

Friday, January 9, 2015

We see the 'yellow' light!

Disclaimer: This whole post, or most of it at least, is all about pee and poop. If that makes you ill then I suggest you read something else. If you're interested in our potty training craziness then read on my friend!

So I was crazy in the head this morning, after such a trying experience with Olivia's potential potty training last Saturday, as I tried to yet again put her in underwear. 

Again she was really doing great this week at actually going whenever I put her on the potty. I know she knows how to 'make it come out' but it is the knowing when it's going to come out she hasn't figured out yet. Then I remembered my own advice to myself after going through this fun with Lauren. It really isn't until they truly need to that they actually figure it out. Another words, it isn't' until they're diaper free and have to learn - oh this is what it feels like when I pee and right before that feels like this - do they actually learn it all.

So that brings us up to speed and this morning she woke up and did her business on the potty and I asked her if she wanted to wear undies today (oh I have energy in the morning that I would love to have at this time of day). She was all about it, jumping up and down and carrying on as she went to pick them out. I reminded her to tell mama 'pot.' Within twenty minutes she pooped in the first pair but she had true remorse and was very upset by the fact that she had pooped in them. That means so much to a potty training mama since if they are upset that means they don't want to poop in their undies and therefor will work at not doing it. Encouragement to continue was all I needed and this was it.

Onto pair number two. About a half hour after she then showed up at the bathroom door, where I was tending to Lauren and she just had this pathetic look on her face. I asked if she had pee peed in her undies and she said yes. I looked around but there was no trace of anything except on her clothes. So I think she was honestly trying to make it to me. She again was not happy about it and I had to talk to her about how we would try another pair and that she was doing good coming to me and telling me and that she'll get it.

Onto pair number three. This was no less than ten minutes after putting this pair on that she called me upstairs to tell me she had pooped again. She again was so visible upset with the situation. I reassured her again that it was okay and we can try again with a new pair.

Onto pair number four. This pair is the one I'm so excited to write about. You see she kept this pair dry and clean all the way to nap!!! (can you hear the squeal of excitement behind that statement) That is four hours of no accidents!!! I put her on the potty about every forty-five minutes starting after the first pee accident. She actually went in the potty each time she sat on it and was overjoyed at herself. Right before lunch she even looked at me and said "pooh, pooh!" and made it to the potty before she did her business. I was overjoyed with her progress and she was too!!! She was so happy to see the clean and dry undies each time she went and the M&M was the candy on top after each success!

I called Matt to tell him what progress we had made and he was reluctant (he is still a little scared after Saturday) but excited for her. 

I put her in a diaper for nap but had her use the potty before I did. This is one of the many times she has been regularly going to the bathroom anyway so to see that continue was a huge reinforcement that she's getting there.

I know this is not the most interesting post but I need to document for myself that we can do this, she can do this, I can do this- prayer and perseverance will get us there. We can reach goal number two (refer to previous post for more detail on this) before April!!

I still worry, for what reason I'm not sure, about tomorrow because we have planned a trip to the library as a family but then I remember I got through all those moments with Lauren and I'll get through them with Olivia too. Extra clothes in the diaper bag, lap pad on the car seat, bathroom trips before you leave the house, asking five hundred thousand times while you're out "do you have to go pee pee?" I got through it then and I'll get through it again- and in two years again...oh bless my heart!

Just the joy of raising kids. I hope and pray that her success continues tonight so Matt can see it too and have some relief for the future too. I know he's going to be a hot mess on tomorrow's outing but he can do it. We can do it!

How can you not just love that face...even when it's covered up...cutie!

"May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance." 2 Thessalonians 3:5

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