"No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit...The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart..." Luke 6:43-45 "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life..." Proverbs 11:30

Monday, November 15, 2010
Although my day has ended well, it didn't start off that way. I woke up this morning feeling- defeated. That is a tough way to start off ones day. Mondays tend to be that way. It's the beginning of another week, filled with the same list of crud to get done, and on top of it I was feeling sick today. But when I was doing my hair, I remembered the sermon from yesterday morning, which mind you I need to hear over a few more times it was so good. I remembered Pastor Spencer talking about breath prayers. Prayer you say in your head and it's short and can be said over and over again. I then thought about listen to Christian music and when I do, I so often get a line or two stuck in my head all day at work. I feel like this is a breath prayer. I repeat it over and over and as I do that I remind myself of God presence in my daily life. He is ever present and it can be so easy to leave Him out. I'm thankful for the reminder this week: we should be walking with our Lord daily!
"Therefore let everyone who is godly pray to you while you may be found; surely when the mighty waters rise, they will not reach him. You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance." Psalm 32: 6-7
"Let the glory of the Lord rise among us
Let the glory of the Lord rise among us
Let the praises of our King rise among us
Let it rise
Oh, let it rise"
~Let it Rise by William Murphy
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Baby on the brain.
Matt and I have been enjoying birthing classes. We have taken 2 of the 3 classes we have scheduled. Next week will be our last week. They are quite interesting. It's been a bonding experience for Matt, baby, and I. It is so much different now that there are things we get to do together to prepare for our baby girl. It seemed at the beginning it was just me being pregnant and him caring for me, which don't get me wrong was wonderful. But now there is more we get to do TOGETHER. It isn't just me growing a baby and him caring for me but things we do as a couple, as parents :-). The birthing classes, putting together baby stuff, and today we went to the mall and we exchanged some clothes together. I know I'm corny, but this little gift of God is already bringing our marriage closer and closer.
Today we also took a breastfeeding class together. I really don't know if I could have done it without him. Having him in the seat next to me made all the difference. I know I want to breastfeed and I am anticipating the bonding between me and baby, but at the same time it’s still a little scary. I'm sure these fears will melt the minute she is born. I know they will because God will be there guiding me through caring for her. Amen for having a God that loves us enough to never leave our sides!
Just an aside- we totally got a flat tire on the way to the class today. Thank goodness we weren't that far from home yet and it was a back tire because we were able to make it back home and flip flop cars. We were only twenty minutes late for the class. Some things are crazy. Got it all patched up though, and my Pilot is all better!
"The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." Psalm 121:8
A Baby Shower!
The good, the bad, and the tired!
Life has been busy. I thought it was busy in September with going back to work and then October was worse!! Prayer and a wonderful husband were the only way I made it out alive! I had something to do 3 or more nights a week after work and every weekend was filled with something or other. That played a toll on me and my energy level. By the end of the month I felt like death.
One weekend were blessed and went to Matt's sisters wedding in Tennessee. Which was so beautiful and I loved spending time with his family. But someone there gave me yucky germs and I got sick with a virus. The only time I've been sick during pregnancy and it sucked. Then once I got my energy back I had to clean the house top to bottom- no not nesting, but I had my baby shower at my house. I don't suggest this to anyone, unless your house is bigger and you have lots of "time off" to clean. This is the tired I was talking about in my title.
My mom and sister came down for the shower. They were here for a long weekend and it was so nice to have them here. Loved it!! They took care of a lot of the clean up after the shower, but I still had more once they left. And Lord knows after getting all the gifts from shower and things we bought ourselves- the organizer in me came out full force!! Spent the better part of the weekend after the shower just organizing, returning things for stuff we needed, and sitting in the glider dreaming about my little girl. I can't wait to meet her face to face!
Also, super excited to find out I'm going to be an aunt in June!!!! So excited for my sister and her husband. Lauren is going to have a cousin who will be in the same grade and only 6 months younger, so when they get together they'll be able to relate and play with each other. This is the good I referred to in my title.
Sorry for the ramble that this entry is, but just so much going on and not enough time to put it all in here. I can't wait until life slows down- it is going to do that right? All I know is that as I look back at the month of October, God is great and He blessed me daily to handle what was on my plate. He guides me through my days and for that I'm so grateful!
"I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much" ~Mother Teresa