This weekend we were able to purchase and set up Lauren's big girl bed! After the blessing of selling the queen bed we had and having the time to reorganize yesterday there was finally space for it. So Matt and his dad went and purchased it and we had it set up so when she got up from nap it was all ready. She was super excited and wanted to get right in it.
Thankfully I still had the twin sheets from my college years, and I had purchased a water proof mattress protector at Target so I was able to make the bed up. I pushed it against a wall and my MIL had found a bed rail at a garage sale so she would be able to sleep in it right away.
She loved that she got her own pillow! I'm having quilts made for both twin beds (we're buy the second bed at the beginning of November) and so I just put on her favorite comfy blanket over top. It looked so comfy!
Perspective is funny sometimes. After we set up the bed, we were commenting on how tiny it was. Then you put her in it and she looks small and the bed looks so big. I just had to giggle at that.
I just can't get over how excited I am for her to make this big step but how sad I am that she's big enough to do it. Wow- she's my big girl!!
Today for nap I was fully ready to put her down in her crib, but she had other plans. We read books, said prayers, and then used the potty. All this as usually, in the nursery (well except the potty...). But once she had her pants back on she went running for her new room saying "Big Girl Bed!" I asked if she really wanted to nap in there and she just repeated again "Big Girl Bed!" so we cleaned off the toys and brought in her stuffed animals. Then I tucked her in and headed out the door. She called for me a few minutes later asking for "books," which oops I forgot to put in there and then after about 15 minutes of reading and talking to herself she was out. I sneaked upstairs and took this picture...
...then I called Matt to tell him what had just happened.
I plan on stripping the crib and raising the crib mattress (I'm thinking good visual indicators to her that this bed is now unavailable to you). I hope that she continues to enjoy her new room and bed as the days and weeks pass. What a blessing my girl is- she makes this whole parenting this so much fun!
"No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit...The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart..." Luke 6:43-45 "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life..." Proverbs 11:30

Monday, October 22, 2012
Such a big weekend!
Holy goodness there are about seven hundred other things I should be doing but I can't put off another minute what I've been waiting to write about! So yeah to procrastination!!
First, oh my what a wonderful weekend! How great it was to have Matt's parents come down and to see them. It's such a treat to have them here. They came Friday a little after lunch and stayed through this morning. Them being here gave Matt and I some time to get away. So Friday after Matt got home from work and visited a little- we headed to a friends vacation home.
All I can say is quiet, it was so tranquil and quiet. We slept like champs Friday night after enjoying some Arby's dinner on the drive down. Both of us have been so tired that the sleep (and did a mention quiet) were such a wonderful gift. Saturday we enjoyed a nice walk around the area and I got almost all of my cross-stitch project done (I won't shame myself by telling you how long ago I started this project or that it's for some friend who got married this past April...yes my head is hung a little low for this). Matt enjoyed reading magazine after magazine- there were lots there. We chatted and enjoyed watching the 'baby on board' kicking and squirming around inside my tummy. I napped while Matt enjoyed a movie (the only time we turned on anything electronic, aside from our cell phones to call home). We decided that dishes were too hard to do on such a relaxing getaway so we got take out for dinner. Before we knew it, we were ready for another early night and off to bed we went. As crazy as my sleep has been these day- waking up at the wee hours of the morning and not being able to fall back to sleep for what feels like forever (yes, this is still a problem for me)- I slept like a champ, 10 straight hours each night.
By the time Sunday morning rolled around I was ready to get home and take advantage of my in-laws being in charge of Lauren and the house. We got back and I got right to work reorganizing and cleaning. I got so much done and Matt and his dad got stuff done I wasn't even hoping to happen. It was such a productive day. It was like all the energy that I didn't use the day before was stored up so I could do twice as much the next day. Plus, my MIL was doing all my usually things, watching Lauren, cooking, cleaning up etc. so it freed me up to be able to do whatever I needed to do. I know I could use that break more often and it makes me so wish we could be closer to family- especially them.
My Four Phase plan is moving full speed ahead! Check out what I got done:
Phase One: -Empty guest/playroom and closet - moving everything upstairs.
-Prep room to be painted
-Purchase paint and paint room
-Reorganize closet in office to accommodate more stuff (this
should be fun...)
Phase Two: -Move our bedroom furniture downstairs and set up room
- Decorate our new master bedroom
- Redesign, purchase, and install closet organization for this room
-Sell one queen mattress set
-Purchase two twin mattress sets
Phase Three: - Reorganize upstairs closets- we have three and they will all be
- Purchase two new dressers, a nightstand and two twin beds for
Lauren's new room
-Reorganize Lauren's stuff into new room
- Purchase bedding for new beds
-Purchase and hang new blinds for this room (curtains too, but no
rush on those)
Phase Four: - Decorate Lauren's new room
- Wash, fluff, and spruce up nursery for new baby
-Redecorate upstairs bathroom into a kids bathroom
My house feels more like a house. Matt's and my new master bedroom so close to being complete- it all but needs some pictures on the wall and you can call it done. Lauren's new room is moving along quite nicely. I'm still organizing some toys, books, and need to switch over closets- but it looks like a kids room and not a room of crap in piles. The nursery is back to normal- no random furniture toys and boxes lining the walls. It's getting there.
This week is relatively slow- I only have Brooke one day, and I only have plans for Friday- other than that I've got time to do things. This wonderful math equation show how I feel in a nut shell Stuff being done + time to get more stuff done = one happy lady. Most of the things left are tedious and it's stuff most people will never see or notice- like closet reorganization- but once it's done, it's done! (I know that statement is redundant but we all know we do stuff just so it's done and we don't have to do it again- hopefully for a while).
I'm so grateful for a wonderful weekend, that had the prefect combination of relaxation and productivity. I'm so grateful for the time to reconnect with my loving husband- Happy 7th Anniversary to us! I'm so grateful for family that so willingly and generously helped us out in SO many ways. I'm so grateful for the house we have and the home we've created. Amen to all those blessings!
"God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:8
First, oh my what a wonderful weekend! How great it was to have Matt's parents come down and to see them. It's such a treat to have them here. They came Friday a little after lunch and stayed through this morning. Them being here gave Matt and I some time to get away. So Friday after Matt got home from work and visited a little- we headed to a friends vacation home.
All I can say is quiet, it was so tranquil and quiet. We slept like champs Friday night after enjoying some Arby's dinner on the drive down. Both of us have been so tired that the sleep (and did a mention quiet) were such a wonderful gift. Saturday we enjoyed a nice walk around the area and I got almost all of my cross-stitch project done (I won't shame myself by telling you how long ago I started this project or that it's for some friend who got married this past April...yes my head is hung a little low for this). Matt enjoyed reading magazine after magazine- there were lots there. We chatted and enjoyed watching the 'baby on board' kicking and squirming around inside my tummy. I napped while Matt enjoyed a movie (the only time we turned on anything electronic, aside from our cell phones to call home). We decided that dishes were too hard to do on such a relaxing getaway so we got take out for dinner. Before we knew it, we were ready for another early night and off to bed we went. As crazy as my sleep has been these day- waking up at the wee hours of the morning and not being able to fall back to sleep for what feels like forever (yes, this is still a problem for me)- I slept like a champ, 10 straight hours each night.
By the time Sunday morning rolled around I was ready to get home and take advantage of my in-laws being in charge of Lauren and the house. We got back and I got right to work reorganizing and cleaning. I got so much done and Matt and his dad got stuff done I wasn't even hoping to happen. It was such a productive day. It was like all the energy that I didn't use the day before was stored up so I could do twice as much the next day. Plus, my MIL was doing all my usually things, watching Lauren, cooking, cleaning up etc. so it freed me up to be able to do whatever I needed to do. I know I could use that break more often and it makes me so wish we could be closer to family- especially them.
My Four Phase plan is moving full speed ahead! Check out what I got done:
Phase One: -
Phase Two: -
- Decorate our new master bedroom
- Redesign, purchase, and install closet organization for this room
Phase Three: - Reorganize upstairs closets- we have three and they will all be
- Purchase two new dressers, a nightstand and two twin beds for
Lauren's new room
- Purchase bedding for new beds
Phase Four: - Decorate Lauren's new room
- Wash, fluff, and spruce up nursery for new baby
This week is relatively slow- I only have Brooke one day, and I only have plans for Friday- other than that I've got time to do things. This wonderful math equation show how I feel in a nut shell Stuff being done + time to get more stuff done = one happy lady. Most of the things left are tedious and it's stuff most people will never see or notice- like closet reorganization- but once it's done, it's done! (I know that statement is redundant but we all know we do stuff just so it's done and we don't have to do it again- hopefully for a while).
I'm so grateful for a wonderful weekend, that had the prefect combination of relaxation and productivity. I'm so grateful for the time to reconnect with my loving husband- Happy 7th Anniversary to us! I'm so grateful for family that so willingly and generously helped us out in SO many ways. I'm so grateful for the house we have and the home we've created. Amen to all those blessings!
"God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:8
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Mama Bird
I was really thinking hard as I lay in bed last night. Thinking of how I was when I was pregnant with Lauren. I find it crazy how fast I seem to forget things- it really wasn't that long ago (2 years). But as I lay I did remember being this nuts when I was expecting my first baby. I'm sure it hit around the same time too. I've begun to nest! My poor husband has been a wonderful sport as he watches me make lists, organize things he thought were already organized, and discuss with him, endlessly, how the house will be changing. I feel for him, I do.
Well my list is being tackled and God has had his hand in every part of the house transformation. I've been doing a Beth Moore bible study (if you don't know who she is you need to, she's wonderful at helping women understand God's roll in their lives and making it fun yet convicting) on the book of James. I've never read the book of James before, except I'm sure a verse here, a verse there. Well he's a man of my own heart- he gets to the point and puts it out there. He says it as it should be and opens your eyes to how you should be living a full life in Christ Jesus. So as the nesting is kicking into high gear, so is my awareness of how I should be conducting a Christ centered life.
I've been noticing myself be more mindful that God has a plan for my house too, a plan better than anything I can sketch or a list better than any I can make. I've been praying to him regularly on decisions and trusting fully in him to reveal his plan, and wow he's got it all worked out. Silly me, trying to do it on my own at, I'm sure he was giggling to himself as he watched this little birdy fly around like a coco.
So what's been happening- everything! Here's my list and you can see how things are coming along...
Phase One: -Empty guest/playroom and closet - moving everything upstairs.
-Prep room to be painted
-Purchase paint and paint room
-Reorganize closet in office to accommodate more stuff (this
should be fun...)
Phase Two: -Move our bedroom furniture downstairs and set up room
- Decorate our new master bedroom
- Redesign, purchase, and install closet organization for this room
-Sell one queen mattress set
- Purchase two twin mattress sets
Phase Three: - Reorganize upstairs closets- we have three and they will all be
- Purchase two new dressers, a nightstand and two twin beds for
Lauren's new room
- Reorganize Lauren's stuff into new room
- Purchase bedding for new beds
- Purchase and hang new blinds for this room (curtains too, but no
rush on those)
Phase Four: - Decorate Lauren's new room
- Wash, fluff, and spruce up nursery for new baby
-Redecorate upstairs bathroom into a kids bathroom
The bed plan has been working itself out, Amen. My dad and step-mom decided not to take the queen bed to my sister but told me to sell it and they'd put the money we made toward purchasing the two twin beds. So my first gut reaction was- how do you sell a mattress? Most people don't want a bed from some random person, you just never know what, where, when, etc. So my first thought was to try family and that didn't work so I tried word of mouth and see if anyone I knew anyone who needed one. They would vouch for my cleanliness (I hope). This didn't seem to work either. So the following weekend I placed it up on Facebook. Thinking someone in the area must need a mattress. I would fret and then pray I would trust and stop fretting- this was a cycle. I was dreading the thought of putting it on Craiglist- One I didn't want some unknown person coming to my house and Two I looked on there and I'd be competing with new sets that weren't that much more expensive. But God had a plan. The little girl a babysit, Brooke, her parents were in need of a mattress for their parents vacation house. They had a double but were interested in a queen (so much more wiggle room in a queen). She was the only person who ever contacted me and she came yesterday to check it out and purchased it for my asking price of a hundred dollars. She walked out and I just started thanking God for the answered prayers- I can't tell you what a stress relief that was!
So the new master bedroom is painted, some (not all) of the furniture has been moved into it. We slept in our new room for the first time last night. It was different, but I know once all the furniture is in there and I've got some stuff on the walls it will feel more like our room. In moving us downstairs, I realized the bathroom situation was going to have to change before I got to "phase four" on my list- so I spent the better half of yesterday scrubbing and cleaning and decorating the upstairs bathroom to make it Lauren's (and the babies- I was being conscience to say to her "do you like your and the babies new bathroom" and not just call it hers). It is so cute!
Oh another blessing. All of this redecorating is costing us money (duh). New towels and shower curtain for upstairs. Silly things like I had to spend $5 on water resistant 3M Command tabs to transfer the bath toy caddy upstairs. And of course fabric to make a new duvet cover and valences for our room. Paint, twin bed sheets, decorations etc. I could bore you with a complete list but I think you get the point- this transition is costing money. Because of that I'm trying to make plans or follow God's plans that will help us in the near and distant future. Like going with the two twin beds instead of the toddler bed. This way we spend money now so we don't have to spend more later. Well here is the big blessing in it all- we received a check in the mail from a family member of a significant amount- enough to cover all the small/medium purchases I just described above. Said another Amen when I opened that piece of mail. My parents offering to pay for the two twin beds. My friend offering to make the bedding for free and my mother-in-law offering to make the valences. All of these things are gifts from God, answers to prayer.
When I started this, I knew we had some money to get us through this, but I have to admit we didn't have it all, by any stretch of the means. I wasn't going to go into debit for this- that isn't how Matt and I operate our budget- nor do I feel like it is how God wants us to use money. I was just going at it hoping it would all work out, especially because it is right smack in birthday/holiday season. As you can see, God has blessed this house transformation again and again.
God continues to help us through this process. Yesterday after I sold the mattress set, I called my step-mom to tell her the great news. She started taking about Christmas and what to get Lauren. I had given her some ideas but I think she wasn't into them. I think because they're going to be here for Christmas they wanted to get her a gift that was going to knock her socks off, they want to see the shear joy of her receiving a gift she was going to love with wide eyes and big screams. So I told her about a stuffed animal shark that is for sale at the local Children's museum that we go to regularly. I had already felt drawn to get it for her. My sweet girl runs to this bin of stuffed sharks and hugs them, kisses them, and says hi and bye to them each time we go. I have a feeling that if she unwraps this animal she will be out of her mind- wondering how this love found it's way under her Christmas tree. So after telling her about this she said that was perfect and that she would purchase the "Santa" gift we had in mind. The expensive Santa gift. I didn't ask her to, but she offered- without me even saying "it's still going to be from Santa, not them." So that takes yet another chunk of financial burden away from Matt and I as we head into the holiday season. If fact, now Matt and I can afford to buy her a gift from "Mommy and Daddy"- where I wasn't going to be able to do that before. Something that cost a lot less than Santa's gift of course.
So this is a long post- if you've made it all the way through, Amen to you. Sorry about my babble, but I just wanted to document how God is working in our lives as we prepare for his miracle. That's why I started this blog, to capture God working in our lives and to remind us of his ever present blessings!
"Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him." James 1:12
Well my list is being tackled and God has had his hand in every part of the house transformation. I've been doing a Beth Moore bible study (if you don't know who she is you need to, she's wonderful at helping women understand God's roll in their lives and making it fun yet convicting) on the book of James. I've never read the book of James before, except I'm sure a verse here, a verse there. Well he's a man of my own heart- he gets to the point and puts it out there. He says it as it should be and opens your eyes to how you should be living a full life in Christ Jesus. So as the nesting is kicking into high gear, so is my awareness of how I should be conducting a Christ centered life.
I've been noticing myself be more mindful that God has a plan for my house too, a plan better than anything I can sketch or a list better than any I can make. I've been praying to him regularly on decisions and trusting fully in him to reveal his plan, and wow he's got it all worked out. Silly me, trying to do it on my own at, I'm sure he was giggling to himself as he watched this little birdy fly around like a coco.
So what's been happening- everything! Here's my list and you can see how things are coming along...
Phase One: -
Phase Two: -
- Decorate our new master bedroom
- Redesign, purchase, and install closet organization for this room
- Purchase two twin mattress sets
Phase Three: - Reorganize upstairs closets- we have three and they will all be
- Purchase two new dressers, a nightstand and two twin beds for
Lauren's new room
- Reorganize Lauren's stuff into new room
- Purchase bedding for new beds
- Purchase and hang new blinds for this room (curtains too, but no
rush on those)
Phase Four: - Decorate Lauren's new room
- Wash, fluff, and spruce up nursery for new baby
So the new master bedroom is painted, some (not all) of the furniture has been moved into it. We slept in our new room for the first time last night. It was different, but I know once all the furniture is in there and I've got some stuff on the walls it will feel more like our room. In moving us downstairs, I realized the bathroom situation was going to have to change before I got to "phase four" on my list- so I spent the better half of yesterday scrubbing and cleaning and decorating the upstairs bathroom to make it Lauren's (and the babies- I was being conscience to say to her "do you like your and the babies new bathroom" and not just call it hers). It is so cute!
Oh another blessing. All of this redecorating is costing us money (duh). New towels and shower curtain for upstairs. Silly things like I had to spend $5 on water resistant 3M Command tabs to transfer the bath toy caddy upstairs. And of course fabric to make a new duvet cover and valences for our room. Paint, twin bed sheets, decorations etc. I could bore you with a complete list but I think you get the point- this transition is costing money. Because of that I'm trying to make plans or follow God's plans that will help us in the near and distant future. Like going with the two twin beds instead of the toddler bed. This way we spend money now so we don't have to spend more later. Well here is the big blessing in it all- we received a check in the mail from a family member of a significant amount- enough to cover all the small/medium purchases I just described above. Said another Amen when I opened that piece of mail. My parents offering to pay for the two twin beds. My friend offering to make the bedding for free and my mother-in-law offering to make the valences. All of these things are gifts from God, answers to prayer.
When I started this, I knew we had some money to get us through this, but I have to admit we didn't have it all, by any stretch of the means. I wasn't going to go into debit for this- that isn't how Matt and I operate our budget- nor do I feel like it is how God wants us to use money. I was just going at it hoping it would all work out, especially because it is right smack in birthday/holiday season. As you can see, God has blessed this house transformation again and again.
God continues to help us through this process. Yesterday after I sold the mattress set, I called my step-mom to tell her the great news. She started taking about Christmas and what to get Lauren. I had given her some ideas but I think she wasn't into them. I think because they're going to be here for Christmas they wanted to get her a gift that was going to knock her socks off, they want to see the shear joy of her receiving a gift she was going to love with wide eyes and big screams. So I told her about a stuffed animal shark that is for sale at the local Children's museum that we go to regularly. I had already felt drawn to get it for her. My sweet girl runs to this bin of stuffed sharks and hugs them, kisses them, and says hi and bye to them each time we go. I have a feeling that if she unwraps this animal she will be out of her mind- wondering how this love found it's way under her Christmas tree. So after telling her about this she said that was perfect and that she would purchase the "Santa" gift we had in mind. The expensive Santa gift. I didn't ask her to, but she offered- without me even saying "it's still going to be from Santa, not them." So that takes yet another chunk of financial burden away from Matt and I as we head into the holiday season. If fact, now Matt and I can afford to buy her a gift from "Mommy and Daddy"- where I wasn't going to be able to do that before. Something that cost a lot less than Santa's gift of course.
So this is a long post- if you've made it all the way through, Amen to you. Sorry about my babble, but I just wanted to document how God is working in our lives as we prepare for his miracle. That's why I started this blog, to capture God working in our lives and to remind us of his ever present blessings!
"Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him." James 1:12
Monday, October 1, 2012
Bombs Away!!!!!
Holy heavens I feel like a bomb has hit the house. We have started the big "move" or better stated, the big rearrangement of the rooms to accommodate our growing family. We are only in phase one of my strategic plan (see below). There is a lot to do and I want to do it all right now. I need a Bewitched nose to wiggle so it will all be done with minimal disruption to my daily life (lol, a girl can dream can't she).
Phase One: -Empty guest/playroom and closet - moving everything upstairs.
- Prep room to be painted
- Purchase paint and paint room
- Reorganize closet in office to accommodate more stuff (this
should be fun...)
Phase Two: - Move our bedroom furniture downstairs and set up room
- Decorate our new master bedroom
- Redesign, purchase, and install closet organization for this room
Phase Three: - Reorganize upstairs closets- we have three and they will all be
- Purchase two new dressers, a nightstand and two twin beds for
Lauren's new room
- Reorganize Lauren's stuff into new room
- Purchase bedding for new beds
- Purchase and hang new blinds for this room (curtains too, but no
rush on those)
Phase Four: - Decorate Lauren's new room
- Wash, fluff, and spruce up nursery for new baby
- Redecorate upstairs bathroom into a kids bathroom
It feels good to write down the plan, before today it's just been in my head. So much has to happen to prepare the "house" for our new little ones arrival. With Lauren I felt like I was just dealing with one sweet little room and feeling a bit overwhelmed. This feels like we're moving half the house around, I guess because we are. It's better than the process of moving a whole house- so I try and remember that when I'm making trip five hundred four up the stairs with stuff.
Some of the stuff I've started even though it comes in later phases. Like I've found the perfect shower curtain, waited for it to go on sale and had a coupon too. It's covered in crazy, loopy fish so I know it will be loved by Lauren. I'm glad that didn't take too long because I'm not painting any of the room upstairs. The bigger room, what is now our master bedroom, is painted in a neutral cream and brown. I plan on decorating it with purple and brown, with a splash of pink, blue and green. I asked Lauren what color she wanted and she said purple. This surprised me since she usually pipes up with blue anytime you ask her a color question.
I've found some cute comforters but I'm waiting. The act of God came down from heaven to hopefully finalize my bedding plan for Lauren's room. First I was going to buy another crib because I just couldn't see my "baby" in a big girl bed and I didn't want to push her out. Then after talking with some friends who have kids a little older than Lauren, I decided a toddler bed would be good. My mom got one for free, we would just have to buy a mattress for it. This would have the room adorned with a queen guest bed and a toddler bed. The more I thought about that, it just wouldn't feel like her room if we had a guest bed in there. But Matt was telling me we already had the guest bed and the toddler bed was free so why do anything else. You know how it is when you're unsettled about a decision- you keep fretting about it, or at least I do. So then I asked if we could sell our guest bed and then purchase two twin beds. Matt thought this would be ridiculous to waste the money on all of that. So this is where the hand of God comes in. My sister just purchased a house (yippy Shauna). She had mentioned to my step-mom that she would be interested in a guest bed. Then I called my step-mom wondering how I would sell our guest bed (not knowing about Shauna's desires). She mentions that I should sell it to her for Shauna and then she would buy us a twin bed. Then I said- how about we give you the queen bed for Shauna and you buy us two twin beds, and I would then not use the toddler bed at all (my mom got it for free, so no loss to her, and Shauna might even want it for Finn soon). She liked the plan, Shauna liked the plan, and I like the plan- heck even Matt okayed this plan. The only thing I'm waiting on is to hear if my dad will go for the plan because it requires him to drive the truck down here and that is extra gas money. But I'm pretty sure my step-mom will persuade him that this is the best plan ever!!!
Until I know for sure that we're getting two twins I'm not spending any money on bedding. But I was talking to Lauren this morning right after she woke up and we were hanging on mommy and daddy's bed, and I asked her if she wanted a big girl bed like mommy and daddy. She said yes. I told her she would be sleeping in that room in a big girl bed and this seemed to delight her. I'm excited to know that she is definitely ready for the transition- I think it will go smoothly.
My timeline for the four phases is to be done with everything by the end of January. I think that is pretty realistic. Most of the stuff requires just my time and effort. The painting has to happen on the weekend since I'll need Matt to have Lauren out from under foot. But the prep I plan on doing during the week. I have to have it painted and ready for our furniture before my in-laws come to town in two weeks. That way they can help Matt move all the furniture- since I'm no help in that department.
My dad and step-mom are coming at Christmas time so that's when we'll be doing the bed swoop and my dad is going to help us with the closet in our new room. It's not small, but it's by no means big and we have to fit both Matt's and my clothes in there. I know with the right design we'll make it all fit.
Once I know for sure what the bedding will be for Lauren's room I'm going to have my good friend Heather, the one who painted the mural in the nursery, paint coordinating painting on canvas to be hung in Lauren's new room. My friend Esther is helping me by making me a new duvet cover for our new room and I'm hoping my mother-in-law will help us with new valences.
Just lots of small pieces that once there done it will look great, but as for the mean time...not so pretty!
"Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-14
Phase One: -
- Prep room to be painted
- Purchase paint and paint room
- Reorganize closet in office to accommodate more stuff (this
should be fun...)
Phase Two: - Move our bedroom furniture downstairs and set up room
- Decorate our new master bedroom
- Redesign, purchase, and install closet organization for this room
Phase Three: - Reorganize upstairs closets- we have three and they will all be
- Purchase two new dressers, a nightstand and two twin beds for
Lauren's new room
- Reorganize Lauren's stuff into new room
- Purchase bedding for new beds
- Purchase and hang new blinds for this room (curtains too, but no
rush on those)
Phase Four: - Decorate Lauren's new room
- Wash, fluff, and spruce up nursery for new baby
- Redecorate upstairs bathroom into a kids bathroom
It feels good to write down the plan, before today it's just been in my head. So much has to happen to prepare the "house" for our new little ones arrival. With Lauren I felt like I was just dealing with one sweet little room and feeling a bit overwhelmed. This feels like we're moving half the house around, I guess because we are. It's better than the process of moving a whole house- so I try and remember that when I'm making trip five hundred four up the stairs with stuff.
Some of the stuff I've started even though it comes in later phases. Like I've found the perfect shower curtain, waited for it to go on sale and had a coupon too. It's covered in crazy, loopy fish so I know it will be loved by Lauren. I'm glad that didn't take too long because I'm not painting any of the room upstairs. The bigger room, what is now our master bedroom, is painted in a neutral cream and brown. I plan on decorating it with purple and brown, with a splash of pink, blue and green. I asked Lauren what color she wanted and she said purple. This surprised me since she usually pipes up with blue anytime you ask her a color question.
I've found some cute comforters but I'm waiting. The act of God came down from heaven to hopefully finalize my bedding plan for Lauren's room. First I was going to buy another crib because I just couldn't see my "baby" in a big girl bed and I didn't want to push her out. Then after talking with some friends who have kids a little older than Lauren, I decided a toddler bed would be good. My mom got one for free, we would just have to buy a mattress for it. This would have the room adorned with a queen guest bed and a toddler bed. The more I thought about that, it just wouldn't feel like her room if we had a guest bed in there. But Matt was telling me we already had the guest bed and the toddler bed was free so why do anything else. You know how it is when you're unsettled about a decision- you keep fretting about it, or at least I do. So then I asked if we could sell our guest bed and then purchase two twin beds. Matt thought this would be ridiculous to waste the money on all of that. So this is where the hand of God comes in. My sister just purchased a house (yippy Shauna). She had mentioned to my step-mom that she would be interested in a guest bed. Then I called my step-mom wondering how I would sell our guest bed (not knowing about Shauna's desires). She mentions that I should sell it to her for Shauna and then she would buy us a twin bed. Then I said- how about we give you the queen bed for Shauna and you buy us two twin beds, and I would then not use the toddler bed at all (my mom got it for free, so no loss to her, and Shauna might even want it for Finn soon). She liked the plan, Shauna liked the plan, and I like the plan- heck even Matt okayed this plan. The only thing I'm waiting on is to hear if my dad will go for the plan because it requires him to drive the truck down here and that is extra gas money. But I'm pretty sure my step-mom will persuade him that this is the best plan ever!!!
Until I know for sure that we're getting two twins I'm not spending any money on bedding. But I was talking to Lauren this morning right after she woke up and we were hanging on mommy and daddy's bed, and I asked her if she wanted a big girl bed like mommy and daddy. She said yes. I told her she would be sleeping in that room in a big girl bed and this seemed to delight her. I'm excited to know that she is definitely ready for the transition- I think it will go smoothly.
My timeline for the four phases is to be done with everything by the end of January. I think that is pretty realistic. Most of the stuff requires just my time and effort. The painting has to happen on the weekend since I'll need Matt to have Lauren out from under foot. But the prep I plan on doing during the week. I have to have it painted and ready for our furniture before my in-laws come to town in two weeks. That way they can help Matt move all the furniture- since I'm no help in that department.
My dad and step-mom are coming at Christmas time so that's when we'll be doing the bed swoop and my dad is going to help us with the closet in our new room. It's not small, but it's by no means big and we have to fit both Matt's and my clothes in there. I know with the right design we'll make it all fit.
Once I know for sure what the bedding will be for Lauren's room I'm going to have my good friend Heather, the one who painted the mural in the nursery, paint coordinating painting on canvas to be hung in Lauren's new room. My friend Esther is helping me by making me a new duvet cover for our new room and I'm hoping my mother-in-law will help us with new valences.
Just lots of small pieces that once there done it will look great, but as for the mean time...not so pretty!
"Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13-14
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