

Friday, January 25, 2013

Dinner from a garbage can

... ok the dinner did not come from a garbage can, but it might as well have. 95% of it ended up there! So tonight wasn't my night in the cooking department. I'm pretty sure I'd made this ham and spinach risotto recipe before, but I don't remember it looking or tasting so nasty.

It was doing fine until I added the spinach (or so I thought) and that is where my desire to eat the dinner went out the window. I just chucked it up to the pregnancy until Lauren took one look at it and said "I'm done" without a single bite taken. Matt and I told her to pick out the ham, which she did, sort of. That is what I did too. We're usually pretty strict when it comes to meals- "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit." But tonight I gave her a break. I think she played with it, but that is what I did, so I couldn't blame her. Matt, being such a wonderful and loving husband said "it's not that bad, if you don't mind crunch rice." Yes the rice was crunchy...I'm not sure what I did wrong. It was probably a bad recipe, yes...that's it. The 5% that didn't end up in the trash was eaten by Matt- sweet man, he must have been hungry. 

Guess I'm just distracted or exhausted or a little of both lately. I wasn't too hungry to begin with but I was forcing myself to cook food for everyone else. We were going grocery shopping after dinner (Matt, again being a gold star hubby, has been coming grocery shopping with us lately so I don't have to unload the groceries and put them away all by myself- 9 months pregnant). Our dinner options were pretty slim pickin's due to it being shopping night, so I just sucked it up and made the dinner I had all the ingredients for. Looking back, I'm not sure why. 

Oh goodness, I'm hoping future dinners don't create such a flop! We snacked on rice cakes and grapes on the way home from the store and then I popped in a pot-pie we picked up so the baby didn't starve. I'm sure Saturday morning breakfast will make us forget this slop we "had" tonight.

Here's to not cooking that recipe again! (because I'm pretty sure it was the recipe and not my cooking ;-)

"I don't like food that's too carefully arranged; it makes me think the chef is spending too much time arranging and not enough time cooking. If I wanted a picture I'd buy a painting." Andy Rooney

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