Well we just got back from our trip home. It was SO wonderful to see everyone and to be with Matt and Lauren for ten days. It was a rough start since Lauren and I came down with a stomach bug and we ended up leaving a day later than expected. It just blows my mind how I have been more sick this year with getting the flu and a stomach virus than I have been with all my years of teaching/being around all of those sick students. Maybe my immune system took a vacation or something- goodness!
So the week before we left was a very, very busy one. We had something going on each day. Monday we had some great out-of-town guests come in. My friend Christine and her two daughters stayed over night while they were passing through. She's a friend from my church back home and I hadn't seen her since Matt and my wedding six years back. You know you have a good friend when it feels like it was just yesterday that you saw each other last. I had a great time visiting and catching up with her.
They left Tuesday morning and then Lauren and I headed to library time and then on a play-date with Caitlyn and Esther. We went over their house and had lunch, played, and then took a walk around their neighborhood. I so enjoy the friendship we've formed. Time with Caitlyn and Esther is something I look forward to weekly.
Then Tuesday night I was suppose to head to Bunko, but I was starting to feel yucky. That is also when Lauren's poops started to not look so good. So I didn't end up going and we just stayed in and laid low. Wednesday Lauren was a little fussy but other than that we seemed to be just fine. I made four pies for church and we got stuff done around the house and had even dropped by church to play with Jason for a bit. Then Thursday came and Lauren wasn't doing good at all. This of course was to be the busiest day of them all. I had to fold bulletins at church, Matt and I were to get haircuts, and then I was helping serve dinner and clean up at church. But Lauren wasn't eating much or drinking. She had two more nasty diapers and fell asleep on me early for her afternoon nap- not a typical behavior for her. I started to get worried so I called the doctor.
Oh- sort-of off topic, I was so annoyed by the doctor's office. My pediatrician has two office locations. One is five minutes from my house and one is twenty. I prefer to take Lauren to the one closer if I'm taking her alone. The further location is close to Matt's work so if it is a scheduled appointment that he wants to be there for, I usually make my appointments there. On this day though, I would have preferred the five minute drive so I called there. I left a message for the nurse and didn't hear back so after 15 minutes I called again but this time just tried to make an appointment. The operator said they didn't have any appointments so I should try to get one at the further location and she 'patched' me through to their nurse. Again I left a message. Finally the first nurse called me back, but told me I should take Lauren to "KidMed" or the emergency room. I was like- "What?!?" She was ill yes, but not so ill that I felt the need to take her there. I called Matt and was unsure of what to do. Before I made any decisions though, the second location called and their nurse told me to bring her into the office. I was baffled how I described the same sick kid and got two different responses. I quickly put two-and-two together and realized the first lady didn't have any appointments so she was so easy to send me else where.
So back to the story. I took Lauren to the doctor and she sent me home saying it was a virus- which is what I figured she would say. After getting home there was no way I was going to make it to my hair appointment- Matt thankfully did. Once he got home I had to go straight to church. I help serve dinner (including my four pumpkin pies, which I was happy were a hit). I started feeling yucky just about time to clean up. I was so grateful for the angles, know to us as Morgan, Connor, and Kevin, stayed to help. Another lady, Brenda, and I were signed up and it took us almost two hours with our unexpected youth helpers. I couldn't have imagined how long it would have taken without them. By the time I left there I felt horrible. I just wanted to die. I had the worst back cramps and felt sick to my stomach. I crawled into bed and sweet hubby that he is, Matt took my temp and sure enough I had a fever. Friday I wasn't able to watch Noah- we didn't want to pass our germs on. Matt stayed home from work to help out with Lauren. I was a mess, and little did I know the worse was still to come.
I still had stuff to do. I hadn't started laundry so I could pack. I really needed my hair cut, so I had rescheduled it for Friday- not knowing that I going to get sick. I had to fold bulletins and return them to church and I still needed to stop at the store and pick up a prescription for Lauren. Thankfully with Matt home this day was a lot smoother than I had imagined. I was able to do bulletins, drop them, get my hair cut and get her prescription in the span of two hours. Again I came home a crawled into bed. I'm so thankful as I look back that Lauren was over her yuck by the time I came down with it. I'm sure that is how it usually goes.
We were suppose to leave Saturday morning to head home, and by Friday night I think both Matt and I knew there was no way this was going to happen. I attempted to help out and packed my clothes and Lauren's clothes- but that was a lost cause. Saturday morning I wake up sicker than ever. I couldn't be to far from the bathroom and I was just down for the count. Any pipe dreams that we had of leaving were thrown out the window. I was so bummed, but there was no way we were ready to leave let alone, drive in a car for upwards of ten hours.
Matt used that day to continue packing and taking care of Lauren, while I used that day to lay in bed and try to get better. Ready or not we were going to leave on Sunday. Usually we try and get out of the house as early as possible in order to get to someones house with time to visit before bed. Sunday we just aimed to leave, and I think we got out of the house around 8:30. All in all, it wasn't horrible, but it sure wasn't the best timing for a stomach bug, but then again when is a good time? I'll have to post again soon with our adventures back home. Funny how I never meant this to be a two part post, but it's time to get dinner on and this has been long enough.
"So [the shepherds] hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." Luke 2:16-19
"No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit...The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart..." Luke 6:43-45 "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life..." Proverbs 11:30

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Top Ten Things that rock because I'm home
10. The sleep scheduleTHINGS I LOVE ABOUT BEING HOME...
9. Being my own boss
8. Talking with my sister and mom more
7. Enjoying my time with hubby in the morning, and not feeling rushed
6. Having time to pray and do Bible study and not feeling like it's just one more thing on my list
5. The quiet- one baby makes a lot less noise than 25 children, that's for sure
4. Having time to get stuff done: shopping, cleaning, phone calls, cooking, etc.
3. The lack of stress is heaven sent!
2. Having the time to make "Homemade" meals for my family to enjoy
1. Watching my baby girl grow up day by day
"And the times, they are a changing..."
The sun is showing itself less and less and the cool autumn air is making us bundle up more and more- oh how I love this time of year! Halloween has come and gone and now my brain is singing a Christmas tone (I'm as bad as the retail stores, I know) "...it's the most wonderful time of the year - ding, dong, ding, dong...!!!
So what's been doing on in our house (I apologize for the scatteredness of this post). Well Halloween was a ball. Lauren dressed up as a cute cat. She and Noah got to stroll around Noah's neighborhood looking all cute and sweet. We were afraid that she wouldn't want the "hat" part of the costume on her head but she didn't give it any mind with all the other things going on around her. It was such a fun night!
The cuties cat and duck ever!
Lauren has also gotten her first cold. Yucky boogers have taken up residence and it was interesting to see how she reacted to this. At first she didn't want anything to do with the saline spray and tissues but once she was so stuffed up she couldn't breath right she would just lay there and look so thankful for the same saline spray and tissues she would make a huge fuss about using. She has been a trooper and it's on it's last legs now and for that we're all grateful.
I've run my 8K! It was a lot of fun and I'm so thankful for Heather (my running buddy) who kept me going. Throughout the training we only ran together once- the Saturday before the race, but it was like we were meant to run together. Everyone I've ever run with before has been too fast, but not Heather- she was my "Goldie Locks," she was just right. I usually run with my iPod going and stay focused on my own thoughts- but the day of the race I forgot my iPod (heavenly intervention I believe) and we just ran and talked. She is a slow, steady runner and it was perfect for me. We ran all 4.96 miles and it was wonderful! The first mile felt like it was forever and then each mile there after seemed to go by faster and faster. We sprinted across the finish line and were so energized and proud of our accomplishment.
Heather and I post race!
And now we're preparing to head "home for the holidays" (yes another Christmas carol running through my head). We're heading up this Saturday and staying through next Sunday. I've set it up to drive home the Monday after Thanksgiving so we don't have to worry about the crazy holiday traffic coming or going. I can't wait to be with family and celebrate Lauren turning one year. We're having a party at Matt's parents home and both of our families will be in attendance- all the aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas, and a handful of special guests too. We're at my mom's house for Thanksgiving and I'm looking forward to Lauren and Finn playing together. The last time they saw each other Finn was just days old, so this time will be quite different (we hope).
Lots to be thankful for this Thanksgiving! "Come, let us sing the joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the LORD is the great God, the King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care." Psalm 95:1-7
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