It's About Time...that I made time to sit down and catch up on some wonderful blogs I follow and write down what's been going on here in our house. So with peanut butter covered graham crackers and some warm apple cinnamon tea it's time to write!
So here it is mid-November and I've been preparing for my little girl to turn three. With all her silliness and her ever encroaching desire for independence she is becoming quite the little/big girl. This fall had us in a few "phases" of toddlerhood I'm happy to see pass with the leaves. We've entered into the time when her body doesn't need a nap everyday but she still requires downtime. It took us some trial and error but we've worked out a system that works for us. She spends 1 hour in her bed (where sometimes she does in fact fall asleep) and then I set the timer for 1 hour of quiet playtime in her room. This allows me the time to get stuff done without kids in toe and it has also helped her grow. See, along with struggling at naptime she was also struggling with entertaining herself. Now there was 'once upon a time' when she would do her own thing and I could get something done in those 20 minutes before she was interested in my attention again but for some reason that capability seemed to disappear. She was very demanding and it was very exhausting. It seemed worse once Matt got home from work. It was like we couldn't even have a conversation without her needing someone to be paying full attention to her. It was a constant struggle because although we would give her good quality attention it was never enough. You pair that with less and less napping and we were exhausted each day- she was plain tuckered out and so were we. I think the hour of alone playtime in her room each day has given her time to grow in using her own imagination and seeing how fun it is when you're 'in charge' of your time, space, ideas, etc. I'd be very interested in hearing if other moms have gone through this stage of toddlerhood before.
I tell you I was up in arms more days than not. It was during the time when I was watching a lot of Little House on the Prairie on the tv at night and reading through the book series. I would watch/read it, and I know that it is tv and not real life, but still, I would watch it and read through the books and think to myself, back then it was like the kids worked for the parents and in my life I felt like I was working for her. I would say "Lauren, it is not mommy's job to entertain you all day- you need to give me time to do my work." And I knew it was hard for her to understand but as she's growing and learning I'm seeing a change and a difference. I don't want you to think I just sent her to the corner of the house as I propped my feet up and scrawled on my Facebook homepage- no I was doing things like house chores or dinner. I think my lack of blog posts lately can speak to this ever busy mama. And another added point I need to add is, I do let Lauren help with my tasks and sometimes that is great- but I can't do that with every chore, everyday- it's just not possible.
Needless to say we're making lots of progress in this area. Me taking back my well needed down time for my stuff/sanity and her being directed to spend time alone has helped out everyone. One of my favorite parts of the day now is going up to get her when the timer goes off and check out what she's done in her time. She loves giving me a recap of the things she created, played with, and enjoyed and I love hearing it. to help Matt and her with bathtime...this is our next hurdle!
Isn't it funny, this motherhood thing?! My sense of humor has stayed very active as I've navigated the last three years. One funny joke I've been telling Matt and friends these day is how when Lauren was Olivia's age (~9 months) I thought I was rocking this mommy thing. She was well behaved, sweet, and doing all the things she should be doing- achieving her physical, emotional, and developmental milestones just like the books said. I was wondering what I was doing right, but I had it all figured out- HA! Not! My good friend Garrett said it perfectly to me one day when my nerves where fried and my hair seemed to be falling out at an exponential rate, "I once thought if I did everything right as a mother then I would produce this perfect, well rounded child who do would all the right things- but then I learned that isn't how it works." So true and such great advice. Because in the end they have free will and they're going to use it just like we do.
I've been making the parallel in my head these days that toddlerhood is just a glimpse of the teenage years. They struggle to push you away and figure it out on their own. They can be unpredictable and throw a tantrum and then turn around to hug and snuggle you with warmth and affection moments later. They seek to see the world on their own but need you near to help them make sense of it all. Then I watched this internet video of a woman, Sally Clarkson and she said the same thing. I was like "this is a God thing!" I had been lead to her through Facebook- a friend from back home had posted something about her and I clicked the link and just couldn't stop reading. My heart was lead there by God because everything I was reading was making my heart fill with His love in a way only He can. You should check her out. I've since ordered on of her books on Amazon and I'm waiting so patiently for it to arrive any day now. She is all about helping women and mothers find their role of raising God loving, God fearing children. I'm looking forward to how God is going to use her wisdom to help me be the best God loving, God fearing mommy I can be.
So the little one, no I didn't forget about her. Oh Olivia. I can't get enough of her these days. She is just the happiest little girl ever. I'm enjoying her sweetness and the phase of life she's in. Right now it is a nice time and I'm soaking it all up. She wakes up smiling, is easy going, takes two naps both about 2-3 hours each. She is content in almost all of the hussle and crazy as well as the slow and mundane. She squeals with delight and screams with joy. She eats what's put in front of her (for the most part). She's getting better at remaining relatively still during diaper changes- even though yesterday she flipped over on me and then proceeded to mark her territory, if you know what I mean, for the first time in a long time. Right now she's my easy one- but I know that it has nothing to do with my magical mommy mojo- and soon enough she'll be running around like a crazy girl too. Speaking of "running" she's on the move- slowly she will army crawl herself to a desired object. Last night she popped herself up from her belly to her bum- but she has yet to repeat that move. I was so happy and lucky that I was watching as it happened. So much fun! The best part of watching her 'move' about is seeing her personality in the way she does it. She will take four or five rests on her way to wherever she's going- oh she's going to be my doddler. No rush or sense of urgency in her, which right now works to my advantage but I see so many, many ways this quality will not be so sweet in the future. But she's the most perfect Olivia Jean ever and I wouldn't want her any other way.
I say that to my girls all the time: 'God made you to be the most perfect Lauren Shea and Olivia Jean and I'm so lucky to enjoy you' or 'thanks for being you'. They're so much fun and even though most days I'm too drained to do much more than park my fanny in front of the tv, I wouldn't trade it for the world. Even though I've spent the last few days in zombie mommy mode due to sleep deprivation and a sick baby I won't have wanted to spend my days doing anything else.
These days also have us doing some different things at church. We've been reading through the book The Story. It is the bible turned into novel form so that you're able to see the story of God and His love unfold more seamlessly than if you were to pick up the bible and read it. It is the actual words straight from the bible. It has been great. I've learned so much by seeing the Old Testament in this story format. Matt and I are going through the book in our Sunday School class and then I lead the high schoolers through it on Wednesday night. Wednesday night have been different around here too- in a good way. Our church turned this bible study into a family night format. So every Wednesday we head to church when Matt gets home and we eat dinner there. For an extravert like me its so much fun to have dinner with all of our church family regularly. Then after dinner we break off into small groups to do the study. Since Matt and I do it on Sundays, Matt is the helper in the nursery and I'm able to lead the high schoolers. Then Lauren goes to the preschool class and Olivia chills with Matt in nursery. It's been great having the whole family going on Wednesday. Its been a welcomed change. It is however mighty challenging getting everyone in our family feed in a half hour, so we get there early in order to give the little ones, and ourselves, enough time to enjoy the yummy food and fellowship. It's also great to give up cooking one night a week and enjoy playing with the girls during the time I'd usually be preparing dinner.
As life keeps going by faster, I keep trying to keep up with it all. So much going on and so much waiting for us ahead. I really hope I can keep my feet on the ground and my head attached as I enjoy this journey and all the blessings of God that surround us. Here's to all the fun and crazy!
"Blessed are those who find wisdom,
those who gain understanding,
for she is more profitable than silver
and yields better returns than gold.
She is more precious than rubies;
nothing you desire can compare with her.
Long life is in her right hand;
in her left hand are riches and honor.
Her ways are pleasant ways,
and all her paths are peace.
She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her;
those who hold her fast will be blessed."
~Proverbs 3:13-18~
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