So this morning I continued to think of Lauren and her newly found introvert behavior and I thought of three more times I'd noticed her being shy in playing with others.
First is the pool this summer. She LOVES the pool and is fine with being in it as long as mommy and daddy are right by her side. Once I went by myself with the girls and she was glued to my hip, normal- cool with me. I tried to get her to play in the kiddie pool while I was cleaning up from lunch and then again when I was tending to Olivia and she wouldn't have anything to do with because there was a little boy she didn't know in the pool already.
Then another time she was enjoying the background was when I had six kids here last week. She was so quiet, taking it all in. I asked her a few times if she was having fun with all her friends over and she said yes with a big smile on her face. She was enjoying playing with everyone but she was pretty calm and chill- which any other day would not be the case.
Lastly was when we met our neighbors at the park. It was our first time meeting them and Lauren was again glued to my hip. This little boy was being all boy and running about, where Lauren was just taking it all in. At one point we headed to the bathroom and as soon as we were out of earshot from them she just started talking about the little boys Thomas the Train shirt. Which mind you I hadn't even noticed. She thought this little boy was wonderful but you won't know from her "play" with him, as she just quietly played on a few things.
All of these incidents isolated didn't cause the light bulb to go off, but when I thought about them all together it dawned on me. I shouldn't be too surprised, Matt is very shy and quiet around large groups and people he doesn't know. He however sometimes won't let me have a quiet moment at home as he talks my ear off. It really shocks people when I tell them that.
I had always looked at my little crazy girl as very outgoing so this summer really opened up my eyes to her ever growing and changing personality. Also, please just let me say that I don't say any of this in a negative manner. God created my little girl in His perfect and loving way. I don't want her to ever be anyone but her. It's just so fun and causes me such great joy as I get to watch who she is unfold before my very eyes. She is such a great gift and I'm so grateful for her! May God help me guide her and make her feel safe and protected so that when the time is right she will make her mark on this world- that she will fulfill her role for God, as only she can do.
"No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you." Joshua 1:5
"No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit...The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart..." Luke 6:43-45 "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life..." Proverbs 11:30

Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
My Little Introvert
Last week was where I learned I'm raising an introvert. Up until this past week, I wasn't sure. Lauren is very outgoing at home. She is full throttle all day long and so it often throws me for a loop when she is more reserved. Monday was our only chill day- if you count the fact that I got all my necessary weekly house chores done and school on that day then you can remove the chillness and replace it with craziness. But it was on our outing on Tuesday that I was consumed by the day, the events, and my daughter's ever growing independence.
I had Brooke, so all three kids were in tow as we went to our local Botanical Gardens. It's a wonderful place and it has a great kids area, including a water play zone. There are a bunch of sprinkler like things that the kids can run through, lots of fun. We were only able to go once last year and this is probably our only chance this year too. But anyway, we got there early and met up with Esther, Caitlyn and Evan. We headed straight to the water area and started with the sunscreen. I got Lauren done first and off she went with Caitlyn into the water. At this point we were the only ones there. She wasn't shying away from it, but slow to test everything out. That's normal for her so I started with Brooke and by the time I finished with her, Olivia was demanding me to remove her from the stroller so she could be a part of the action. It was about this time that Lauren came over to me and said she was "hungry"- I was thinking in my head- girls it's only 10:30 we have another hour until lunch go play! This is when the whining started and the refusal to go into the water play area. I then said if you don't want to go in there- then have a seat on the chair, which was right behind me. The desire for food, aka the whining, continued and I finally gave in with a small box of raisins. Matt had given her breakfast that morning and it was on the small side (this girl can out eat Matt and I at the breakfast table). Then Brooke saw the snack and this is where my head felt like it might pop off or spin around until blasted off into space. I asked Lauren why she didn't want to play in the water- her initial response was because Brooke was in there. She's had a few "bratty" moments lately with Brooke, like a sibling rivalry kind of a
attitude. So this made me upset, mind you I was holding those emotions in because was frustrated that I wasn't sure what to do. I talked to her a few more times about going into the water but she wasn't having it. I was also bummed that she was missing out on the fun too, or so I thought.
This is the first time I had taken her someplace and she just didn't want to be involved in the activity at hand. I look back and I'm sure if I was running in there with her she might have been more interested but that wasn't going to happen- it's a neat place but it doesn't lend to mommy's running about with babies on board. Plus, I had Brooke who was full throttle the whole time we were there and I was trying to keep her from drinking the water and taking other's toys. Add to that the stress and frustration I was feeling over Lauren and I wanted to leave. If it had been just me, no Esther, I would have. But I had spent all that time packing lunches, loading up, and I wasn't going to give in that easy. So I stuck it out. After only a half hour of play Brooke was done too. So I took the girls to a grassy area to change them out of their bathing suits and into clothes so we could play and then eat lunch.
Well little did I know that we were standing on mosquito breeding grounds. I was halfway done dressing Brooke when I noticed the first one. Then I glanced at myself and I had 5 just on one leg. I wanted to scream. I wanted to throw a tantrum. I wanted to run to my car with the wet child, the half naked child, and the crying baby who was overdue for her morning nap. But I didn't. I moved everyone to the concrete, less private area and finished getting everyone dressed. By this time Esther had joined us and was changing Caitlyn too. It was then that Lauren FINALLY stopped whining about lunch because she noticed the hula hoops and began playing with them. Then she asked to go get the basket of chalk and played with that. I felt my anxiety lessen, but just for a moment because then Olivia started demanding food.
The short version has me stressed for the rest of the time we were there. The highlights include Brooke putting her foot on Lauren the whole time they were eating, causing Brooke to need a time-out for not listening. Me having to stop nursing to put her into time-out, then her falling off the picnic table-while in time-out, and hitting her head. I never ate lunch. Olivia only got to nurse on one side since things continued to not improve. We did leave about half hour, forty-five minutes early. I think that was the worst outing I've had with the three of them. I hope never to repeat it.
On the way to the car and later that day I spoke with Lauren about what had happened that day. It turns out that she wasn't interested in playing in the water area with all the kids. There was a huge group that showed up shortly after arriving. So she was using the "hunger" as an excuse to be done since she didn't want to play with all the kids there. Looking back- duh, it makes perfect sense. But in the rush of it all, at that moment, I wanted to pull my hair out.
This coupled with that fact that I notice she'll shy away from the areas of places that are swarming with kids at the Children's Museum or the playground. I also noticed at VBS, she really didn't like the opening and closing portion where all the kids were together- she would act a fool.
I have a wonderful friend, Amanda, and she is an introvert. Her oldest son is an extravert. I remember having a conversation with her long before I had Lauren where she said that having an extravert for a child was a challenge for her, it pushed her, made her grow. Well I'm beginning to fully understand just what she meant. Being a mom is very natural for me but it has made me grow and change in many ways. It's a blessing to watch how God placed Lauren and Olivia in our family, specifically for us and how God is using them to help us be better people, people willing to go beyond ourselves to be there for them. I wonder how my little introvert is going to keep me on my toes, as I learn to see the world through her eyes.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17
I had Brooke, so all three kids were in tow as we went to our local Botanical Gardens. It's a wonderful place and it has a great kids area, including a water play zone. There are a bunch of sprinkler like things that the kids can run through, lots of fun. We were only able to go once last year and this is probably our only chance this year too. But anyway, we got there early and met up with Esther, Caitlyn and Evan. We headed straight to the water area and started with the sunscreen. I got Lauren done first and off she went with Caitlyn into the water. At this point we were the only ones there. She wasn't shying away from it, but slow to test everything out. That's normal for her so I started with Brooke and by the time I finished with her, Olivia was demanding me to remove her from the stroller so she could be a part of the action. It was about this time that Lauren came over to me and said she was "hungry"- I was thinking in my head- girls it's only 10:30 we have another hour until lunch go play! This is when the whining started and the refusal to go into the water play area. I then said if you don't want to go in there- then have a seat on the chair, which was right behind me. The desire for food, aka the whining, continued and I finally gave in with a small box of raisins. Matt had given her breakfast that morning and it was on the small side (this girl can out eat Matt and I at the breakfast table). Then Brooke saw the snack and this is where my head felt like it might pop off or spin around until blasted off into space. I asked Lauren why she didn't want to play in the water- her initial response was because Brooke was in there. She's had a few "bratty" moments lately with Brooke, like a sibling rivalry kind of a
attitude. So this made me upset, mind you I was holding those emotions in because was frustrated that I wasn't sure what to do. I talked to her a few more times about going into the water but she wasn't having it. I was also bummed that she was missing out on the fun too, or so I thought.
This is the first time I had taken her someplace and she just didn't want to be involved in the activity at hand. I look back and I'm sure if I was running in there with her she might have been more interested but that wasn't going to happen- it's a neat place but it doesn't lend to mommy's running about with babies on board. Plus, I had Brooke who was full throttle the whole time we were there and I was trying to keep her from drinking the water and taking other's toys. Add to that the stress and frustration I was feeling over Lauren and I wanted to leave. If it had been just me, no Esther, I would have. But I had spent all that time packing lunches, loading up, and I wasn't going to give in that easy. So I stuck it out. After only a half hour of play Brooke was done too. So I took the girls to a grassy area to change them out of their bathing suits and into clothes so we could play and then eat lunch.
Well little did I know that we were standing on mosquito breeding grounds. I was halfway done dressing Brooke when I noticed the first one. Then I glanced at myself and I had 5 just on one leg. I wanted to scream. I wanted to throw a tantrum. I wanted to run to my car with the wet child, the half naked child, and the crying baby who was overdue for her morning nap. But I didn't. I moved everyone to the concrete, less private area and finished getting everyone dressed. By this time Esther had joined us and was changing Caitlyn too. It was then that Lauren FINALLY stopped whining about lunch because she noticed the hula hoops and began playing with them. Then she asked to go get the basket of chalk and played with that. I felt my anxiety lessen, but just for a moment because then Olivia started demanding food.
The short version has me stressed for the rest of the time we were there. The highlights include Brooke putting her foot on Lauren the whole time they were eating, causing Brooke to need a time-out for not listening. Me having to stop nursing to put her into time-out, then her falling off the picnic table-while in time-out, and hitting her head. I never ate lunch. Olivia only got to nurse on one side since things continued to not improve. We did leave about half hour, forty-five minutes early. I think that was the worst outing I've had with the three of them. I hope never to repeat it.
On the way to the car and later that day I spoke with Lauren about what had happened that day. It turns out that she wasn't interested in playing in the water area with all the kids. There was a huge group that showed up shortly after arriving. So she was using the "hunger" as an excuse to be done since she didn't want to play with all the kids there. Looking back- duh, it makes perfect sense. But in the rush of it all, at that moment, I wanted to pull my hair out.
This coupled with that fact that I notice she'll shy away from the areas of places that are swarming with kids at the Children's Museum or the playground. I also noticed at VBS, she really didn't like the opening and closing portion where all the kids were together- she would act a fool.
I have a wonderful friend, Amanda, and she is an introvert. Her oldest son is an extravert. I remember having a conversation with her long before I had Lauren where she said that having an extravert for a child was a challenge for her, it pushed her, made her grow. Well I'm beginning to fully understand just what she meant. Being a mom is very natural for me but it has made me grow and change in many ways. It's a blessing to watch how God placed Lauren and Olivia in our family, specifically for us and how God is using them to help us be better people, people willing to go beyond ourselves to be there for them. I wonder how my little introvert is going to keep me on my toes, as I learn to see the world through her eyes.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17
Friday, August 16, 2013
Our Legacy
This is my "deep thoughts" post I was alluding to back here. I don't often have time these days to think beyond poop, boogers, and dinner but lately I've found myself thinking about what we leave behind when we're gone. I know that might sound a bit morbid- but stick with me here.
I remember when I was younger and people would tell me that 'You're just like your dad..'. or 'You're just like your mom...' I love my parents and now would find that to be a complement but back then I wanted to be Jennifer not Sharon or Mike. When I noticed that I would do or say something the way they would, I would roll my eyes and tell myself to not do that again. I don't want to 'turn into them' I would think. These days, especially when I miss them, I have a different outlook.
I feel very blessed to have both of my parents still with me on earth. It often pains me that we live so far away, but that's how it is and unless God has plans to move us back home that is how it will remain. I don't take for granted anymore the qualities that I now posses because they're my parents.
My mom, although very run by her emotions, is very loving and compassionate. She is a lover of all things God created and has a big heart to show it. I know that my large heart and loving, nurturing side come from her. All those hugs she gave me in my life are being passed along to my daughters. And I pray that they pass those same hugs and kisses on to their children too. My mother also gave me my crazy side. She can be very goofy and has a loud, roaring laugh that I can hear in my head as I type this. She is, as I already stated, highly emotional- in both good and bad ways. I know that I also inherited some of this from her too...even though it is a side of me I have to keep in check, it's something I get from her and so I cherish that quality.
From my dad I get my logical and grounded side. He is very process oriented and having things concrete and organizable is good. From him I get my tidy side. I get my love for making things work and enjoying the finished product of a task. I have his inability to tell a joke and his eyes.
My parents are both very outgoing and can talk to anyone. Heck, my mom will tell a random stranger her whole life story, as long as they're willing to listen. And my dad can ramble on for hours. This is something else I've picked up from the both of them- I've made friends in the bathroom so you see I've got these gifts too! They are also the type of people who like to be in the "driver's seat" - or hum how do I say this, like to be the one calling the shots. And I have also inherited this wonderful trait (I'm not sure you can tell how sarcastically I'm saying this statement). It's that old saying, 'if you want something done right, do it yourself' mentality. This can be a curse and a blessing, it all depends on the situation. But good, bad, or indifferent- that's us.
So as I contemplate all the wonderful, and maybe not so wonderful, traits I've picked up from my parents I think that I'm their legacy. A little of them will always live on in me. The same is to be said of my children. The crazy quirks that scream "Jennifer's child" as I watch Lauren grow and interact with the world around her are the gifts I'm giving to this world.
I once heard on the radio that you shouldn't kiss and hug your children so they kiss and hug you back, but so that they too will kiss and hug their children. I often think of that when I'm showering my girls with unconditional love and sometimes get very little in return. On the days when I feel I just give and give of myself- that is when I remember, I give them love so they intern will give love to the world.
When talking with a friend who is about to a dad for the first time I told him that this is the best job of my life, but it can also be the hardest, most tiring and most thankless job I've ever had too. I wouldn't trade any moment though. Not the temper tantrums or saying the same thing 500 times just to say it 501. I hope that Lauren and Olivia someday are able to understand that the part of them they get from me is a gift and I hope they can embrace how special that is, just as I'm doing.
My parents are both very outgoing and can talk to anyone. Heck, my mom will tell a random stranger her whole life story, as long as they're willing to listen. And my dad can ramble on for hours. This is something else I've picked up from the both of them- I've made friends in the bathroom so you see I've got these gifts too! They are also the type of people who like to be in the "driver's seat" - or hum how do I say this, like to be the one calling the shots. And I have also inherited this wonderful trait (I'm not sure you can tell how sarcastically I'm saying this statement). It's that old saying, 'if you want something done right, do it yourself' mentality. This can be a curse and a blessing, it all depends on the situation. But good, bad, or indifferent- that's us.
So as I contemplate all the wonderful, and maybe not so wonderful, traits I've picked up from my parents I think that I'm their legacy. A little of them will always live on in me. The same is to be said of my children. The crazy quirks that scream "Jennifer's child" as I watch Lauren grow and interact with the world around her are the gifts I'm giving to this world.
I once heard on the radio that you shouldn't kiss and hug your children so they kiss and hug you back, but so that they too will kiss and hug their children. I often think of that when I'm showering my girls with unconditional love and sometimes get very little in return. On the days when I feel I just give and give of myself- that is when I remember, I give them love so they intern will give love to the world.
When talking with a friend who is about to a dad for the first time I told him that this is the best job of my life, but it can also be the hardest, most tiring and most thankless job I've ever had too. I wouldn't trade any moment though. Not the temper tantrums or saying the same thing 500 times just to say it 501. I hope that Lauren and Olivia someday are able to understand that the part of them they get from me is a gift and I hope they can embrace how special that is, just as I'm doing.
Mom and I on my wedding day.
Dad and I on my wedding day
"Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves." Romans 12:10
Getting Peachy
This week we took a fun trip to a peach orchard just an hour or so from where we live. Esther, Caitlyn, and Evan were our partners in crime that day. The orchard was just ten minutes from Esthers sister's house (hope I did all those crazy apostrophes correctly- grammar is so silly) so she met us there too with her sweet daughter. They have this really neat children's program where you pay $7 per child and they do a craft, give you a 1/4 of a peck bag to pick peaches with. And they get a free cup of peach frozen yogurt at the end.
Then we were off to the orchard to pick peaches and find the stuff on our list. Lauren was having so much fun picking peaches off the tree. She made a comment about how I could lift her up if the peaches where too high, but how she was going to look for the ones down low. She just cracks me up with the things she thinks about.
I tried to get a picture of all three girls, but this was the best I could do. Lauren didn't want to stand with them, or smile for that matter.
When we were all done with filling our scavenger hunt bag and the bag for peaches we returned for some yummy treats. They handed out free donut pieces too. Oh my did those fresh apple cider fried cakes melt in your mouth. I think I could have ate my weight in them.
We headed to Esthers sister's house after that to enjoy our packed lunch and let the kids play a bit. Before we knew it the time had come to head home. So we packed back into Esther's van for a nice ride home. It was so fun to all ride together. Olivia and Evan enjoyed the back seat. They were both sleeping before we even pulled out of the driveway.
Lauren and Caitlyn enjoyed riding in the middle. They lasted a little longer but about half way home they were both enjoying a nap too. And while all the kids slept, Esther and I had a wonderful time catching up. Between colds and vacations we hadn't seem them in a few weeks. I missed her dearly and both of us enjoyed the chat time. Now that we both have two little ones it seems like our time together is tending to kids with a few conversations trickled in the middle. I told her later how fun and therapeutic the time was. She is such a calming, caring, fun person I enjoy our friendship so much.
We're already planning to head back to the apple orchard in the early fall!
"Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
All day long I come up with ideas of what I can write about on here. From more information on how cloth diapering is going to how my husband and I are finding time for each other. As I drive down the road on our way home from another fun adventure, I think about the highlights, the smiles, and fun had by all. I want to capture it all. I've also had a few "deep thought" posts in my head too. But as I sit down in front of this blank screen my mind goes blank. Blank from exhaustion. Blank from too many thought. Who knows. So here is my attempt to reach into the depths of my ever so tired brain to keep this blog up-to-date with our ever busy, exciting, frustrating, changing, joy filled lives.
I'll start with story from last weekend. I hope I never forget this crazy Saturday. Most Saturdays start with a big yummy breakfast prepared by Matt and Lauren. This Saturday however found us tired and moving a bit slower than normal. Matt and I both look at each other and agreed that easy breakfast it was. But then our pantry told us a different story. We were out the essentials necessary to provide such a meal. So I brushed my teeth and ran to the store, where my hungry tummy found lots of food we could eat for breakfast. When I left the store my bags were filled with blueberry muffins from the bakery, frozen waffles, bagels, and bread (so we could eat lunch). After scarfing down said items we decided to head to the pool. The day looked warm enough and although the sky was a little overcast it would be a fun family outing.
We get all packed, sunscreened, and ready to go. We enjoy a wonderful few hours at the pool. Lauren and I just didn't see any reason to get out - we were having a great time. Then it started to sprinkle a little- no biggy. Then we saw them. The black stormy looking clouds in the not so distant sky. So out we got. As we were dried off and packing up the first thunder shook the sky. We start getting ready with a little more urgency. As we're packing into the car we hear more thunder and the black clouds are practically on top of us as the flashes of lightning light up the darkening sky.
I hopped into the driver's seat- even though Matt usually takes the wheel when we go someplace together- I tend to be heavier on the gas petal and I just wanted to get home and get home now! We pull out of the parking lot and headed down the street. At the stop sign the storm is right up ahead. I'm encouraging the cars to hurry up, we turn the corner and head down the street- the rain starts coming down and it's heavy thunderstorm rain. As we drive a bit further the rain gets even heavier. I look up in the sky and the clouds are swirling and the wind is blowing. I started feeling like Dorthy and was in pure panic mode.
Luckily for me, God blessed me with a wonderful husband who is calm, cool, and encouraging. He's talking me though the drive, keeping my anxiety at bay. Then comes the hail. Oh my goodness- HUGE hail. Hitting the car from every angle and the rain is getting even heavier. I could barely see the car in front of us. I'm driving like 20 mph and the rain was coming down so fast that it was creating flood waters on the road. I go even slower as I notice the water is even with the curb. All I kept thinking was "Get Us Home!!!" and it just wasn't happening fast enough.
The hail let up and we were able to make it the rest of the way home with just heavy rain and slow travel. When we finally made it into our driveway I laughed because now we had to get into the house. Luckily for us we had our bathing suits on so we could just go without a worry. Matt wanted to wait until it let up more- but I just wanted out of the car and into my house- so Lauren and I made a dash for it, followed by Matt and Olivia. We were just a wet as when we got out of the pool just a short time earlier. I was so happy to be home and also that we didn't lose power like the storm a few weeks earlier.
I'm not sure what was going through Lauren's mind. She made not one peep the whole way home. Bless my heart, Olivia slept through the whole thing- true to form for her. She slept through the last storm that came through and left us without power for 12 or so hours. I thought for sure we were going to be taken by a twister to the Land of Oz. Oh did I say a prayer of thanksgiving when all was said and done. Oz and it's munchkins never appealed to me and I never want to take the trip there.
We enjoyed some down time as the girls napped. We had take-out dinner, a nice luxury for all of us. Then we enjoyed watching a movie together as a family.
Oh the memories we make!
"From the ends of the earth I call you,
I call you as my heart grows faint;
lead me to the rock that is higher than I."
Psalm 61:2
I'll start with story from last weekend. I hope I never forget this crazy Saturday. Most Saturdays start with a big yummy breakfast prepared by Matt and Lauren. This Saturday however found us tired and moving a bit slower than normal. Matt and I both look at each other and agreed that easy breakfast it was. But then our pantry told us a different story. We were out the essentials necessary to provide such a meal. So I brushed my teeth and ran to the store, where my hungry tummy found lots of food we could eat for breakfast. When I left the store my bags were filled with blueberry muffins from the bakery, frozen waffles, bagels, and bread (so we could eat lunch). After scarfing down said items we decided to head to the pool. The day looked warm enough and although the sky was a little overcast it would be a fun family outing.
We get all packed, sunscreened, and ready to go. We enjoy a wonderful few hours at the pool. Lauren and I just didn't see any reason to get out - we were having a great time. Then it started to sprinkle a little- no biggy. Then we saw them. The black stormy looking clouds in the not so distant sky. So out we got. As we were dried off and packing up the first thunder shook the sky. We start getting ready with a little more urgency. As we're packing into the car we hear more thunder and the black clouds are practically on top of us as the flashes of lightning light up the darkening sky.
I hopped into the driver's seat- even though Matt usually takes the wheel when we go someplace together- I tend to be heavier on the gas petal and I just wanted to get home and get home now! We pull out of the parking lot and headed down the street. At the stop sign the storm is right up ahead. I'm encouraging the cars to hurry up, we turn the corner and head down the street- the rain starts coming down and it's heavy thunderstorm rain. As we drive a bit further the rain gets even heavier. I look up in the sky and the clouds are swirling and the wind is blowing. I started feeling like Dorthy and was in pure panic mode.
Luckily for me, God blessed me with a wonderful husband who is calm, cool, and encouraging. He's talking me though the drive, keeping my anxiety at bay. Then comes the hail. Oh my goodness- HUGE hail. Hitting the car from every angle and the rain is getting even heavier. I could barely see the car in front of us. I'm driving like 20 mph and the rain was coming down so fast that it was creating flood waters on the road. I go even slower as I notice the water is even with the curb. All I kept thinking was "Get Us Home!!!" and it just wasn't happening fast enough.
The hail let up and we were able to make it the rest of the way home with just heavy rain and slow travel. When we finally made it into our driveway I laughed because now we had to get into the house. Luckily for us we had our bathing suits on so we could just go without a worry. Matt wanted to wait until it let up more- but I just wanted out of the car and into my house- so Lauren and I made a dash for it, followed by Matt and Olivia. We were just a wet as when we got out of the pool just a short time earlier. I was so happy to be home and also that we didn't lose power like the storm a few weeks earlier.
I'm not sure what was going through Lauren's mind. She made not one peep the whole way home. Bless my heart, Olivia slept through the whole thing- true to form for her. She slept through the last storm that came through and left us without power for 12 or so hours. I thought for sure we were going to be taken by a twister to the Land of Oz. Oh did I say a prayer of thanksgiving when all was said and done. Oz and it's munchkins never appealed to me and I never want to take the trip there.
We enjoyed some down time as the girls napped. We had take-out dinner, a nice luxury for all of us. Then we enjoyed watching a movie together as a family.
Oh the memories we make!
"From the ends of the earth I call you,
I call you as my heart grows faint;
lead me to the rock that is higher than I."
Psalm 61:2
Sunday, August 11, 2013
UP, UP, and AWAY...
Hot off the press, Olivia can sit up!!!! For about a week now she's been enjoy a different view of the world and we couldn't be more excited!
I hope you enjoy a fun picture post of her extreme cuteness...
Enjoying the doorway jumper- which she has just learned how to actually jump in! Go Olivia!
First time in the swings at the park and she L. O. V. E. D. it!
Daddy needs a lesson on hair brushing- crazy hair lady.
Here she is sitting up and enjoying life- oh I could just kiss the computer screen looking at this little girl. Oh how I love her!
She's just too much. All smiles!
Pool side cutie!
When she is laying down, her newest "pass the time" activity is sucking on her big toe. Which, just an FYI Lauren and I can do but Matt can't. Not that we do, but just saying we could if we ever needed to. ;-)
Dorky mom strikes again! Totally was a bundle of happy when I was able to put both girls in the seats of the big cart at our local wholesale club. Our world has entered a whole new level now. They had fun, well Olivia did. It took Lauren a little time to get use to sharing her space.
Hoping to write a post about the crazy storm encounter that almost sent us to the Land of Oz this weekend. But that will have to be for another day...oh for more time in the day!

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Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Planning for the ABC's
My brain has been swirling with ideas and fun for this fall. I'm knee deep in lesson plans, craft ideas, and songs that will help Lauren learn and have fun doing it. I've had a ton to write on here but I've spent most of my free time plan and preparing. My goal is to have the first half of the alphabet planned and then I'll be able to continue on with the second half once we've hit the ground running. I'm waiting on two books I've put on hold at the library and then we'll be ready to roll with the letter "A."
I'll do a post of how we're doing things once we gone through some weeks. But you'll just have to wait because this afternoon has gotten away from me again and it's time to nurse Olivia- where does naptime go?!? Well I hope to be back soon!
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