Then last Saturday I had a friend from church, Josh, come help me with the trim. You see Matt is not a painter. I, for the most part, enjoy painting and feel I'm not horrible at it. I've painted most of the rooms in the house, all but three. So Matt did yard work while we painted. Painting with others makes it go by sooo much faster. It was nice having that time of fellowship with Josh as well. (If you remember, from a previous post, he was on my crew a Lebcamp this year.)
Then Friday I ventured out to get the paint for the walls and shades for the windows. I've always pictured the pleated shades for that room and was super excited to throw away those cheap mini-blinds that we've had in there.
Well after getting the paint I was motivated to get started. I had originally asked Josh to come back and help me out again. I wanted to tape off trim and start cutting in before Saturday. Well I was on a "roll" (haha) and taped all the trim, cut in the one green wall, cut in the purple walls, and then rolled the green wall. I texted Josh and told him I didn't really need him today since I had gotten so much done already. So this morning I woke up and got to work. I didn't think it would take me that long to do, but it was another 2 hours before I was done rolling the purple walls. I was exhausted afterwords! I cleaned up while Matt hung the shades up, showered, and took a 1.5 hour nap!
Now tomorrow I'm going to clean the carpet in there, with a borrowed cleaner machine. Then hopefully the furniture will be delivered this week.They are suppose to call Tuesday to set up a delivery date. So I'm thinking it should be here by the end of the week.
Wow I can't believe it is all coming together. Only by the grace of God that is for sure. I'm so grateful for all He has blessed us with. I'll end with a bible verse to sum up how I feel: "Trust in the Lord, with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do, and He will show you they way" Proverbs 3:5-6
Here are some pictures of what it looks likes so far. I can't wait until Garrett paints the garden mural on the green wall, it's going to look so great!
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