

Friday, October 28, 2011

Snuggles and Cuddles

I've been getting sad these days as I watch my baby grow into a toddler, as I nurse less and less, and as she flourishes more and more without my aid. Sad for what has past and yet happy for what is yet to come.

There is so much to be thankful for. I find myself in prayer more and more as I just give thanks back to our Loving Lord for our little girl!

As Lauren approaches 1 year we are slowly but surely weening her from nursing and introducing whole milk into her meal time. I'm sad to watch this time come to an end, but in some ways I'm glad to call my body my own. It's been her home, source of comfort, and her means of nourishment for the past 21 months- and I know you might roll your eyes at me as I say that I think she's a bit sad to loose it too. Well you're wondering how I know this, and to be quite honest I might be reaching here, but these are my feelings/findings so let it be.

Once Lauren became mobile she has been less and less of a snuggle bug. This made me heartbroken because I'm having to let her go more and more as she pushed with both arms to get down and be 'free'. But I've always relied on my nursing time to get my snuggles in. Well now that time has been less and less. Lately though she has awoken from some naps in distress (I know this by the cry). I go up to see what's going on and I pick her up to comfort her and whisper that "mommy's here, it's okay" and then we snuggle in the glider. Some times, when I'm lucky, she lays in my arms for a minute and tosses and turns her head only to fall asleep. All she wanted was mommy and it's in this moment my heart is beaming with delight. It is such a special time for me. It has been a long time since she has slept in my arms and I never want it to end because in the back of my head I wonder if this will be the last time she does this. Is this just one more thing I have to give up for her to grow up.

I'm so proud of my big girl and all the things she can do, and I can't believe how much she's grown. So thanks be to God for the wonderful gift be bestowed upon Matt and I. We pray daily that we do Him justice in raising her!

Lauren Shea, 1 Year

"My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant..." Luke 1:46-48

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