

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Thoughts, Prayers, Blessings

Here it is early Sunday morning and my house is quiet and dark. I've been laying in bed thinking, praying, dreaming. I love the moments when Matt is sleeping next to me and Lauren is sleeping above me and the baby is resting/sleeping inside me. When I'm all rested and my thoughts are fresh. There is a peace and happiness found in the quiet anticipation of a new day.

This morning I was thinking about how blessed I feel and then started praying for those blessings and praising God for all that I have. I'm definitely at the point where my belly is round and movement isn't always easy, but last night, after having a braxton-hicks contraction (or three or four or five...) and laying down was what my body needed- even if it wasn't what I wanted- I was thinking about how much I'll miss this. I enjoy being pregnant (after that yucky first trimester where you feel like do-do and in a constant state of  panic that the baby is alright). I enjoy the special time where I selfishly have the baby to myself. Where their every movement is felt and enjoyed. Where I go where she goes. Where we can enjoy our special bond just being us. And this time around I'm not as naive and understand that you don't really remember what it feels like to be pregnant- the good and the bad- once you've given birth.

When Matt and I have discussed the number of children we're going to have I remind him how much I enjoy this pregnancy thing and how much I love being a mommy and watching him be a daddy. Before we found out this one was a girl and he kept telling me, in a joking manner, that if it was a boy I was cut off. I kept thinking how I was not ready for this to be my last pregnancy and how I would feel unfinished. Amen for God and now that this one is a girl he is all about having at least three, so we can try for a boy. He loves his girls and in fact was the one wanting a girl when we were pregnant with Lauren. And when we found out this one was a girl he smiled from ear to ear because he says he "knows girls" since we have one. So I think he agrees that our family wouldn't feel complete without at least one more sweet baby. Now I need to pray for what God wants for our family- two, three, four...dare I say 5 (honestly four might be my limit). Anyway, only time will tell what God has in store for our family, and I'm sure glad I have a front row seat to this show!

I need to get to waking up my sleepy family if we're going to make it to church on time. Just wanted to put down some thoughts, dreams, and blessings before the hustle and bustle of the day pulled them away.

May God be ever present in my mind and heart today!

"The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God my Savior!" Psalm 18:46

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