I have been praying and praying about what to do with Lauren when I go back to work for the rest of the school year. I've asked a few ladies at church who stay at home with their kids, but both of them declined. One of them gave me the number of the sitter she used before she stayed home, so I called her. That was a dead end. Once I had exhausted my options then I just started telling everyone who would listen that I was looking for someone and if they could keep an ear out that would be awesome.
Well God is great! Today I got a call from a lady at church, who is awesome, and her daughter is currently out of work and is interested in the job. So I'm meeting with Jennifer (yes that's her name too) in January to 'interview' for it.
Wow! Wow, I can't say enough how awesome this would be. She would be able to come to our house and watch her. I wouldn't have to put her in a daycare where she would be exposed to germs and yucky (not that I'm germ-a-phob but the less yucky the better). We wouldn't have to wake her to drive her anywhere. I would just be able to drive home and not have to stop somewhere else and pick her up. I just need to keep praying that this is the door the Lord wants us to go through. Please pray with me!!
"No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit...The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart..." Luke 6:43-45 "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life..." Proverbs 11:30

Friday, December 17, 2010
Lauren is down for a nap right now, and I just finished the thank you notes I've been procrastinating, so I have a moment to write down all that has been going on.
First she was up ALL morning. This is a first. As I told you this girl sleeps so much. But today she was up from 7 am until 1. That is huge for her. She did sleep for a billion hours yesterday (a little bit of an exaggeration). She also ate horrible because of that. She falls asleep all the time during nursing. I know that this habit will pass, but I get so nervous when she doesn't eat, to what in my mind, isn't enough. I know she isn't going to starve to death, but it still is unnerving. This morning though, she ate like a champ.
I do have to say, I felt, that while I was pregnant I didn't get as much "advise" as I had expected to get. I feel like from the magazine articles I read and what friends had warned me people all over would had advise for me. That didn't seem to be the case. Now though, a totally different story. While my mom was here, she seemed to all of a sudden have everything to say about how and what I should did with Lauren. Don't get me wrong, some of it I was grateful for. But some I was getting annoyed with. I feel the say way with my best friend. I feel like very conversation we've had lately has had some "advise" for me. Some of it unwanted and unnecessary. I know I have gone to her for advise a lot, and when I ask for it, it's a whole other thing. I guess it was just today she had made a sly comment about how often I hold her and how I put her down to sleep. I didn't ask her about it and I didn't want to hear her opinion. She isn't here all day, she doesn't know what I've been doing. I know they've told me and I've read in a billion books (sorry about the exaggeration again) book that you can't spoil a baby. I enjoy holding her. I've waited over two years to hold her and if I want to hold her I will!!!
Sorry for the rant, but I needed to get that out. I needed to feel like someone knew, without telling someone. I hate that feeling of wanting to talk about something that is on your mind, but then feeling like if you do, it will some how get back to that person and they'll be upset with you.
Well I better go check on Lauren and I still need to relax a little. Haven't had my nap yet today and that is never a good thing once 8 o'clock hits and I'm exhausted!
First she was up ALL morning. This is a first. As I told you this girl sleeps so much. But today she was up from 7 am until 1. That is huge for her. She did sleep for a billion hours yesterday (a little bit of an exaggeration). She also ate horrible because of that. She falls asleep all the time during nursing. I know that this habit will pass, but I get so nervous when she doesn't eat, to what in my mind, isn't enough. I know she isn't going to starve to death, but it still is unnerving. This morning though, she ate like a champ.
I do have to say, I felt, that while I was pregnant I didn't get as much "advise" as I had expected to get. I feel like from the magazine articles I read and what friends had warned me people all over would had advise for me. That didn't seem to be the case. Now though, a totally different story. While my mom was here, she seemed to all of a sudden have everything to say about how and what I should did with Lauren. Don't get me wrong, some of it I was grateful for. But some I was getting annoyed with. I feel the say way with my best friend. I feel like very conversation we've had lately has had some "advise" for me. Some of it unwanted and unnecessary. I know I have gone to her for advise a lot, and when I ask for it, it's a whole other thing. I guess it was just today she had made a sly comment about how often I hold her and how I put her down to sleep. I didn't ask her about it and I didn't want to hear her opinion. She isn't here all day, she doesn't know what I've been doing. I know they've told me and I've read in a billion books (sorry about the exaggeration again) book that you can't spoil a baby. I enjoy holding her. I've waited over two years to hold her and if I want to hold her I will!!!
Sorry for the rant, but I needed to get that out. I needed to feel like someone knew, without telling someone. I hate that feeling of wanting to talk about something that is on your mind, but then feeling like if you do, it will some how get back to that person and they'll be upset with you.
Well I better go check on Lauren and I still need to relax a little. Haven't had my nap yet today and that is never a good thing once 8 o'clock hits and I'm exhausted!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
I crack myself up!
It's so funny to think that I was excited to go on maternity leave, for a lot of reasons, but one of them was that I would have more time to blog on here. LOL, that was a joke. I mean I do have more time now that when I was working. But... most of that time I find myself in a vegetative state on the couch recuperating from the last feeding or the lack of sleep.
Now don't get me wrong, Lauren sleeps so well. In fact, sometimes I get bored and wish she were awake- then I remind myself that this stage will pass and I'll look back on it and want to kick myself for wishing her awake!
Over all I've enjoyed these few weeks I've had with her. She is a wonderful baby! I love holding her, rocking her to sleep, kissing on her, reading to her, watching her sleep, waking up and knowing she's right there waiting on me. I love giving her a bath. Every time she's taking a bath I'm so happy we installed our new kitchen sink last March. She fits so nicely in there. If I put her in the bathtub I think she might go down the drain, she's so tiny!
Speaking of tiny, she's now over 6 pounds!! Me and her have had our share of struggles with nursing. We've both hung in there and things are going a LOT more smoothly now. Due to our struggles she had a few issues with gaining weight. Now though she is doing great and I see her growing up big a strong (but hopefully not to fast!)
Speaking of nursing, it's that time again!
Now don't get me wrong, Lauren sleeps so well. In fact, sometimes I get bored and wish she were awake- then I remind myself that this stage will pass and I'll look back on it and want to kick myself for wishing her awake!
Over all I've enjoyed these few weeks I've had with her. She is a wonderful baby! I love holding her, rocking her to sleep, kissing on her, reading to her, watching her sleep, waking up and knowing she's right there waiting on me. I love giving her a bath. Every time she's taking a bath I'm so happy we installed our new kitchen sink last March. She fits so nicely in there. If I put her in the bathtub I think she might go down the drain, she's so tiny!
Speaking of tiny, she's now over 6 pounds!! Me and her have had our share of struggles with nursing. We've both hung in there and things are going a LOT more smoothly now. Due to our struggles she had a few issues with gaining weight. Now though she is doing great and I see her growing up big a strong (but hopefully not to fast!)
Speaking of nursing, it's that time again!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Well I got a real reason...
Guess who listened really well to her mama?! Lauren!!! Our baby girl was born November 21, 2010. Weighing in at 5 lbs. 14 oz. and was 19 inches long. We are so happy to have her here in our arms. In fact, I often times can't seem to put her down (right now she's sleeping in my lap as I write this).
She is so precious, I can't explain what it's like to have her here and love on her daily. To be here for her every need and take extra good care of her. My mind is always overflowing with love and faith. I can't say enough about how special I feel that God blessed us so!
Someone woke up early...I'll be back with more about little Lauren later!
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