

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Wonders of this Life

Today I got the joy of celebrating a wonderful man of God. Our, soon to be, former youth pastor. Our church had our annual "One Service." This is where we bring the morning service (9 am contemporary) and afternoon service (11 am traditional) together for one 10 am service.

It was two years ago I remember our first "One Service" since it was when we announced to the church that Lauren Shea was on her way! I enjoyed today too because before Lauren we would be lazy and sleep in on Sunday's, attending the afternoon service. Now that Lauren has us up at the crack of dawn we attend the early service. It was nice to see and visit with the late service friends we don't see as much these days. I truly miss them and get excited when I get to have fellowship with them.

I also enjoy the musical blend they did today with having both the praise band and choir performing together throughout the service. The hymns the music director selected were oh so wonderful too. A side from the sermon, the music is a close second in the things I enjoy about every Sunday's service. Nothing like a song to remind you of your faith and love for Jesus or convict you of not being as faithful as we should be.

Anyway, back to honoring Jason and his time at our church. I should give you a little background. He recently married a wonderful women Megan. They both work in the ministry, him as a youth pastor, and her as an associate pastor. Her position in the church is appointed, while his is hired. So, she is staying and he is moving to where she is. Hence, causing him to have to leave us.

We've known this is coming for sometime now. In fact, I wrote a post about it not that long ago- Ripping off a Band-Aid. Once he proposed to her and the news was out it didn't take us too long to figure out that we were going to be losing a fabulous youth pastor. But today we didn't weep over the fact that he was leaving, although many tears were a rolling, we celebrated the impact he had on each of our lives. It must have been such a surreal experience now that I'm thinking about it. Having those you are closest to tell you how much your life has impacted them and their faith journey. So many amazing people had such phenomenal things to say. One of the other adult helpers, Josh, and I got the youth together these past few weeks and they made a video goodbye. They did such a great job and it was neat to watch what they all said.

Our faith journey is touch by so many people. Sometimes it is people like Jason, whom you will never forget the positive impact they made. I wish him luck with his new endeavors. I know he and his wonderful wife will enjoy living a married life in the same house/town/zip code. I know he will enjoy getting his hands and feet working in his new church. I pray that this transition brings him nothing but joy and happiness. I pray that we, who are still here, continue to honor him in how we pitch in and help make for a smooth transition with our new youth pastor. I pray for what has been and what is to come.

Lauren and Jason at work camp last year. (She's so tiny!)
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sign psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God." Colossians 3:16

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