If you read my post from yesterday you can tell I was pretty down and out with the nap (or lack of nap) situation. I was at my limit and looking over the edge. My poor baby just needed to sleep and she needed it bad. I might not look just like my baby girl (she takes after daddy in the physical feature department) but she most certainly takes after my sleep habits. She has always enjoyed and needed naps and sleep at night. After six days of not napping or napping for just a wink or two she was pathetic!
When Matt got home last night I was desperate and he could tell. I needed to run so he said we should all go. Now my husband does not enjoy running at all, so I know he knew I was hurting. He decided to take Lauren to the left and walk with her, while I ran to the right. Our neighborhood is exactly a one mile loop- mighty convenient! While I was running God and I were having a conversation. I was more pleading than talking with him about the situation Lauren and I were in. I was telling him I couldn't do this much longer and I knew He could help me- I was begging for help.
Well AMEN!! It came. Today Lauren Shea went down for her morning nap at 9:50 (my mom and discussed that maybe she wasn't tired enough at 9 and I should wait a little longer). She was out cold within 8 minutes. Sleeping in her crib like a big girl with no paci! She slept for a whole hour. This my friends is an act of God if I've ever seen one. All praise and glory goes to Him! Then I got nervous for the afternoon nap. We took a trip to the library just before nap, and I was trying to keep her awake in the car on the way home and she was in her crib and asleep in 7 minutes. She only slept for thirty-five minutes this go round but she woke happy and excited to see me. I can't praise our Lord enough!
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17
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