

Friday, December 16, 2011

Open Eyes

So I've been thinking of a lot of posts, just not writing them down. I really blame it on the early sun set and holiday preparations. The early sunset makes you think bed time is right here and your day is done. So at 4:30-5 o'clock my brain and body start shutting down. Not cool when there is still dinner and other things to get done.

Life around here is good. Getting the cookies baked, house decorated, and present shopping done. I've had to store all the gifts in the closet this year. Usually as they come in I wrap them and put them under the tree to wait until Christmas. This year I can't do that since at Lauren's birthday we taught her how to open presents it might not be a good idea to taunt her with them. Plus I don't want to tell her no, no, no and then Christmas day want her to be excited about the gifts. I'm kind of hoping that when she comes down Christmas morning and sees all the gifts she's be super excited. Ha, watch her care less-lol!

I do most of my shopping online for Christmas. We did go to Target for some gifts this year, but for the most part Amazon is my holiday friend. I love that they will ship stuff for free- it not only saves me from having to go to the store, but the post office as well. Although I had a wonderful experience at the post office the other day. I had to send out Finn's gift and Matt's brother, Josh's girlfriends gift. Matt's work is right next to the post office so I had asked him if he would go with me. It ended up that Lauren fell asleep in the car so he stayed in the car with her and I went it. The line was out the door but it moved pretty steadily. While in line I had a wonderful converstation with a nice lady. I love when that happens because I feel so often we notice the crabby people or the hostile ones- it is wonderful to notice the nice people who enjoy brighten others days.

In the Luke Bible study I'm doing with Shauna it really highlights how God and Jesus usually use the ordinary people to do extraordinary things. When Jesus came he didn't use Kings and Queens or even others in high positions, like priests, to reveal His glory. It has opened my eyes to look for God in those ordinary people around me and to be an person who God can work through. Many people in Jesus' day missed what wonder was right in front of them because they were caught up in how they thought the coming of Christ should look. I don't want to be a person who missed the spender and glory God has laid out right in front of me. I pray that my eyes and heart will always be open to seeing what He has sent.

"...because the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:21

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