

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Confessions of a Pregnant Mama...

Well here they are...

  • I dread taking showers and have created a two day schedule, where Day 1 I wash body, face and hair. Day 2 I wash body, face, and shave. I feel like I do less and don't stink as bad as skipping them all together
  • Some days I lay on the couch for the better half of the day. But I've gotten quite inventive at ways to play with Lauren while in this comfortable position
  • I often, 4 out of 5 nights, get so yucky feeling while eating dinner that I asked to be excused half way through the meal to again assume the preferred position on the couch
  • I have given in and have used caffeine to make it through the day
  • Sometimes I spice up life and lay on the playroom floor and play with Lauren- still helps the nauseous feeling go away, but not as comfortable and squishy as the couch.
  • I dread making dinner and eating it for that matter (something I love to do when not in my pregnant state)
  • I haven't worked out in about 8 weeks which is making my flabby belly look more pregnant that I did with Lauren (might also be caused my flabby ab muscles that pre-Lauren were nice and tone)
  • I fall asleep before my daughter each night
  • My house has tumble weeds (aka Annabelle hair mixed with dirt) that have taken up permanent residence on my floors. Some days I wonder if I should name than and then demand rent
  • There are some days my sweet husband does more around the house after Lauren and I are sleeping than I do all day
  • Even with all that said I'm thankful to God everyday for the sweet, precious baby He has blessed Matt, Lauren and I with!!

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