

Friday, May 4, 2012


We had some wonderful visitors! My dad and step-mom (Sue) came down to visit us. Lauren had a ball with them. She's gotten better and better with each new visitor at having fun and playing with them. Needing to be stuck to mom is now a thing of the past, or so I think. Grandma Sue taught Lauren a new word- EGGIES! As they read the same book over and over all weekend, bless her heart. It was so great to have them here and as always we got lots of house projects done...including a new patio door!!!

 Here is my house exposed to the elements, which thank God was sun and hot air only. My dad had the old door out of there in no time. Annabelle and Lauren didn't know what to make of it at first. As we already knew, the old door was a rotten mess, so A+ for replacing it before it just fell out on its own.

Here's dad getting everything prepped to put the new door in. Oh my lovely new door! We did a lot of things to make sure this one doesn't rot away after just twelve years of use. A+ to dad for rocking the know how to do it all. 

Here we are about to put the new door in and say bye bye to the huge hole in my house.

And it's in! The door was a bit smaller than the old door but you would never know. My dad was a miracle worker. It's all caulked up and we used this new PVC wood stuff (Azec) so low maintenance and PVC can't rot- so bring on those summer storms.

I just took these next two picture since I realized I didn't have the finished product photo. You can see that the sidelights open and have screens. That way I can vent the house, let cool fall/spring breezes in, and listen for little Lauren noises while I'm cooking and she's playing. That way we don't need a screen door. Which would sound weird to say but this is the door we use 99.9% of the time we enter or leave our house, so when your hands are filled one less door to deal with is heaven sent!

Here's the outside view. I also love that the grid is inside the window. My old door had it outside and it was a pain in the bum to clean each little panel. The little things in life can make us such happy people!

I'm so grateful for my dad helping us out with this BIG project. We couldn't have done it without him. I don't even want to know how much he saved us money wise. I told him when he comes down for Christmas this year it will a nice labor free visit- well sort of, there is this one thing...

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