We just got back from our first trip to pool with Garrett and the kids, so my brain (just today) registered that it is now summer. I have been waiting for the moment when it would sink in that this wasn't just a long weekend or a week off from work, but rather summer! We had such a great time with them. I feel so grateful for her friendship and love the traditions we've developed of the years.
It was great to be there with Lauren too. It was her first time in a big pool. She sat in her floaty and enjoyed kicking her legs. Garrett's middle boy, Caiden was a riot with Lauren. Lauren and I were "chasing" him around the pool and Caiden was splashing us. Aliana (her youngest girl) and Lauren were taking swim breaks in the wagon together and playing (as best as a 7 month old and 1 year old can play). It was such a wonderful time and I'm hoping even with my busy summer schedule that we will be able to do it a few more times before the pool closes on Labor day.
I've been lucky enough to have Garrett as a friend now for four years. I always tell her that our friendship works so well because she helps me not take life so seriously. I've never had a friends that can make me laugh so much over nothing. She's been there with me through the hard times we've had over the past year or so. She is as loyal as they come and I've always admired what a wonderful mother she is. I've told her, and am now telling you, that her friendship has helped me be a better mother to my daughter- how wonderful is that! Plus, she's a blast to be around! She, like Matt, keeps my head out of the clouds. God blessed me and my family the day he knitted our lives together.
"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24
"No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit...The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart..." Luke 6:43-45 "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life..." Proverbs 11:30

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Top Ten List: Teaching
I was washing dishes yesterday and I thought of this. Enjoy!
9. Field trips
8. "I wasn't the only one talking."
7. What was the purpose of this assembly? Oh well, at least I get to sit down for a minute.
6. How thirty minutes for reading lasted FOREVER and thirty minutes for specials was over in the blink of an eye.
5. Repeating myself over and over only for a student to ask you the question you had answered 10 times already.
4. Have you turned in your data spreadsheet and benchmark narratives?
3. Taking longer than 10.2 minutes to inhale my lunch
2. Noise level- enough said.
1. Being able to use the bathroom when I feel the need!
10. "Mrs. Bennett, we need your attendance"THINGS I WON'T MISS ABOUT TEACHING...
9. Field trips
8. "I wasn't the only one talking."
7. What was the purpose of this assembly? Oh well, at least I get to sit down for a minute.
6. How thirty minutes for reading lasted FOREVER and thirty minutes for specials was over in the blink of an eye.
5. Repeating myself over and over only for a student to ask you the question you had answered 10 times already.
4. Have you turned in your data spreadsheet and benchmark narratives?
3. Taking longer than 10.2 minutes to inhale my lunch
2. Noise level- enough said.
1. Being able to use the bathroom when I feel the need!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Saving Money...
Okay, I'm not sure if anyone actually reads my posts or not. It really doesn't matter to me. I started this blog because I wish I would journal more and feel like life goes by so fast these days, so I need to write it all down. Plus, I am a horrible speller so typing is a billion times better because of spell check (which doesn't always help). Anyway, today I'm asking for help from anyone who might read this.
I went online and found some books on saving money for stay at home moms (SAHM). Matt and I sat down this afternoon while Lauren napped and looked at our bills and soon to be smaller income. We've tried our hardest to save half my paycheck each month, which I am proud to say we were able to do most months. But now it's crunch time and I want to get our monthly bills as low as they can go.
We are already pretty frugal people and live a rather simple life, so we're hoping it won't be too hard. But what are some ways you other SAHM's save money?
Right now I'm looking into reusable diapers. Man, I've never felt so proud of myself as I do with the time and energy I've put into researching these. I will have to post more about that later. I also got two books on hold at the library that I'm hoping will give me some tips. And I have been praying about it. I know that the Lord has put it on both of our hearts that this is the best decision for our small family. I know that relying on God to provide our needs is my first and best advice. I'm SO grateful for out Loving Lord and all that He provides us with.
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1 (KJV)
Friday, June 10, 2011
The Last Day...
Here it is the last day of the school year (with students) and I'm not having the mixed feelings I thought I would. I figured I'd be more sad than I am. I have to say I just keep thinking about my beautiful munchkin at home.
There are a few students I will miss dearly. It is that way every year- ones you wish you could visit after the year is complete. I do have to say there are some students you feel like 9 months was too much and some that it just isn't enough. I'm glad that they give teachers a free class picture each year because I was looking back at them while I was packing up the classroom and I couldn't believe all of the students that I've taught. 7 years is a long time.
Now it's time for the next phase of my life. God knows that I'm ready for this new adventure Lauren and I are going to take together. I think that might be my favorite part of it all, that I get such an awesome buddy to share this next stage of my life with. I don't have to give her up after nine months (hehehe)!
As I packed up everything I was thinking about stuff that I could keep at the house so Lauren could use. I loved when teachers gave away things at the end of the year and then Shauna and I would play school. Some things that I kept for her include: stickers, books (of course), stamps, craft sticks, games, and construction paper. We're going to get to do so many crafts without spending a dime- it'll be great!
Speaking of packing- wow, I can't believe how much stuff I had. That is even with giving away a bunch to fellow teachers. I had two long Rubbermaid tubs of just files! Then I had one big tube of stuff like flash cards, tangrams, math manipulative, and stuff like that. Then I had thirteen small Rubbermaid bins FILLED to the brim with books! When my mother in law came down to watch Lauren this week she took a whole Santa Fa worth of stuff back to their house to store for me. I can't tell you how grateful I was for that. I think I'll be thanking her for a long time. Since our house has no basement, attic, or garage (what were we thinking when we bought this house?!?).
So my last thoughts of this last day with students is this "I'm going to love missing them and not missing my baby!"
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