents had me when they were young and as I grew I saw some wisdom in waiting until you were ready to be selfless. Matt and I also wanted to enjoy being a young married couple and the joys that come with that. I look back at that time and think of how lazy we that just goes to show you that we weren't at the maturity level quiet yet to have kids. I'm glad we waiting and allowed our marriage and relationship to mature, I really do think that has helped us be better parents. I know that I've calmed and chilled as I've aged, Matt on the other hand came out of the womb calm and chilled ;-). I also know that my faith grew during that time. I didn't accept Jesus into my heart until I was in high school and I feel like sometimes I'm a step behind, and in the remedial class. All those years of teaching Sunday school sure helped me learn the bible through a kids eye- who knew that I would glean so much for my future children.
So after about five years of marriage we were ready, or so we thought we were. We decided in 2009 we'd start trying to make a family. We waited until June because Matt had gone through an unexpected job change that winter into spring. After seeing the first positive + sign on the stick I was overcome with excitement only to have it taken away just a week later. My doctor told me to see it as a good sign and we tried again once we were allowed. During this time though, we were heartbroken over the sudden health issues with our cat, Miss Kitty. She had stopped eating and drinking one weekend and two months later we found out she needed to be put down because she had kitty cancer. Those were a rough and trying two months.
I look back on that time in the 'valley of the shadows' when nothing seemed to be going right and I cried more days than I smiled as I time when I was on my knees praying fervently to God, growing in my faith and growing ever so closer to my husband as we clung to each other for support. So when we got pregnant a second time I was overjoyed that some light was being given to us. We wrapped onesies up for our parents that Christmas and announced our good news. Tears of happiness were shed and life seemed to be looking up. But just a week after Christmas when we went to our first ultrasound the news wasn't good at all, our second precious baby had no heartbeat. We now had two babies waiting for us with Jesus in heaven.
I quickly spun into a heap on the floor with anger and frustration. I was devastated and felt so alone. The hope that I was clinging onto seemed to slip from my hands. To top it off I had the hardest class of my teaching career that year, so getting up and living through a day was so hard and torturous sometimes. I pleaded with God, WHY, WHY? I didn't turn from him but ran at him with anger and pounded my fists on his chest as I struggled with our situation. When I was too tired to cry, fight, and scream, I laid at his feet. Tears flood my eyes now as I write this, thinking about this time.
Lucky for me, God picked my pathetic body up and gave me the will to continue. I did a lot of running that winter and as I gained another half mile, I gained another ray of hope. That April we saw that positive sign on the pregnancy test once again, and we braced ourselves. We braced ourselves on that same God who picked us up not that long ago and was still holding us. This positive test was the first sign to us that God had blessed us with Lauren Shea. More tears...
Had I only known then about this bubbly, goofy, smart, caring, generous, sweet, cuddly girl that was growing slowly but surely inside me I think I would have worried less and skipped more (lol, I just pictured my very pregnant self skipping and it wasn't a pretty picture, lol).
Now I look at her and think only of a wonderful God and a precious gift. This girl who sings "Baby Beluga and Rudolph" at the dinner table and counts "one, two, five, seven" is the biggest light in my day. She's taught me more than I've taught her. She's taught me to slow down. She's taught me to be a better person to others. She's taught me to give thanks for every little thing around me, even if it doesn't seem like a blessing. She's taught me that faith is no small thing.
I can't seem to put into words how my daughter has changed me, but in my heart I know. So I'll end this post with a prayer of thanksgiving. I prayer for the best gift God could have ever given me.
Heavenly Father, Thank you for loving me and my family so much that you've blessed us with Lauren Shea. I can't help but think if you every time I look at her. May your light always radiate from her and may you always fill her heart. If she is ever in distress, may she look to you, her holy comforter, for comfort and understanding. May you keep her safe and free from illness and disease. May she always walk on your lit path as she grows in your likeness. Please be with Matt and I as we train her up in your ways. Guide us daily as we help her to find her place. May your love and peace always be with her. In Jesus name I pray these things, Amen.
Our road to parenthood was filled with many heartbreaks. We had two miscarriages prior to conceiving our sweet baby girl. I look back at that time as a time of growth in our marriage, personally, and in my faith.
I smile as I think about how there isn't a time when I didn't want to be a mom. In college I changed majors and was blessed when I realized God's calling for me to be a teacher, but never did I have a second thought about wanting to be a mom. I babysat from middle school on and loved being around children. When Matt and I got married we always envisioned ourselves being parents one day.
We didn't have kids right away, like some young couples do. My parents had me when they were young and as I grew I saw some wisdom in waiting until you were ready to be selfless. Matt and I also wanted to enjoy being a young married couple and the joys that come with that. I look back at that time and think of how lazy we that just goes to show you that we weren't at the maturity level quiet yet to have kids. I'm glad we waiting and allowed our marriage and relationship to mature, I really do think that has helped us be better parents. I know that I've calmed and chilled as I've aged, Matt on the other hand came out of the womb calm and chilled ;-). I also know that my faith grew during that time. I didn't accept Jesus into my heart until I was in high school and I feel like sometimes I'm a step behind, and in the remedial class. All those years of teaching Sunday school sure helped me learn the bible through a kids eye- who knew that I would glean so much for my future children.
So after about five years of marriage we were ready, or so we thought we were. We decided in 2009 we'd start trying to make a family. We waited until June because Matt had gone through an unexpected job change that winter into spring. After seeing the first positive + sign on the stick I was overcome with excitement only to have it taken away just a week later. My doctor told me to see it as a good sign and we tried again once we were allowed. During this time though, we were heartbroken over the sudden health issues with our cat, Miss Kitty. She had stopped eating and drinking one weekend and two months later we found out she needed to be put down because she had kitty cancer. Those were a rough and trying two months.
I look back on that time in the 'valley of the shadows' when nothing seemed to be going right and I cried more days than I smiled as I time when I was on my knees praying fervently to God, growing in my faith and growing ever so closer to my husband as we clung to each other for support. So when we got pregnant a second time I was overjoyed that some light was being given to us. We wrapped onesies up for our parents that Christmas and announced our good news. Tears of happiness were shed and life seemed to be looking up. But just a week after Christmas when we went to our first ultrasound the news wasn't good at all, our second precious baby had no heartbeat. We now had two babies waiting for us with Jesus in heaven.
I quickly spun into a heap on the floor with anger and frustration. I was devastated and felt so alone. The hope that I was clinging onto seemed to slip from my hands. To top it off I had the hardest class of my teaching career that year, so getting up and living through a day was so hard and torturous sometimes. I pleaded with God, WHY, WHY? I didn't turn from him but ran at him with anger and pounded my fists on his chest as I struggled with our situation. When I was too tired to cry, fight, and scream, I laid at his feet. Tears flood my eyes now as I write this, thinking about this time.
Lucky for me, God picked my pathetic body up and gave me the will to continue. I did a lot of running that winter and as I gained another half mile, I gained another ray of hope. That April we saw that positive sign on the pregnancy test once again, and we braced ourselves. We braced ourselves on that same God who picked us up not that long ago and was still holding us. This positive test was the first sign to us that God had blessed us with Lauren Shea. More tears...
Had I only known then about this bubbly, goofy, smart, caring, generous, sweet, cuddly girl that was growing slowly but surely inside me I think I would have worried less and skipped more (lol, I just pictured my very pregnant self skipping and it wasn't a pretty picture, lol).
Now I look at her and think only of a wonderful God and a precious gift. This girl who sings "Baby Beluga and Rudolph" at the dinner table and counts "one, two, five, seven" is the biggest light in my day. She's taught me more than I've taught her. She's taught me to slow down. She's taught me to be a better person to others. She's taught me to give thanks for every little thing around me, even if it doesn't seem like a blessing. She's taught me that faith is no small thing.
I can't seem to put into words how my daughter has changed me, but in my heart I know. So I'll end this post with a prayer of thanksgiving. I prayer for the best gift God could have ever given me.
Heavenly Father, Thank you for loving me and my family so much that you've blessed us with Lauren Shea. I can't help but think if you every time I look at her. May your light always radiate from her and may you always fill her heart. If she is ever in distress, may she look to you, her holy comforter, for comfort and understanding. May you keep her safe and free from illness and disease. May she always walk on your lit path as she grows in your likeness. Please be with Matt and I as we train her up in your ways. Guide us daily as we help her to find her place. May your love and peace always be with her. In Jesus name I pray these things, Amen.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Cookies, ligths, and Pictures
I think if I wrote more often my titles wouldn't need two descriptors, but as it is here's all the little things that went on at our place this weekend.
Saturday was suppose to be a super productive day, but I think Saturday and productive are antonyms and so it was more relaxing and somewhat productive. We got our Christmas cut-out cookies made! This was the first year Lauren was able to join in on the fun. I'm pretty sure last year I did them while she napped.
Messy, messy, messy! There was flour everywhere. She had a great time though. I had an apron on, which I don't wear too often, so Lauren looked at it a little puzzled I explained it was on to keep my clothes clean while we made cookies, so she then prompted "bib, Lauren wear bib." So we got her a 'baby' bib and put it on her. She was so frappin' cute I couldn't stop smiling every time I looked over at my flour covered child. Too bad it didn't do as nice of a job as an apron would have at keeping her clean.
I usually make two batched, so I can give some cookies out as gifts, and this year I did the same. However, Lauren only helped make the first batch and conveniently it was nap time and I had to make the second batch on my own. I have to say, even thought the second batch was neater, faster, and more productive, I had way more fun with the first one!
The relaxing and slow Saturday inspired us to take a Christmas lights tour that evening. After a nice early bath, we got Lauren all dressed in her cozy Santa pajamas and headed out to a neighborhood near by that has two houses on the "Tacky Lights Tour." These house have the lights wired so they coordinate to music, so you tone your radio to the station posted and the light follow the music. Lauren had just as much fun sitting up front in the car as she did watching the lights (we were parked of course, as we watch the lights dazzle us). After sitting through a few songs we strapped her back in the back seat and drove around the rest of the neighborhood and enjoyed all the beautifully decorated houses. We laughed as she asked a few times "out, out?" thinking we'd stop and let her back up front to see the lights, poor thing.
This year has been so much more fun, as we watch Lauren enjoy the Christmas season. Last year she was just too young to understand and partake in the excitement This year she's singing Christmas songs, helping with decorating, making cookies, enjoying decorations, taking about baby Jesus and his birthday, and participating in our advent dinner prayers and candle lighting. She's just so much more aware of everything and it's making the Christmas season just that much more enjoyable!
Today we had a wonderful time at church. She loves being there so much that she said she didn't want to leave. My heart might have bounced out of my chest when I heard that, because like the Grinch's heart, mine grew today. I did not grow up going to church but love everything about church since I came to accept Jesus as my Lord and savior. The people/fellowship, the symbolism, and the fact that it's a special place made especially to meet Jesus and learn about him and God. All of these things make me want to be there more than just on Sunday morning. Our church is very beautiful, but it isn't the building I love. In fact, before we moved, my church back home was a ranch house converted into a church- not the prettiest thing, but that never mattered to me. So to hear Lauren enjoy church so much that she wanted to stay extra today meant so much to me. I'm so grateful as I start seeing signs that she too sees how great church is, how wonderful our God is, and how blessed we are for Jesus. I pray that this love continues to grow and her faith is rooted in God's promises and His love for us. I don't think there is anything I want more for her than that.
We did however end up leaving church and heading home. We got some stuff done around the house. My wonderful husband hung a bunch more stuff up for me, even though it isn't his favorite of tasks. In fact, I believe his exact words at one point today were "...this is why I hate doing this..." and "...there is going to be one day where I've hung up all that will fit on these walls and you won't be able to make me hang things up anymore" but he did it anyway and I'm so grateful. Our room looks so much more like I envisioned it. We took the mirror and two sconces we had hanging upstairs (from when that room was ours) and moved them to our new room and hung up a new picture. Such a cute picture. Decorations on the wall just make a room feel so much more homey and complete.
I also got a small painting job done in the bathroom (needed to paint some molding) and took care of some laundry too. Plus, we watched Brooke today for a few hours while her parents enjoyed a play. So today was pretty productive, and made up for our relaxation yesterday.
What a great weekend! Another week awaits us and I pray that I take each day and moment to remember how blessed we truly are this holiday season. I'll leave you with my favorite Christmas carol. It's my favorite because it reminds us that he's the reason for this season. God's prefect gift to us came to us as a baby. What lucky people we are to have such a giving God.
Saturday was suppose to be a super productive day, but I think Saturday and productive are antonyms and so it was more relaxing and somewhat productive. We got our Christmas cut-out cookies made! This was the first year Lauren was able to join in on the fun. I'm pretty sure last year I did them while she napped.
Messy, messy, messy! There was flour everywhere. She had a great time though. I had an apron on, which I don't wear too often, so Lauren looked at it a little puzzled I explained it was on to keep my clothes clean while we made cookies, so she then prompted "bib, Lauren wear bib." So we got her a 'baby' bib and put it on her. She was so frappin' cute I couldn't stop smiling every time I looked over at my flour covered child. Too bad it didn't do as nice of a job as an apron would have at keeping her clean.
I usually make two batched, so I can give some cookies out as gifts, and this year I did the same. However, Lauren only helped make the first batch and conveniently it was nap time and I had to make the second batch on my own. I have to say, even thought the second batch was neater, faster, and more productive, I had way more fun with the first one!
The relaxing and slow Saturday inspired us to take a Christmas lights tour that evening. After a nice early bath, we got Lauren all dressed in her cozy Santa pajamas and headed out to a neighborhood near by that has two houses on the "Tacky Lights Tour." These house have the lights wired so they coordinate to music, so you tone your radio to the station posted and the light follow the music. Lauren had just as much fun sitting up front in the car as she did watching the lights (we were parked of course, as we watch the lights dazzle us). After sitting through a few songs we strapped her back in the back seat and drove around the rest of the neighborhood and enjoyed all the beautifully decorated houses. We laughed as she asked a few times "out, out?" thinking we'd stop and let her back up front to see the lights, poor thing.
All clean and dressed to go take a Christmas lights tour! |
This year has been so much more fun, as we watch Lauren enjoy the Christmas season. Last year she was just too young to understand and partake in the excitement This year she's singing Christmas songs, helping with decorating, making cookies, enjoying decorations, taking about baby Jesus and his birthday, and participating in our advent dinner prayers and candle lighting. She's just so much more aware of everything and it's making the Christmas season just that much more enjoyable!
Today we had a wonderful time at church. She loves being there so much that she said she didn't want to leave. My heart might have bounced out of my chest when I heard that, because like the Grinch's heart, mine grew today. I did not grow up going to church but love everything about church since I came to accept Jesus as my Lord and savior. The people/fellowship, the symbolism, and the fact that it's a special place made especially to meet Jesus and learn about him and God. All of these things make me want to be there more than just on Sunday morning. Our church is very beautiful, but it isn't the building I love. In fact, before we moved, my church back home was a ranch house converted into a church- not the prettiest thing, but that never mattered to me. So to hear Lauren enjoy church so much that she wanted to stay extra today meant so much to me. I'm so grateful as I start seeing signs that she too sees how great church is, how wonderful our God is, and how blessed we are for Jesus. I pray that this love continues to grow and her faith is rooted in God's promises and His love for us. I don't think there is anything I want more for her than that.
We did however end up leaving church and heading home. We got some stuff done around the house. My wonderful husband hung a bunch more stuff up for me, even though it isn't his favorite of tasks. In fact, I believe his exact words at one point today were "...this is why I hate doing this..." and "...there is going to be one day where I've hung up all that will fit on these walls and you won't be able to make me hang things up anymore" but he did it anyway and I'm so grateful. Our room looks so much more like I envisioned it. We took the mirror and two sconces we had hanging upstairs (from when that room was ours) and moved them to our new room and hung up a new picture. Such a cute picture. Decorations on the wall just make a room feel so much more homey and complete.
I also got a small painting job done in the bathroom (needed to paint some molding) and took care of some laundry too. Plus, we watched Brooke today for a few hours while her parents enjoyed a play. So today was pretty productive, and made up for our relaxation yesterday.
What a great weekend! Another week awaits us and I pray that I take each day and moment to remember how blessed we truly are this holiday season. I'll leave you with my favorite Christmas carol. It's my favorite because it reminds us that he's the reason for this season. God's prefect gift to us came to us as a baby. What lucky people we are to have such a giving God.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
A Satisfing Soup Dinner Update
In my post yesterday (see previous post) I discussed my recent weight gain and need for more healthy food options and Matt's eye roll to said comment. So I thought I would make some crecenst rolls to help him enjoy the soup dinner a little more. Yes he was grateful but please do enjoy the banter that took place in our house yesterday evening...
Jennifer..."Honey I made you some crescent rolls so tonight's dinner is more satisfying"
Matt's reply as he's eating dinner..."Wow, I'm so satisfied with dinner tonight"...."this is really satisfying"..."tonight's dinner was so satisfying"
When I brought up his very sarcastic tone and how it was really hard to appreciate his "sweet" comments but he just continued with his "satisfying" remarks. I asked if he would be satisfied with a 'beating' and his reply was "I can't win here- I am just giving you a compliment about how satisfied this dinner is now that you've made crescent rolls..." (said with a huge smile on his face)
This was all said in fun and there was much laughter sprinkled throughout our lovely dinner discussion. I just wanted to write this to remind me how blessed I am to have a husband who loves me so much he can laugh with me- because you can't help but smile when you laugh!
Jennifer..."Honey I made you some crescent rolls so tonight's dinner is more satisfying"
Matt's reply as he's eating dinner..."Wow, I'm so satisfied with dinner tonight"...."this is really satisfying"..."tonight's dinner was so satisfying"
When I brought up his very sarcastic tone and how it was really hard to appreciate his "sweet" comments but he just continued with his "satisfying" remarks. I asked if he would be satisfied with a 'beating' and his reply was "I can't win here- I am just giving you a compliment about how satisfied this dinner is now that you've made crescent rolls..." (said with a huge smile on his face)
This was all said in fun and there was much laughter sprinkled throughout our lovely dinner discussion. I just wanted to write this to remind me how blessed I am to have a husband who loves me so much he can laugh with me- because you can't help but smile when you laugh!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
All in One
So much to say, like always!
This past weekend I enjoyed a retreat with the high school youth- they are such awesome kids and we had a wonderful time. It was also great because Josh and Jason were there. It was so great to see Josh with HIS youth group and see Jason and his wife. It's funny because as soon as I got around the two of them I got silly. I miss their friendships and fellowship, but have forced myself to accepted their new roles and where God has put them. I still miss them dearly. This trip also gave me a chance to get to know the new youth director. I have to admit, for a social butterfly, it's taking me a while to warm up to her. She is a lovely person and I have not one bad thing to say about her. It's just that she isn't Jason or Josh. I think part of me is a little resentful towards her for being in her position and not them. I keep praying I got over it and this retreat weekend sure helped a lot. We did some bonding Saturday night and had a long discussion and it helped me to see past the fact that she isn't "Jason or Josh." Can you tell I still need the Lord to help me work on letting them go and embracing her. All in all it was a wonderful time and being with these kids made me realize how physically exhausting caring for Lauren and being pregnant is. Even though this retreat was atop a steep mountain- I still felt so much more energetic/rested than if I had been home.
Speaking of home...we have our Christmas tree up and decorated! Matt and Lauren got it Sunday and we put it up together, since I got home from the retreat moments after them getting home from getting the tree- God's perfect timing. Yesterday, after getting home from the park, Lauren and I decorated the outside too. I don't do much outside, just some lite garland and lights around the porch posts. But it feels more like Christmas now that all the decorations are up. The warm weather has me a little thrown, but I'm not going to wish that away!!!
I also ordered our Christmas cards! I really like them and can't wait to see what they look like when I pick them up. I laugh because the worst part about Christmas cards is licking all of the frappin' envelopes!!! I hate it and have been known to beg Matt to help me. I was reminded of this as I finished Lauren's birthday thank you notes. Yuck, it just tastes so bad and I'm fearful of a paper cut on my tongue No I've never gotten one, but ouch, I hope I never do.
Today I had another baby appointment and I'm in owe of the fact that it's already time for by-weekly appointments. I was a smidge upset by my weight gain. I think between Thanksgiving, an extra sweet tooth, and the retreat this weekend (oh it was so nice to enjoy food I didn't have to shop for, cook, or clean up after- and gotta love the high fat, yummy food only a cafeteria can provide) I have not been paying quiet as much attention to this area lately. Matt was able to go to this appointment with me and he laughed at me when I tried to blame some of it on the baby. I just crave sweet things, yum. I do not have a sweet tooth naturally (Matt would laugh if he read that statement). I'm more of a pasta and bread girl. When I was pregnant with Lauren I didn't crave much out of the ordinary for me. So the fact that I love and want sweet things all the time with this one is different, so I feel I have grounds to pass along a little blame on the baby/pregnancy.
The light bulb in my head went off as I thought about my weight gain since I've started to feel so much bigger and like I did at the end of the pregnancy with Lauren. I did look at my pregnancy calendar I kept with Lauren and I did have a big jump in the second trimester with her, that I didn't have with this one. And my weight is only off by a few weeks. I weighed this much at 34 weeks with her, and I'm 30 weeks now. I just have to keep reminding myself that it's okay to gain weight, just not 7 pounds in 4's that for being real? That's ~2 pounds a week!! So I told Matt to get ready for lots of Chicken noodle soup- nutritious but low calories- I believe I got an eye roll for this comment. Needless to say I've been pretty hungry today and have subsequently drank lots more water. Just proof that I was eating too much- since I consciously ate appropriately today (soup and salad do a body good). Oh goodness...enough about this.
Some silliness from Lauren to end the the past few days I've noticed another growth spurt with her vocabulary. She is just cracking me up. The other day she blamed Bunny Night-Night for her mess- yes she blamed her stuffed animal! I didn't know that a two year old had enough logic and understanding to do this. It took all I could not to laugh at this. Then today while we were making crafts she told me "I got that mama" and when I asked her who did something she said "Lauren did." She can "sing" her ABC's almost correctly. It's too precious to listen to. Her sentences are getting longer too. I can't think of one now, but she just blows my mind with her intellect! Amen for such a sweet and smart little girl, but Lord please help me to stay a step ahead of her...please!
I'll end with a cute cartoon I saw on (here's the link so I don't get in trouble:

This past weekend I enjoyed a retreat with the high school youth- they are such awesome kids and we had a wonderful time. It was also great because Josh and Jason were there. It was so great to see Josh with HIS youth group and see Jason and his wife. It's funny because as soon as I got around the two of them I got silly. I miss their friendships and fellowship, but have forced myself to accepted their new roles and where God has put them. I still miss them dearly. This trip also gave me a chance to get to know the new youth director. I have to admit, for a social butterfly, it's taking me a while to warm up to her. She is a lovely person and I have not one bad thing to say about her. It's just that she isn't Jason or Josh. I think part of me is a little resentful towards her for being in her position and not them. I keep praying I got over it and this retreat weekend sure helped a lot. We did some bonding Saturday night and had a long discussion and it helped me to see past the fact that she isn't "Jason or Josh." Can you tell I still need the Lord to help me work on letting them go and embracing her. All in all it was a wonderful time and being with these kids made me realize how physically exhausting caring for Lauren and being pregnant is. Even though this retreat was atop a steep mountain- I still felt so much more energetic/rested than if I had been home.
Speaking of home...we have our Christmas tree up and decorated! Matt and Lauren got it Sunday and we put it up together, since I got home from the retreat moments after them getting home from getting the tree- God's perfect timing. Yesterday, after getting home from the park, Lauren and I decorated the outside too. I don't do much outside, just some lite garland and lights around the porch posts. But it feels more like Christmas now that all the decorations are up. The warm weather has me a little thrown, but I'm not going to wish that away!!!
I also ordered our Christmas cards! I really like them and can't wait to see what they look like when I pick them up. I laugh because the worst part about Christmas cards is licking all of the frappin' envelopes!!! I hate it and have been known to beg Matt to help me. I was reminded of this as I finished Lauren's birthday thank you notes. Yuck, it just tastes so bad and I'm fearful of a paper cut on my tongue No I've never gotten one, but ouch, I hope I never do.
Today I had another baby appointment and I'm in owe of the fact that it's already time for by-weekly appointments. I was a smidge upset by my weight gain. I think between Thanksgiving, an extra sweet tooth, and the retreat this weekend (oh it was so nice to enjoy food I didn't have to shop for, cook, or clean up after- and gotta love the high fat, yummy food only a cafeteria can provide) I have not been paying quiet as much attention to this area lately. Matt was able to go to this appointment with me and he laughed at me when I tried to blame some of it on the baby. I just crave sweet things, yum. I do not have a sweet tooth naturally (Matt would laugh if he read that statement). I'm more of a pasta and bread girl. When I was pregnant with Lauren I didn't crave much out of the ordinary for me. So the fact that I love and want sweet things all the time with this one is different, so I feel I have grounds to pass along a little blame on the baby/pregnancy.
The light bulb in my head went off as I thought about my weight gain since I've started to feel so much bigger and like I did at the end of the pregnancy with Lauren. I did look at my pregnancy calendar I kept with Lauren and I did have a big jump in the second trimester with her, that I didn't have with this one. And my weight is only off by a few weeks. I weighed this much at 34 weeks with her, and I'm 30 weeks now. I just have to keep reminding myself that it's okay to gain weight, just not 7 pounds in 4's that for being real? That's ~2 pounds a week!! So I told Matt to get ready for lots of Chicken noodle soup- nutritious but low calories- I believe I got an eye roll for this comment. Needless to say I've been pretty hungry today and have subsequently drank lots more water. Just proof that I was eating too much- since I consciously ate appropriately today (soup and salad do a body good). Oh goodness...enough about this.
Some silliness from Lauren to end the the past few days I've noticed another growth spurt with her vocabulary. She is just cracking me up. The other day she blamed Bunny Night-Night for her mess- yes she blamed her stuffed animal! I didn't know that a two year old had enough logic and understanding to do this. It took all I could not to laugh at this. Then today while we were making crafts she told me "I got that mama" and when I asked her who did something she said "Lauren did." She can "sing" her ABC's almost correctly. It's too precious to listen to. Her sentences are getting longer too. I can't think of one now, but she just blows my mind with her intellect! Amen for such a sweet and smart little girl, but Lord please help me to stay a step ahead of her...please!
I'll end with a cute cartoon I saw on (here's the link so I don't get in trouble:
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