

Monday, January 2, 2012


Today was another great day with daddy home with us. We enjoyed a slow morning and a yummy egg breakfast- Lauren LOVES eggs! After morning nap we ate a quick lunch and met up with Noah and Amy at the children's museum. A membership there was a wonderful gift from my dad and step-mom for Lauren's birthday. They have two locations, one downtown and one down the road from us (well 15 minutes down the road). I've only taken Lauren to the one down the road since it is geared more toward little ones. The one downtown location, which is still only 20 minutes away, is more for walker and up (so maybe we'll be hitting that one up soon). Anyway, we had a nice time visiting with them. Noah-man had a growth spurt- he's taller than Lauren now! He is exactly 3 months younger than Lauren and yet sooo much bigger. Those boys grow so much faster. 

After we got back from the museum it was time for afternoon nap. It still amazes me that she needs both naps. Caitlyn, the little girl we met at library time, she is down to one afternoon nap. Lauren is no where near ready for that. I see the benefit of it for a mommy who needs to get stuff done outside the house, but I also enjoy her morning nap time. That's when I do my daily devotional time. It's when I settle my soul and enjoy some precious moments with God, that gives me the energy and focus I need to be the best mommy, wife, and person I can be. I'm going to be sad the day she's ready to transition to one nap a day.

Wow, I'm all over the place tonight with my thoughts. Anyway, again trying to get back on track- sorry, so after we got home daddy was outside doing some outside projects like fixing our fence and Lauren was down for her nap mommy had a moment of peace. It was short lived because I was headed to the chiropractor. Yes, I had my first ever appointment. I had be noticing my lower back muscles being really tight. After i worked out or ran when I'd stretch afterwards my back would be so tight and no matter how well I stretched, it would still be tight. Then my knees started really bothering me. I'm no longer training for a race, so I'm not running as much and this confused me- why if I'm running less are my knees bothering me more? I started feeling like the back and knee issues were connected and maybe it is all connected to carrying little Lauren around in my belly for nine months.

Sure enough it was the case. I went and everything my brain was thinking was right on to what the doctor was saying. Yes, I was a biology major in college- but I focused more on environmental science and animals than humans. It was like the doctor had read my mind or something. My two hip bones had gotten out of alignment so bad- one was to far up and the other tilted down and twisted forward. I'm not surprised my knees where bothering me at all- goodness. She explained to me what I already had figured out, which is that when one part gets out of whack the others have to compensate. She snapped a few things in my neck, one thing by my shoulder, another around my mid-back, then fixed both hips, and then worked on my knee joint. I walked out pain free! Now mind you the knee thing had been bad since November after the race and had gotten progressively worse. I'm not a big fan of meds- unless that's the only way to make the pain go away, so I wasn't taking anything to help it. She told me I would feel a little sore- which I do and I'm headed back to her on Wednesday so she can check me out again (your muscles after being out of whack for so long tend to want to head back to the wrong position and need to be moved a few times before they get back to being comfortable in their original spots).

Well now to jump back around- sorry- I headed to the appointment early since I figured I would have to do paper work but when i got there there was a sign on the door that said they were closed and they'd be back at 4- the time of my appointment. So I headed back to sit in the car for the 12 minutes I needed to wait. I called Matt on my cell phone to tell him how I had to wait and my phone started to die. This happens to me all the time. I never think about my cell phone until I'm out and about and that's when I notice it's low on battery (go figure) so I charge it when I get home and then two days later when I go out again- it's dying again. It's a viscous cycle. So I went to plug it into the charger and call my mom to kill some time. that's when the cell phone charger made a buzzing noise and I noticed the battery light go on, on the dashboard. Yikes, I tried to start the car but it wouldn't start. Double yikes!! So I prayed my phone battery charged up enough to make one more call. Thankfully I was able to call Matt and tell him what was happening. He said that when Lauren wake up he would come by and see what was up. I figured it needed to be jumped. So I headed into the appointment and when I came out, to my surprise Lauren and daddy where waiting for me! He had come and started it and it worked just fine for him. He said that he turned everything off, including my seat heater which I had left on- oops. We headed to yummy Arby's to pick up dinner (lazy mommy really needs to go grocery shopping- maybe I'll be motivated tomorrow) and then enjoyed "Beefy Mondays" at home (it is the best deal- you get a whole crap load of shaved beef, four buns, and four sides for $10.99. We eat half one night and half the next night).

After dinner we played around in the living room. We've all been enjoying Lauren's Christmas gift from Santa- Legos. We build and Lauren destroys. She has also been known to dump the whole bin all over the floor. She cracks me up. She has been more adventurous today at walking from one "safe" place to another. She'll walk the length of the couch and then take a few steps to get to the ottoman and then walk along that and take a few steps to the basket or chair. I keep cheering her on- saying "Yeah!!!! You go girl. Look at you!!! You're such a big girl!!" I'm just so proud of her. I love her to bits and I can't believe how big she's gotten- it sure has made Matt and I miss the baby stage though...

Anyway- I think this post has been long enough. I have a wonderful week ahead of me and maybe I'll keep making time to post and share all the fun with you (if anyone even reads this...either way I still enjoying writing all of these memories down to be revisited later, even if it's only by me).

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