Sniffle, sniffle-yes we have a round of the yucky cold here in our household. Doing better today than Monday and Tuesday. Feeling less tired and run down and my sinus' feel more normal. Lauren, poor baby, is still coughing and has some boogies. I keep telling myself that she has been sick a whooping three times in her life and that isn't bad. I just hate when she gets sick. She can't tell me what's wrong, I can't fix her with medicine, and she's just pathetic looking. Lots of hugs and snuggles going on here.
We're so ready for Christmas here. We even got an early gift. On Monday night, December 19th- Lauren Shea took her first steps. She left the side of the bed and headed straight for daddy, who was on the floor, and took five or six steps. It was wonderful! I was on the phone with Matt's mom so she was there to hear the exciting news first hand. Lauren hasn't really ventured to take more since. She attempted some more that night, but didn't get much past the first step. We just keep cheering her on and she'll get it in her own time.
Other great news is that Matt's parents might make it here for Christmas evening. We weren't sure when to expect them to visit- since they work with USPS it's hard to get days off at Christmas time. But when I was talking to her they might be down here on Christmas. I think that would be wonderful, I can't wait!! All I have left to do is wrap up some gifts, which is something I look forward to each year.
Feeling mighty blessed and thankful this holiday season! Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to man on whom his favor rest." Luke 2:14
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