

Thursday, August 19, 2010

When things work out...

I don't know about you, but I can be a worrier. I'm very well aware that it really does me no good, and in fact, can be harmful. It also sometimes is my way of feeling I have "control" over an issue, when we all know that when we give issues to God, for Him to control, it works out better.

Well I feel God telling me and showing me, "Don't worry Jennifer, I'm in charge and it's all under control," this week. In his fatherly, calm voice. As summer comes to a close I find myself being sad and happy. Sad that my days of freedom and leisure are going to cease to exist, but happy to start a new chapter in my life. And in this transition worry shows its ugly face.

So what's falling into place around here? A bunch of stuff. First, Tuesday I started work on my multiplication presentation for next weeks staff development. Haven't really stressed about it all summer and just got inspired to start it and it's coming along.

Next, the nursery is coming along as well. Now that the room is painted, shades are hung, and the carpet is cleaned. This week I was able to get together with my wonderful friend Becky from church and make curtains. She is coming over Friday to finish them up. We purchased the cubical organizer and ordered the rocker. Also today they're dropping off the furniture between 1-3. Which works out so nicely. This has been a stresser of mine all of August. You see we purposely went early to pick out the crib and dresser, hoping it would be delivered over the summer, when, might I add, it would be much more convenient for us. Well here it is, the last week of summer for me and it's being delivered. Thank goodness! Also, for goodness sakes, I can't wait to get it here and see the room continue to come together.

Another amen goes out to the school calling me today and letting me know that my room will be ready for me starting tomorrow. That is something I have been somewhat stressed over. They've been renovating the school and although my stuff was moved over there, I couldn't get into the room and put anything away. So next Monday and Tuesday that's what I'll be doing- fun stuff. I'm hoping being there will further spark my excitement about the new school year.

So there you have it- God showing me He has it under control. Nothing like an obvious reminder every once in a while to bring our focus back to where it belongs- on Jesus!

Philippians 2:13 "for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose"

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