

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Reason Number 2,496...

...why I'm not getting the mommy of the year award. Please laugh with me as I recall today's crazy events.

The morning was going wonderfully. I got up (A+). Showered. Ate. Even ran to Walgreen's to get three Mother's Day cards, M&M's, and a bottle of salad dressing (seems random, but it wasn't). Folded two loads of laundry- and all before 9:30 am- yes, I do think at this point I was actually feeling good about my day. Then as the morning continued we enjoyed the company of two wonderful ladies- they played with my kids, I was then able to fill out and address said Mother's Day cards and prepare lunch without a problem. We then enjoyed some lunch and chit-chat before our lovely company went on their merry way. Still feeling great at this point- but I should have known the moment of bliss and accomplishments were about to crash because that's what happens in a house with two kids- right?!?

We head upstairs, I was going to nurse Olivia and then give her a bath, since she missed it last night (had a church meeting she was lucky enough to attend with me) before putting both girls down for nap. Piece of cake...or not.

I'm half way done nursing Olivia on the first side and Lauren comes running into the nursery "I have to go potty!" I say in response "Go ahead, you can do it. Just take off your pants and use the stool to get up there." I continue to coach her through this experience as I wonder how she's going to do, and a few seconds later my question was answered. I heard the sound of pouring water (streaming pee) onto the bathroom floor. All I could think was, amen at least it's all on the "easy to clean" bathroom floor and not the carpet. I tell her I'm almost done nursing Olivia so just hold on. I ask if she kept her clothes dry and if she could reach the toilet paper to wipe up some of the pee. She says her pants are wet and yes she can reach the toilet paper. It's about this time Olivia finishes up and I tell Lauren I'm headed her way. Mind you, the bathroom is only six feet from where I am, but behind a wall so I can't see her. I set Olivia down and look up- there standing in front is me is my poor baby, pee dripping from her legs, with her shorts and undies in hand. I say in a panicked voice "Get back into the bathroom!" All the time thinking- don't make the mess bigger, please, please, please!!!! She turns around and I rush her into the bathroom only to have her step into the huge puddle of pee on the floor, slip, and fall smack dab onto her backside. She is now covered HEAD TO TOE in pee and crying. My mind is racing. I want to pick her up and calm her down but she's covered in pee. So I do want any mom would do and take off her pee soaked shirt and then proceed to pick her up. Poor girl. I just kept saying "I'm sorry baby." I just felt awful for her as I try and calm her. 

So I get her into the tub after calming her down, and she whimpers "I'm so sorry I pee-peed on the floor mommy" My mommy guilt is just dripping off me, along with some pee I'm sure. I reassure her it's okay she did her best to try and get on the potty and it was just an accident. I run a small bath, with bubbles because that makes every one smile, and proceed to clean up the mess on the floor. The whole time I'm thinking, you just peed an hour ago- how on earth did you make this much pee in an hour?!? On the plus side, my upstairs bathroom floor is now sparkly clean!

Lauren played in the tub while I finished nursing Olivia. I then washed Lauren up, pee-pee covered hair and all, and then plopped Olivia in the tub for a scrubbing too. They got all cleaned, lotioned, and new clothes. 

These are the days I wish I had a hidden camera in the house because this must have been a sight. A half hour after this I had both little ones down for a nap and I was taking a deep breath. Bless my heart that was one for the books or should I say blog.

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