Let's start with the week prior to delivery. Well, week and a half. The night of parent/teacher conferences actually. That night every time I used the bathroom (stop reading if you want) I was extra wet. I kept telling myself that it wasn't my water braking. See they tell you in those classes that you can gush or you can trickle. Yeah, well it is really hard to tell if you are just trickling! That day I had carpooled with Heather, who has a baby boy born last February (my birthday might I brag), and while on the way home I brought it up with her. She said that she had a similar situation and went to the hospital only to find out that it was just nothing. I breathed a sigh of relief, and relaxed. I told Matt when I got home and he agreed that not doing anything was the best coarse of action.
The next day, Friday, another trip to the bathroom showed more signs of impending labor- my mucus plug started to come out. At the time I thought I had all come out but as the week progressed I was wrong in that assumption. I called my doctors office and talked with a nurse (not Michele my doctors nurse, but another one in the practice). She told me to just keep an eye out for X,Y, and Z and I was fine.
The weekend proved to be pretty uneventful and so I thought we still might have weeks to go.
Monday I called my doctors office because I still needed to obtain the letter stating I was pregnant and my official due date, so I could submit it to work. I left a message for my doctor and her nurse tried to call me back that day, but being at work in a classroom full of students makes it hard to get phone calls. We eventually talked Tuesday afternoon. While I had her on the phone I told her about the events from last Thursday and Friday. Then I told her I had been feeling wet again that day. She said she wanted to talk to my doctor about it and she would call me back. When she did, she said she wanted me to head into Labor and Delivery to get checked out by the on call doctor, since there was no way I was going to be able to make it into the office before they closed (I work 45 minutes way from the hospital).
Hearing this made me nervous! I quickly got off the phone with her and called Matt at work. There was no answer. So, I went up to the office to get the emergency numbers I gave to them for Matt (for whatever reason I didn't write them down for myself- goofball that I am). Of coarse when I asked for them the secretary was like "should we be worried" and I honestly replied "I don't think so." I called both numbers and was still unable to reach him, so I tried his desk again. This time he picked up- thank goodness. I told him the doctor wanted me to head in and get checked out in case my water had indeed broken. He was confused but we agreed to meet back at home, since it wasn't an emergency, and head to the hospital together.
On my way home I called Garrett and told her what was going on. She told me that we should bring our bags with us because if my water had broken, then they were going to admit me and I wasn't going back home. This made me so freaking nervous- I wasn't ready for this!! So I got home and frantically started packing and all I could think about was "the iPod speakers I bought haven't come yet- we wasted our money!" Crazy I know. When Matt walked in and saw this his anxiety went through the roof too. If I wasn't ready, he wasn't even close to ready.
We drove to the hospital and got all hooked up, and checked out. My water hadn't broken but they did find that I was 1 centimeter and 80% effaced. We went home that night. After unloading some of our bags I think both of us were glad it was nothing, but God was really preparing us for labor to come early.
The rest of the week was full of Braxton Hicks contractions and exhaustion. Matt and I had a heart to heart about how this baby might be the 5% that comes early. This was a hard fact for him to swallow, but I think he was getting there. At school, they had a really nice baby shower for me. I just remember being in pain at it. Not horrible pain, just constant pain, tired, ready to be done pain. I spent a lot of time getting stuff ready for me to be out for 12 weeks. I feel bad, but I remember not being the best of teachers either- just really distracted and overwhelmed with the task of preparing to not be there. The office secretary, love her, called in my long term substitute early. Carrie was suppose to shadow me the following week but came that Thursday and Friday, which was such a blessing. I got so much more stuff done for when I was going to be out and she and students got to know each other.
That Friday I had a doctors appointment with Joy, our nurse practitioner. Oh goodness, the drive to get there was a testimony to something. The highway was backed up due to an accident. I got off at an earlier exit and ended up taking a 20 minute detour that got me only ten miles further up the road. I was crying and yelling. I was emotionally and physically exhausted. I got turned around twice. I had to call the doctors office and let them know I'd be late and I was praying they wouldn't tell me I couldn't see her. I called Matt and let him know that I would be late, so he should be too. I just remember sobbing and yelling at a stupid driver up ahead. When I finally turned into the parking garage there was a spot right in front and I just remember giving thanks to God for that, and being glad I made it there. When the nurse checked me I was now 3 centimeters and 80% effaced. Her words were "I think you'll have this baby before the weekend is over" Little did we know how true her statement would be.
That Saturday we had our "Newborn Care" class I had scheduled. I remember sitting through it wondering how long it would be until I was going to use the information. On our way home from that I informed Matt that I didn't plan on sitting down all day. I figured I would be doing the opposite of bed rest, so I cleaned the whole house and both cars before night fall. I was making Matt laugh because I would do a dance and say "shake a baby out, ohhh ohhh, shake a baby out." I remember going to bed that night wondering if I was going to go into labor and then woke up sad when I hadn't.
Then Sunday came. That morning I had plans to head to brunch with some girlfriends. My friend Garrett has a tradition to do a last girls get together with friends before the baby is born, since it's a while before you get a social life back once sweet baby arrives. Garrett and I had planned it with a few close friends and after the week I had had, she just kept telling me "just make sure you have her after the brunch on Sunday." Lauren is a great listener because I made it to brunch just fine, even though I had been having sporadic contractions all morning. The brunch was great. The three girls who had babies were telling there birth stories while we enjoyed the yummy food.
After the brunch Amy, Garrett, and I headed to Babies-R-Us. I had a few more contractions while we were shopping. It's funny because Amy's husband met her there and later she told me "JP was freaked that you were just shopping and having contractions like it was just a normal day." Garrett drove me home and I was disappointed to have the contractions subside. I was whipped though so I snuggled in on the couch for a nap.
I woke up around three thirty and my contractions started back up at four. We started writing them down and I was glad to see a pattern. They were still pretty weak but I had a feeling that these were different. My intuition told me that something is coming. I went to the bathroom around four thirty to find some "red", and I got nervous. I called Garrett right away and asked her what to do. She said to call the doctor. I called the on call number and talked with the dispatcher (I think that's what you would call her). The doctor called back pretty quickly. I explained the situation to her. She sounded like she really didn't think it was anything to worry about, but I think she heard the anxiety in my voice because she asked how far we were from the hospital. The conversation ended with her saying I should just come in and get checked.
Matt gave me the eyes that said "really- were going back there again?!" I think he didn't want to get all ready to go and then have to turn around and head home again. But he is a wonderful husband so we got to packing. We put the suitcase in the car, again, along with the car seat and headed to the hospital. On the way I called Garrett back and my mom. My mom started to get nervous about what she should do- buy a plane ticket or not? I felt bad that I didn't have an answer for her. I told her we'd call her from the hospital and let her know. She didn't seem to satisfied by my answer.
The drive there was pretty uneventful. I remember back when we went for our tour of the hospital, that was also on a Sunday night. There was no traffic that night and I remember saying to Matt "it would be nice to have her on a Sunday night, because we wouldn't have to worry about traffic." Ha, little did we know. When we pulled into the parking garage we left the suitcase in the car, and we headed up to Labor and Delivery once again.
When we got up there I was expecting the nurses to know we were coming but again, they needed to check with the on-call doctor to tell them. They hooked me up to the baby monitor and checked me. I was still 3 cm, but now 100% afaced. The nurse said I was so thin that it was hard to tell how much I was dialated. They said they could feel the skull really well and she was low. They then checked to see if I had actually broken my water. The litmus test came back negative and then the doctor wanted to do an ultrasound to check the bag of waters. She came in and checked it and found there to be plenty of fluid. I was thinking in my head "great, they're going to send me home again!" The nurse was wonderful and encouraging. She told me a few times that I wasn't going anywhere and that I would have this baby tonight (Amen for that angel). The doctor came back in and said that they were going to monitor me for a few hours.
Matt and I turned on the TV (this was somewhere in the 7 o'clock hour because America's Funniest Videos was on) and called my mom. Soon, the nurse rotation changed. Our new nurse (Regina- same name as my grandma, which I felt like was a good sign) came in and took off the monitor for a while so I could move around. I was able to get up, which was wonderful. Matt was able to rub my back and do that AWESOME hip move they taught up in birthing class. It wasn't long before I was having some good contractions, but I was talking and waking just fine. Then during a contraction...I peed on myself. I was sooo super embarrassed. I called for the nurse and asked if I could get a pad to wear. She gave me the ever so lovely disposable undies and a pad and cleaned up my mess. We went along pretty well for a little while longer and then all of a sudden during one cantraction Matt did the hip move and POP, my water broke. This was at 8:45. I still say it was only by God's grace that I had on that pad, otherwise Matt's feet would have been soaking wet. Yuck!
After my water broke it was like the contractions had kicked it up to the next level. I was breathing and in so much pain. It wasn't long after that when I was calling the nurse and asking for pain medicane.
I never said I was going to use pain meds, but I also never said I wasn't. I wish though I would have asked the nurse to check me before she ordered it, because by the time the guy came (at least I think it was a guy at this point I can't remember) I was 10 cm and ready to push. The only problem was they needed to do a whole bunch of things on the computer (a whole half hour of things), before she got me pushing. At this point I was glad that I was medicated because I was just sitting and waiting. It was then that we snapped a picture of me in the delievery room.
At 11 p.m. Regina had me start pushing. Matt was holding one of my legs and getting a full view of the show (lucky him) while I was completely numb. The nurse had the other leg and was telling me when the contractions were happening so I could push with each one. For each contraction I would push twice. She said I was a good pusher and then offered me the mirror. Well, I need to pause and fill you in on my mirror fear... When we did our hospital tour I saw the mirror and the lady taking us around said she hadn't used the mirror until her third child and she wished she had used it with all of them. I was thinking in my head, "Whatever lady, I don't want a view of that part of my body looking that way, thank you very much!" So when the nurse asked me my first thought was "No thanks" but instead I asked Matt how bad it was. He said "It's kinda gross, but really cool because you can see her head move with every push." Then I thought if he says so then I'll try it. So she got the mirror for me and it really did help. I don't remember ever thinking "Gross," but instead "Wow, that's my baby!!!" It was only about a half hour of pushing before the nurse went to get the doctor.
Before I new it she was out and they put her on my belly and I said "Oh my goodness!" Partly because she was slimy, purple, and covered with white goop. LOL...guess I was picturing the Gerber baby popping out or something. Matt cut the cord and then they took her to get cleaned up while I got sowed up (lucky me). Matt took a bunch of pictures and was telling me what was going on. I think it started sinking in that at 11:50 pm, on November 21st I had become the mommy I was dreaming about all these years! How great is our God!!?!!
I had asked the nurse not to put the goop in her eyes so she could see me and Matt for the first time. We got to enjoy her for about an hour before they transferred us to the recovery room. I remember being tired, happy, overwhelmed, at peace, and empowered all at the same time.

She was the sweetest, smallest thing. She was only 5 pounds and 14 ounces and just so tiny. Oh and her hair! Goodness the girl looked like a werewolf, lol! She had a full head of hair, a hairy back, a hairy forehead, and hairy ears. And everyone asked me about the heartburn, and I really didn't have any. I remember a few nights waking up to use the bathroom (again!) and not being able to fall back asleep because of heartburn, but that was it.

One of my most vivid memories from that night/morning was snuggling her once we got settled into our new room. The nurse came in and said that most nurses wouldn't let the baby sleep with their mothers like this but she was so tiny and I had laid her on my chest under the hospital gown. It was a our first of many bonding moments that I will never forget.
"He gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children. Praise the LORD!"
(Psalms 113:9 Holy Bible ESV)
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