Today I enjoyed, as the title states, my last day of summer. Tomorrow and the next day we have staff development and then I head into school Friday to do some much needed work on my classroom. Thankfully a good friend, Shawn, has offered to come in and help me. I am so grateful she can do that.
So what did I spend my last day of freedom doing? Well I got up, ate, and went back to sleep. Oh, even the memory of that is wonderful. Then I officially got up again and cleaned up the kitchen, headed to the shower, and opened some windows. After a scorcher of a summer, we finally had a day below 85 degrees. So with the windows open I finished up my presentation. Amen for that! Then I met Matt for lunch and enjoyed some lovely special time with him. I just love him! Then I headed to wally-world for my homework folders, I buy for my kids every year.
After all that, I headed home to put together the glider that was delivered right before I went to meet Matt. This I have to deliberate on. I really didn't want a glider, so I wasn't as excited as I have been for other things going on in the nursery. I put it together though and sat in it. Not horrible, but not what I "wanted." I'm sure it will do it's job just fine. But then a wonderful thing happened later. When Matt brought the mail in this evening- there was a babies-r-us coupon book with a 15% off coupon for gliders. I quickly got the customer service number and called them up. They nicely awarded me with a refund. Woohoo! It was $26.25- that's big money to me. I keep thinking that we paid less money for something I didn't really want in the first place- bonus! I do have to say though, as I sat there it was wonderful to imagine sitting there with the baby once she's born...I really can't wait until she's here!!!
I've spent the remainder of my evening cleaning up the desk, which was a mess from working on the presentation and getting things ready for tomorrow morning. I don't even want to know what it's going to feel like getting up at 5:30- yuck times a hundred!
"No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit...The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart..." Luke 6:43-45 "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life..." Proverbs 11:30

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Feelings and God
Well today I ventured up to my classroom. Overwhelmed would be a good word to describe how I felt. Upset would be another word I would use. Upset that I was overwhelmed would be the phrase I would use.
It's nothing like my old classroom. I spent a lot of time realizing what I had lost in the move. Simple things that I had become accustom to. Stupid stuff. Things like a sink, a closet, a teacher desk built for someone with stuff, etc... Then this is where the upset part came into play. I got upset with myself for being so superficial and needy. I can teach anywhere and with or without most things. Why was I getting so upset about these "things?" How is the sink going to make me a better teacher? Maybe this down grade in desk size is an tangible sign of that.
In 2 Corinthians 8:9 Paul writes "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich." Maybe I need to look at my poorness of "stuff" as a way to relate to Jesus. He had it all but gave it up for us. What I had in my old school, in my old classroom, needed to be given up so that I may come back to what truly matters- the students. Not that I ever feel like I was into teaching for any other reason (certainly not the money), but maybe with my struggles last year I forgot some of the basics that matter the most.
My prayer for this year is that I do come back to the basics. The basics of life. Faith, hope, and love. I pray that I have faith that God has placed me where HE needs me, to do HIS work. My I never loss hope that with God I can thrive and live a complete life- no matter where that may be. And that I love the world around me as God loves me everyday, and unconditionally!!
It's nothing like my old classroom. I spent a lot of time realizing what I had lost in the move. Simple things that I had become accustom to. Stupid stuff. Things like a sink, a closet, a teacher desk built for someone with stuff, etc... Then this is where the upset part came into play. I got upset with myself for being so superficial and needy. I can teach anywhere and with or without most things. Why was I getting so upset about these "things?" How is the sink going to make me a better teacher? Maybe this down grade in desk size is an tangible sign of that.
In 2 Corinthians 8:9 Paul writes "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich." Maybe I need to look at my poorness of "stuff" as a way to relate to Jesus. He had it all but gave it up for us. What I had in my old school, in my old classroom, needed to be given up so that I may come back to what truly matters- the students. Not that I ever feel like I was into teaching for any other reason (certainly not the money), but maybe with my struggles last year I forgot some of the basics that matter the most.
My prayer for this year is that I do come back to the basics. The basics of life. Faith, hope, and love. I pray that I have faith that God has placed me where HE needs me, to do HIS work. My I never loss hope that with God I can thrive and live a complete life- no matter where that may be. And that I love the world around me as God loves me everyday, and unconditionally!!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
When things work out...
I don't know about you, but I can be a worrier. I'm very well aware that it really does me no good, and in fact, can be harmful. It also sometimes is my way of feeling I have "control" over an issue, when we all know that when we give issues to God, for Him to control, it works out better.
Well I feel God telling me and showing me, "Don't worry Jennifer, I'm in charge and it's all under control," this week. In his fatherly, calm voice. As summer comes to a close I find myself being sad and happy. Sad that my days of freedom and leisure are going to cease to exist, but happy to start a new chapter in my life. And in this transition worry shows its ugly face.
So what's falling into place around here? A bunch of stuff. First, Tuesday I started work on my multiplication presentation for next weeks staff development. Haven't really stressed about it all summer and just got inspired to start it and it's coming along.
Next, the nursery is coming along as well. Now that the room is painted, shades are hung, and the carpet is cleaned. This week I was able to get together with my wonderful friend Becky from church and make curtains. She is coming over Friday to finish them up. We purchased the cubical organizer and ordered the rocker. Also today they're dropping off the furniture between 1-3. Which works out so nicely. This has been a stresser of mine all of August. You see we purposely went early to pick out the crib and dresser, hoping it would be delivered over the summer, when, might I add, it would be much more convenient for us. Well here it is, the last week of summer for me and it's being delivered. Thank goodness! Also, for goodness sakes, I can't wait to get it here and see the room continue to come together.
Another amen goes out to the school calling me today and letting me know that my room will be ready for me starting tomorrow. That is something I have been somewhat stressed over. They've been renovating the school and although my stuff was moved over there, I couldn't get into the room and put anything away. So next Monday and Tuesday that's what I'll be doing- fun stuff. I'm hoping being there will further spark my excitement about the new school year.
So there you have it- God showing me He has it under control. Nothing like an obvious reminder every once in a while to bring our focus back to where it belongs- on Jesus!
Philippians 2:13 "for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose"
Well I feel God telling me and showing me, "Don't worry Jennifer, I'm in charge and it's all under control," this week. In his fatherly, calm voice. As summer comes to a close I find myself being sad and happy. Sad that my days of freedom and leisure are going to cease to exist, but happy to start a new chapter in my life. And in this transition worry shows its ugly face.
So what's falling into place around here? A bunch of stuff. First, Tuesday I started work on my multiplication presentation for next weeks staff development. Haven't really stressed about it all summer and just got inspired to start it and it's coming along.
Next, the nursery is coming along as well. Now that the room is painted, shades are hung, and the carpet is cleaned. This week I was able to get together with my wonderful friend Becky from church and make curtains. She is coming over Friday to finish them up. We purchased the cubical organizer and ordered the rocker. Also today they're dropping off the furniture between 1-3. Which works out so nicely. This has been a stresser of mine all of August. You see we purposely went early to pick out the crib and dresser, hoping it would be delivered over the summer, when, might I add, it would be much more convenient for us. Well here it is, the last week of summer for me and it's being delivered. Thank goodness! Also, for goodness sakes, I can't wait to get it here and see the room continue to come together.
Another amen goes out to the school calling me today and letting me know that my room will be ready for me starting tomorrow. That is something I have been somewhat stressed over. They've been renovating the school and although my stuff was moved over there, I couldn't get into the room and put anything away. So next Monday and Tuesday that's what I'll be doing- fun stuff. I'm hoping being there will further spark my excitement about the new school year.
So there you have it- God showing me He has it under control. Nothing like an obvious reminder every once in a while to bring our focus back to where it belongs- on Jesus!
Philippians 2:13 "for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose"
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Well the nursery is getting there! Two weeks ago, after getting back from the beach, I had Matt take down all the doors so I could start with painting those. They took me 3-4 days, but the work seemed easy since I got to sit while I did it. I also chatted on the phone or listened to my book on CD too (Eat, Love, Pray - wonderful book so far!).
Then last Saturday I had a friend from church, Josh, come help me with the trim. You see Matt is not a painter. I, for the most part, enjoy painting and feel I'm not horrible at it. I've painted most of the rooms in the house, all but three. So Matt did yard work while we painted. Painting with others makes it go by sooo much faster. It was nice having that time of fellowship with Josh as well. (If you remember, from a previous post, he was on my crew a Lebcamp this year.)
Then Friday I ventured out to get the paint for the walls and shades for the windows. I've always pictured the pleated shades for that room and was super excited to throw away those cheap mini-blinds that we've had in there.
Well after getting the paint I was motivated to get started. I had originally asked Josh to come back and help me out again. I wanted to tape off trim and start cutting in before Saturday. Well I was on a "roll" (haha) and taped all the trim, cut in the one green wall, cut in the purple walls, and then rolled the green wall. I texted Josh and told him I didn't really need him today since I had gotten so much done already. So this morning I woke up and got to work. I didn't think it would take me that long to do, but it was another 2 hours before I was done rolling the purple walls. I was exhausted afterwords! I cleaned up while Matt hung the shades up, showered, and took a 1.5 hour nap!
Now tomorrow I'm going to clean the carpet in there, with a borrowed cleaner machine. Then hopefully the furniture will be delivered this week.They are suppose to call Tuesday to set up a delivery date. So I'm thinking it should be here by the end of the week.
Wow I can't believe it is all coming together. Only by the grace of God that is for sure. I'm so grateful for all He has blessed us with. I'll end with a bible verse to sum up how I feel: "Trust in the Lord, with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do, and He will show you they way" Proverbs 3:5-6

Here are some pictures of what it looks likes so far. I can't wait until Garrett paints the garden mural on the green wall, it's going to look so great!

Then last Saturday I had a friend from church, Josh, come help me with the trim. You see Matt is not a painter. I, for the most part, enjoy painting and feel I'm not horrible at it. I've painted most of the rooms in the house, all but three. So Matt did yard work while we painted. Painting with others makes it go by sooo much faster. It was nice having that time of fellowship with Josh as well. (If you remember, from a previous post, he was on my crew a Lebcamp this year.)
Then Friday I ventured out to get the paint for the walls and shades for the windows. I've always pictured the pleated shades for that room and was super excited to throw away those cheap mini-blinds that we've had in there.
Well after getting the paint I was motivated to get started. I had originally asked Josh to come back and help me out again. I wanted to tape off trim and start cutting in before Saturday. Well I was on a "roll" (haha) and taped all the trim, cut in the one green wall, cut in the purple walls, and then rolled the green wall. I texted Josh and told him I didn't really need him today since I had gotten so much done already. So this morning I woke up and got to work. I didn't think it would take me that long to do, but it was another 2 hours before I was done rolling the purple walls. I was exhausted afterwords! I cleaned up while Matt hung the shades up, showered, and took a 1.5 hour nap!
Now tomorrow I'm going to clean the carpet in there, with a borrowed cleaner machine. Then hopefully the furniture will be delivered this week.They are suppose to call Tuesday to set up a delivery date. So I'm thinking it should be here by the end of the week.
Wow I can't believe it is all coming together. Only by the grace of God that is for sure. I'm so grateful for all He has blessed us with. I'll end with a bible verse to sum up how I feel: "Trust in the Lord, with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do, and He will show you they way" Proverbs 3:5-6
Here are some pictures of what it looks likes so far. I can't wait until Garrett paints the garden mural on the green wall, it's going to look so great!
This weeks stuff...
The summer days are starting to wind down, but that doesn't mean I've been winding down. In fact, I feel like things around here have gotten busier. Monday was a super day because I found some fabric for the nursery curtains. It is so beautiful and I just can't wait to go to Becky's next Monday and make them. (I'll have to show you pictures once they're done).
Poor Annabelle had to be taken back to the vet to get rechecked because I was pretty sure her upper respiratory infection wasn't gone. Sure enough the vet agreed and this time we had to put her on a pill. She has done surprisingly well with them. She is such a trooper!
Then I also went to Zumba on Monday. It is the first time I've gone since summer started. I feel bad about that. This is one thing I'm trying to get back into my routine before school starts back up again. Lauren was active all day but after jumping around for an hour she seemed to chill out.
Tuesday I went to breakfast with my best friend Heather (also known as Garrett) and another girl we work with, Amy. I was super excited to find out that our friend is also expecting a wonderful bundle of joy. After breakfast Amy and I went shopping for maternity clothes. I had no maternity dress pant- showing up to school with no pants on is something I hope stays in my nightmares! This coming week I'm heading to Amy's house for a night of bunko- so fun! I've always wanted to play, and from what I've heard it is a game that is all about socializing- I'm there!
Wednesday was was all about getting stuff done around the house and running errands. These are the day's I think I will miss the most once I head back to work. I love getting that kind of stuff done when Matt is at work. That way when he comes home we can just chill out. I also did Middle School Night at church with the youth. That always makes for a great mid-week spiritual boost.
Thursday I was off to the pool with Garrett and the kids for the first time all summer. Last year we went weekly, but this summer has been so busy, it has been harder to get things organized. It blows my mind to see how much the boys have grown from last year. It scares me how fast Lauren is going to grow- I had a chat with her that she needs to stay small for a long time so I can enjoy every minute of it ;-).
I felt like writing this all down because so much of my summer is gone. It will be nice to remember a typical week. I've enjoyed getting together with friends, getting stuff done around the house, taking lots of naps, and enjoying the slowness of it all! I keep praying that life doesn't get to stressful once school starts- ha, who am I trying to fool?!?
Poor Annabelle had to be taken back to the vet to get rechecked because I was pretty sure her upper respiratory infection wasn't gone. Sure enough the vet agreed and this time we had to put her on a pill. She has done surprisingly well with them. She is such a trooper!
Then I also went to Zumba on Monday. It is the first time I've gone since summer started. I feel bad about that. This is one thing I'm trying to get back into my routine before school starts back up again. Lauren was active all day but after jumping around for an hour she seemed to chill out.
Tuesday I went to breakfast with my best friend Heather (also known as Garrett) and another girl we work with, Amy. I was super excited to find out that our friend is also expecting a wonderful bundle of joy. After breakfast Amy and I went shopping for maternity clothes. I had no maternity dress pant- showing up to school with no pants on is something I hope stays in my nightmares! This coming week I'm heading to Amy's house for a night of bunko- so fun! I've always wanted to play, and from what I've heard it is a game that is all about socializing- I'm there!
Wednesday was was all about getting stuff done around the house and running errands. These are the day's I think I will miss the most once I head back to work. I love getting that kind of stuff done when Matt is at work. That way when he comes home we can just chill out. I also did Middle School Night at church with the youth. That always makes for a great mid-week spiritual boost.
Thursday I was off to the pool with Garrett and the kids for the first time all summer. Last year we went weekly, but this summer has been so busy, it has been harder to get things organized. It blows my mind to see how much the boys have grown from last year. It scares me how fast Lauren is going to grow- I had a chat with her that she needs to stay small for a long time so I can enjoy every minute of it ;-).
I felt like writing this all down because so much of my summer is gone. It will be nice to remember a typical week. I've enjoyed getting together with friends, getting stuff done around the house, taking lots of naps, and enjoying the slowness of it all! I keep praying that life doesn't get to stressful once school starts- ha, who am I trying to fool?!?
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Wednesday August 4th finally arrived!!
Well we went to the doctors and found out we're having a GIRL!!!!! I thought I would be a little disappointed because I had my heart set on a boy, but nope that lasted all of a few moments in time. You might stop reading here, since I gave away the goods already, but there is really a great story to go along with it, so keep on trucking reader!
We got up all excited and nervous of course. We had a plan to drop off Matt's car off at his work on our way and ride together. If you remember from previous posts that we are going to a different hospital then normal so we could have the appointment sooner. This hospital is further away so we needed more time for driving.
It was a rainy morning so driving conditions weren't the best, and top it off we left about 8 minutes late. I hate being late, and I hate rushing. When you live with my husband you often leave late and rush or leave late and show up late. He's slow like that. Today was no excuse. We did however sign into the appointment at 8:59 (the appointment was at 9:00). Thankfully we found the hospital with very little problems and the building too.
We sat in the waiting room for about a half hour, which mind you I don't understand. Why schedule me for one time and make me wait around forever? Why not just schedule me for a half hour later. Sometimes I wish I know someone who works at a doctors office so they can enlighten me as to how this system works.
Anyway, back on topic here. We get into the room and I tell the ultrasound tech right way that I'm interested in finding out the gender. She laughs at me. She gets me all gooped up and starts at the baby's head. I'm thinking in my head, if you start at the other end I'd be more interested in what you are saying lady. But one of the first things she does is give us a three-d image of the face. As soon as my eye saw it, I thought to myself "OMG, it looks just like's gotta be a girl!!!" It was really weird, but I knew it without knowing it. This after being so mystified the whole pregnancy. She went along the rest of the body and showed us all her parts and took measurements. It was really cool to watch her hit me on the screen and then feel it at the same time. There is no denying it now little one, you like to hit your mommy!
When we finally got to the gender area, she wrote on the screen "Hi Mom and Dad, I'm a Girl!" I thought this was the cutest thing ever. After the doctor came in a told us all looked well I just couldn't stop smiling. It felt like my wedding day all over again. I called/texted everyone as Matt drove us to his work. My mom cried, and my stepmom told me "I knew it!" I had a few friends ask me if I was okay with it, and all I was thinking in my head was "Of course I'm okay with my baby girl- God had blessed me and I'm overjoyed with his gift to me!"
We got up all excited and nervous of course. We had a plan to drop off Matt's car off at his work on our way and ride together. If you remember from previous posts that we are going to a different hospital then normal so we could have the appointment sooner. This hospital is further away so we needed more time for driving.
It was a rainy morning so driving conditions weren't the best, and top it off we left about 8 minutes late. I hate being late, and I hate rushing. When you live with my husband you often leave late and rush or leave late and show up late. He's slow like that. Today was no excuse. We did however sign into the appointment at 8:59 (the appointment was at 9:00). Thankfully we found the hospital with very little problems and the building too.
We sat in the waiting room for about a half hour, which mind you I don't understand. Why schedule me for one time and make me wait around forever? Why not just schedule me for a half hour later. Sometimes I wish I know someone who works at a doctors office so they can enlighten me as to how this system works.
Anyway, back on topic here. We get into the room and I tell the ultrasound tech right way that I'm interested in finding out the gender. She laughs at me. She gets me all gooped up and starts at the baby's head. I'm thinking in my head, if you start at the other end I'd be more interested in what you are saying lady. But one of the first things she does is give us a three-d image of the face. As soon as my eye saw it, I thought to myself "OMG, it looks just like's gotta be a girl!!!" It was really weird, but I knew it without knowing it. This after being so mystified the whole pregnancy. She went along the rest of the body and showed us all her parts and took measurements. It was really cool to watch her hit me on the screen and then feel it at the same time. There is no denying it now little one, you like to hit your mommy!
When we finally got to the gender area, she wrote on the screen "Hi Mom and Dad, I'm a Girl!" I thought this was the cutest thing ever. After the doctor came in a told us all looked well I just couldn't stop smiling. It felt like my wedding day all over again. I called/texted everyone as Matt drove us to his work. My mom cried, and my stepmom told me "I knew it!" I had a few friends ask me if I was okay with it, and all I was thinking in my head was "Of course I'm okay with my baby girl- God had blessed me and I'm overjoyed with his gift to me!"
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