

Monday, April 16, 2012

Road Work Ahead...Rough Road...Bump...

Well this is a week I'd like to put behind me. Like my post title suggests, it was a rough one. One I was hoping and praying I wouldn't have to relive. Unfortunately, Blueberry is now in heaven being held by our Heavenly Father. This post is for me. I need to write it and I need to make sure I'm letting my feelings out. The last time this happened, before we were blessed with Lauren, it took me down a long and dark road. And after leaving that road, I'm still haunted by it. It was a lonely road. This time I want to be on the road that might have a rough patch or a bump or two- but one that is lite with generator lights and waiting to be finished. I am determined to not let this road take me back to the dark one.

I have to first say that I am devastated, hurt, frustrated, sad, upset, angry, tired...but doing okay. Like I said I'm writing this post for me...so here goes nothing.

Last Saturday we had plans to head to the local botanical gardens to meet Peter Rabbit and enjoy a picnic lunch with Noah and Amy. That morning I went to the bathroom and saw pink. I told Matt and he reassured me that I was fine and not to worry about it. (I should mention that he has to do this numerous times during my pregnancies, since our first miscarriage I'm a paranoid lady- for good reason might I add) Later in the morning I saw more pink and told him I needed to call the doctor. So I called and he said the same thing Matt did- it's normal this early on and not to worry about it. He asked if I had any cramps, which I didn't, and told me to relax. I heeded to their requests and went on to meet Peter Rabbit- Lauren was head over heals in owe of this big bunny. She couldn't keep her eyes off the guy long enough to take a picture.

Pictures with Peter Rabbit.

After our adventures with Peter Rabbit we headed home for dinner and then a treat at the frozen yogurt shoppe (yum, yum).

The next morning was Easter and boy was I excited. I had gotten her basket all ready and didn't let Matt sleep an extra wink. We enjoyed the treats and smiles from an excited little girl. She was head over heals with the goodies and gifts from the Easter Bunny. 

Might I add that it was such a difference from last year when she could have cared less...funny how one year can make such a difference in reaction. Anyway after breakfast we headed upstairs. I got Lauren ready in her cute little blue dress while Matt got himself ready. Then it was my turn, so I jumped on the potty only to find red instead of pink. I was in an immediate panic. I kept calling Matt's name until he showed up. I called the on-call service again and then while I was waiting for the doctor to return my call I called Garrett in tears. No, in pure panic mode. She said I should go to the hospital, which was what I was thinking as well. When the doctor beeped in I was crying and sobbing. I knew my instinct was right yesterday, I knew it...the doctor on the phone kept telling me I needed to calm down. I told her my history about having two miscarriages already and that yesterday I had seen pink and today it was red. She said, again, that it was normal to bleed like this early on in pregnancy. She said this wasn't an emergency and that I should call the doctors office first thing in the morning. I was thinking "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" I started to panic again and told her in my panicked voice (from the outsiders point of view you could say I yelled at the sweet doctor) "you can't make me wait, I can't wait, please don't make me wait!" I knew that I wouldn't feel any bit of comfort or reassurance until I saw that the baby was okay.

I spent most days of this pregnancy telling myself, or having Matt tell me, everything was okay. It was going to be okay. All the yuck of having a miscarriage was behind me. So when this happened the panic that lay just below the surface for the previous twelve weeks took over. I wasn't going to be okay until I knew without a doubt that it was okay. I feel like the doctor began to realize this as well. She told me that if I choose to go to the hospital that they wouldn't be able to do much of anything- well they could give me an ultrasound and I knew that. So she hesitantly said that if I choose to that I should go to the one their practice was next to.

After getting the go ahead from the doctor, I called Garrett back and asked if she would take Lauren to church with her. She said sure. I put my game face on and got to organizing what Lauren would need for the day and brushed my teeth, put on clean undies (mind you I never did get to my shower that morning), and headed out the door. We dropped off Lauren, which broke my heart to know that she would be celebrating my favorite part of Easter without us. And then we headed to the hospital.

On the way there I texted my family. I couldn't call them. I was barely holding it together and knew getting on the phone with any of them would send me right back in to panic mode. I needed to be level headed when I got to the hospital I didn't need to be blubbering and snotting all over the place. I kindly said that in my message and told them I'd be in contact when we had news. 

The ER was quiet and we got right in. We were there for a total of three hours, which isn't that bad. We had a wonderful nurse and doctor who checked me and said that my cervix was closed and she could see the tissue in front of the cervix that was causing the bleeding. She said it was normal, again. I did have a small ray of hope after hearing that, but I would say I was preparing myself for the worst the whole time we were there. 

After a few hours the ER doctor got the go ahead to give me an ultrasound. Romeo came and picked me up. Poor Romeo...he started out so sweet and friendly. He said that Matt could join me as he wheeled me to the ultrasound room. He started with the wand that they use on the outside of your tummy, but since they had made me give them a urine sample back when I got admitted, he had little luck seeing the baby. So after he switched wands, he began by measuring the baby. Mind you I was twelve weeks pregnant at this point, but the baby measured nine weeks and a day or two. I knew right then. Matt however didn't notice the measurements and he spent the whole time looking for the heartbeat, which wasn't there. It was so sad to watch yet I couldn't turn away, as panicked as I was, as much as I was preparing myself for the worst, the hope was still there. The hope that allowed me to accept when Matt told me everything was alright all those times. The hope that allowed me to tell myself that everything was going to be alright.

Poor Romeo got very quiet and kept telling us that the ER doctor would tell us all about the report. He was sweating bullets and trying to do a good job but get it over as soon as possible. I tell you I've never seen a man whose undies weren't on fire move so fast once he got my bed secured in the ER room again. (I use this humor to keep myself sane, just fyi). The doctor came in shortly after to tell us what we already knew. They gave me a nice stiff shot of Rhogam and sent us packing. 

We called Garrett and let her knew we'd be there to get Lauren after picking up some lunch for ourselves. We only shared the small fries as we headed to get her. We were tired, we were sad, we were ready to be home and we weren't very hungry. 

That night the on-call doctor whom I had spoken with on the phone that morning called and sweetly said she had been thinking about us all day. She said she was sorry to hear that it was bad news we had gotten at the hospital. Then she told me not to eat anything after eight the next morning and to head to the doctors office the next day at 11:45. She had spoken with my doctor and she knew we'd be coming.

Amen, for good friends and family. Esther was able to watch Lauren for us the next day so we could go to the doctors. My mom said she could fly down if we needed her to but I had asked her if it was okay for me to ask Matt's mom first- she was fine with that. I knew that if anything went bad or if I wasn't in good shape that I would need someone who could take care of Lauren for a few days without me. My mom has disabling arthritis in her feet and struggles taking care of herself some days. I wanted her hugs but I needed my mother-in-laws energy for Lauren's sake. Plus, my MIL is wonderful and a very calming presence to be around. I knew that she would be as much a help to me as she would be to Lauren. So my MIL put the petal to the metal and head our way Monday morning. 

Of course at the doctors office the reception lady had no idea why we were there, but after having gone through this before I was prepared for all the stupid crap you deal with. I took a deep breath and explained that I had spoken with the on-call doctor the night before and my doctor should be excepting me. Even then she told me she could only get me in to see the NP, whom I didn't need to see, nor did I want to. I wanted to see my doctor who would advise me on what we would do, who had helped me down this road before, and who had been down this road herself before. That is who I wanted. So, in my nice voice, I said no that I wanted to see the doctor. And poof all of a sudden I was able to. Live and learn- that you need to stick up for yourself when it comes down to it.

I was so torn going into this appointment. Last time we had been down this road we decided to take a pill and pass the baby at home. She made it seem so simple and way less dangerous than a surgery. The thing was the dose she gave me sent me into instant labor and I'm talking hard, intense labor within a few hours. The pain was unbearable and Matt had to call for an ambulance to take to me to the hospital. I found out that night that I'm a fast laborer. Even with Lauren it was only five-six hours of labor (start to finish) before she was born. So I was so hesitant to use that method again. But I liked that my body did the work and felt like the recovery was very fast and we got right back on the baby making road without any problems. I was nervous about the surgery since I would be put under and there were complications associated with it. Matt and I hemmed and hawed over what to do. Well God figured out a way- she gave me a 1/2 dose of the drug and scheduled me for the surgery. I didn't know it at the time, but this was exactly what I wanted/needed. 

We left the doctors around 1 o'clock and headed to fill the prescription. Matt's first instinct was to fill it at the hospital but the lady who gave us piece of paper made it seem like we should head to an outside pharmacy. We headed to one and they said it would take an hour to fill. Mind you we were told to check in at the out-patient registry at 2 o'clock, so we didn't have an hour. That is when my husband said- we'll fill it at the hospital pharmacy and even if we have to wait an hour, we'll be there and checked it. So we headed right back to where we started. I got the paperwork filled out while he got the prescription filled. Then I went and took the pill while Matt took the paperwork to the guy for check-in. Before we knew it we were in the OR prep room.

This was a nice private room with two chairs, a bed, a TV, and a shared bathroom. The lady got me all checked in and here we stayed for the next three hours. I started cramping at three thirty and was enjoying the "joys" of labor contractions by four thirty. Now the lady at the doctors office who scheduled this for us said the surgery would be at four thirty, five o'clock. So when I was having to breath through each contraction while Matt rubbed my back and Matt tells me it's five o'clock I decided to called the nurse to figure out what was going on. She was so sweet with her cute accent, she told me that last she knew they were waiting for the OR room to free up, but that she would go check. She came back with the anesthesiology, best friend to a girl in labor, and he looked through my paperwork, asked me a few questions, and watched me go through some contractions as we went through the process. They then got me all set to head to the recovery room. You see they were going to get me an IV and in order to do that I had to be hooked up to the monitors, and there had to be someone watching me. So I headed to recovery where labor pains continued, and the nice man poked me with a needle and didn't get an vein, then I enjoyed more labor pains, and he continued poking me in the other arm.  Yeah for me when he got an IV in that vein and gave me some nice meds to dull the pain. 

It's hard to describe going through labor and ending up with nothing. It makes you feel a bit empty. It makes you wonder why and breaks your heart a little each time. I still remember being in such disbelief after having Lauren that she was mine and they were going to let me bring her home. I know it seems weird, but when you head home with nothing it makes you question it (it being the process).

Anyway, after the happy meds I passed a good amount of "stuff" on my own. I think it relaxed my body and allowed it to do it's things. It wasn't long after that they took me off to surgery. The last thing I remember is asking if someone would pray for me and one of the nurses praying as I drifted off. I woke up almost immediately as they wheeled me back to recovery. Poor Matt didn't even have enough time to eat before the doctor was looking for him. She told him everything went well and that I would have miscarried on my own within the hour. I was happy to know that my body did most of the work. I feel like it contributed to such an easy recovery. I wasn't allowed to resume normal activities until three days but was breaking the rules and picking up Lauren on day two. 

Emotionally I'm still not there. I feel like most moments of the day are fine. Lauren keeps me busy and gives great company. She's gives the best hugs and kisses when Matt isn't home to help in that department. I'm trying not to be angry about it and understanding that life is full of suckiness and that it happened for a reason. I'm thankful that I have my family and friends and I'm reaching out more this time. And this time I feel like I have people to reach out to. Last time I felt very alone and it wasn't until I started telling people what had happened that people started telling me how they had been down that same sad road themselves. Now I have those wonderful people to lean on when I need it most. I'm also thankful that I'm home- I don't have to smile and pretend like life is okay in the work place, when indeed it's not. I don't have to face a world of people who are just going about their daily lives with little regard for how much I'm hurting inside. This time I can relax and adjust in the comfort of my own home. I think that has been a huge help with me not being so angry this time. I'm grateful for the angels God has placed on my road- for my generators that are keeping it lit even though it's dark out there. I can't name them all but each and every one of them has a special place in my heart. Whether it was a hug, a card, helping me with Lauren, offering/making a meal, or a kind word of encouragement- they were all appreciated by both Matt and I. 

I'm looking forward and keeping my head up. I'm treasuring Lauren that much more (it's amazing that as much as I love her I still can love her more). I'm remembering to look for the blessings that surround me each and every day.

"Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD." Psalm 31:24

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