

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Lauren's Top Ten of December 2011


10. Laying and playing in her crib to go down for a nap or after waking up
9. Reading her books in the car and carrying them around the house to read
8. Kissing us and Annabelle, as well as making the kiss noise 
7. Jumping up and down in her crib with excitement when I go in to get her
6. Dancing when she hears music playing
5. Being silly in the bath, playing with her turtles and sample shampoo bottles
4. Dumping toy bins and baskets throughout the house and sometimes playing with the toys
3. Using her signs to get what she wants
2. Walking along furniture & with her walker (even taking a few independent steps)
1. Giving hugs for no reason, other than she loves us 

Friday, December 30, 2011

Just around the corner

Today the decorations came down. The box is sealed again, waiting for November of 2012. Speaking of 2012...it's almost here. I can't believe I'm saying that. I've been reflecting upon this past year and all the greatness that has come to pass. Wow! What a good year, which held so many blessing from God. I even took a moment to go back a read some of my old blogs (so many typos...oops).

Winter of 2011 was a memorable one. Lauren was here and I was on maternity leave for the better part of it. I think back to this time last year and Lauren and I bonding during the day while daddy was at work. I remember all the time spent snuggling and watching movies. Spending lots of time nursing- got a lot of use out of the glider in the nursery. One of the posts I reread was about how we got the glider, even though I wanted something else, and how bummed I was about it. Now I can't imagine the nursery without it- I put in a lot of hours in that chair. We had some family visiting us and meeting Lauren Shea for the first time that winter. It was such a wonderful season to look back on.

Spring of 2011 was a lot more hectic with me back at work. I remember pumping and working and coming home so excited to see Lauren each night. We would sing songs, make dinner, and be silly while we waited for daddy to get home. Lauren celebrated her first Easter. It was so much fun. She started sitting up on her own and having her own little personality. I remember taking lots of videos as we looked at her amazed at all she could do. 

Summer of 2011 was a shiny season, since it began my journey as a stay-at-home mommy. I remember being so relieved and excited, yet scared and nervous of the unknown. I remember heading home to visit everyone and all the fun we had. I remember stressing over Lauren's nap schedule and getting into a routine (I crave routine). Also, our trip to the beach and Lauren's stranger anxiety. It was such a wonderful trip and right after we got back is when Lauren started crawling. Oh did our life change after that milestone- she was on the move. When the summer was winding down I remember feeling nervous about everyone else heading back to work and again the unknown of living with one paycheck.

Fall of 2011 was just terrific. I really have not a single memory that doesn't make me smile. I started watching Noah and began to understand what it feels like to have two babies- yikes! Lauren and I started venturing out to library time. We met Caitlyn and Esther and have since enjoyed many play dates together. I still look forward to getting together with them weekly. Lauren had her first Halloween, looking so cute and cuddly as a cat. I trained for the race in November. We went home and celebrated Lauren turning one year- wow, that was a big moment! So many blessing to look back on.

Now as we head into the new year I think of all the exciting things just around the corner...

"We are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is." 1 John 3:2

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"I bring you good news of great joy..."

Well Christmas was here (I so remember when it was the "in thing" to write 'Jennifer was here' on things...lol). And it was a great Christmas. We saw many blessing and felt very blessed this year. I really enjoyed starting wonderful family traditions and enjoying the season of our Lord and Savior together as a family. Here is a slide show of all the wonderful things we did to celebrate...

This year, like last, we went to church on Christmas Eve. It is such a great service. They do a spontaneous Christmas pageant. Last year Lauren was asked to be baby Jesus- we felt to honored. This year, as you can see from the picture above, Lauren got to be a sheep. I love the lighting of the candles they do at the end of the service and I feel like it reminds us, we drift off to sleep on Christmas night, that it really isn't about the gifts under the tree but the gift of a baby boy who was sent here to give us the greatest gift of all.

With the thoughts of joyful Christmas tones in our heads, we got home in time to get out our sillies before bed. With Christmas just beyond our grasp- it's time for bed sleepy head. We made sure to read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - narrated by Grandma P before laying our heads to rest.

The next morning we awoke to presents under the tree and what else do we see...Annabelle...hum do you know where all these presents came from?

After taking care to unwrap each gift, it was time for some fun! Like zooming around on our new tricycle! Bunny Night-Night came along for the ride too.

All of the excitement gave us a big appetite! So homemade blueberry buttermilk pancakes and sausage did the trick and gave us all the energy we needed to go play some more.

After yummy breakfast behind us we got dressed up in our "Mommy's Little Helper" Christmas outfit Grandma P got Lauren. And it's time again to play with some new toys.

And give daddy lots of love too!

Mommy wanted to get in on the fun too! Making a Lego house and of course destroying it make for loads of Christmas day entertainment.

Then the best present of all came... Grandma and Grandpa B! They drove through the Christmas morning and got here just before afternoon nap. We set out with them on a nice walk with the new tricycle and enjoyed the rest of the day visiting. Blessing all day long!

"While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn." Luke 2:6-7

Friday, December 23, 2011

Exercise and Jesus

During one of my bible study conversations with Shauna, I made an analogy that I thought I would share. I compared exercise and bible study. 

We all know exercise is good for us. I know that I enjoy exercising for all the great benefits that exercise gives you: more energy, happy disposition, healthy body, etc. And even though I enjoy Zumba, running, and working out- I still struggle daily to do it. I struggle with having enough time or feeling 'in the mood'. Sometimes I feel guilty because when I go to the gym I'm not here to put Lauren down. I come up with excuses why I can't slap on a pair of sneaker and jog around the block for a half hour and why? I enjoy the activity and I know it's good for me yet my mind fights it. I don't make excuses to myself when it comes to watching a TV program. I don't say "oh it'll be okay to not watch this one episode- I'll still be able to figure out what's going on next time." Why is that? Why do we fight what we know is good for us? 

The same goes with working out our spiritual selves. We act the same way as with exercise. We come up with excuses why skipping our daily prayer time or our devotional for just one day won't hurt anyone. Again, bible study is something I enjoy. I feel healthier mental and I feel ready to face the day with my Jesus boots on. Ready to kick butt with whatever comes my way, knowing that Jesus is front and center. Yet how often I think- "Oh I could really use her morning nap time to get X, Y, or Z done" "Missing one day won't hurt" But it does hurt. It lets our Jesus battery run low and once that happens we get a little snippier or we're quick to judge -pointing out the speck in someone else's eye, and forgetting to notice the plank in ours (Luke 6:37-42).

I pray right now that I don't let these things fall to the wayside. That I continually exercise my body and spirit daily. That I look to God daily to remind me of how good it feels to be so close to Him. I also pray that although it is easier to be sinful and give in to my selfish desires that I fight not to. I ask God for the strength to live my life as He envisions it. I'm so grateful to have a God so mighty and powerful that with Him by my side I can do anything. Amen.

"Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven-- for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little." Luke 7:47

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

"...Soon it will be Christmas Day"

Sniffle, sniffle-yes we have a round of the yucky cold here in our household. Doing better today than Monday and Tuesday. Feeling less tired and run down and my sinus' feel more normal. Lauren, poor baby, is still coughing and has some boogies. I keep telling myself that she has been sick a whooping three times in her life and that isn't bad. I just hate when she gets sick. She can't tell me what's wrong, I can't fix her with medicine, and she's just pathetic looking. Lots of hugs and snuggles going on here.

We're so ready for Christmas here. We even got an early gift. On Monday night, December 19th- Lauren Shea took her first steps. She left the side of the bed and headed straight for daddy, who was on the floor, and took five or six steps. It was wonderful! I was on the phone with Matt's mom so she was there to hear the exciting news first hand. Lauren hasn't really ventured to take more since. She attempted some more that night, but didn't get much past the first step. We just keep cheering her on and she'll get it in her own time.

Other great news is that Matt's parents might make it here for Christmas evening. We weren't sure when to expect them to visit- since they work with USPS it's hard to get days off at Christmas time. But when I was talking to her they might be down here on Christmas. I think that would be wonderful, I can't wait!! All I have left to do is wrap up some gifts, which is something I look forward to each year.

Feeling mighty blessed and thankful this holiday season! Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to man on whom his favor rest." Luke 2:14

Friday, December 16, 2011

Open Eyes

So I've been thinking of a lot of posts, just not writing them down. I really blame it on the early sun set and holiday preparations. The early sunset makes you think bed time is right here and your day is done. So at 4:30-5 o'clock my brain and body start shutting down. Not cool when there is still dinner and other things to get done.

Life around here is good. Getting the cookies baked, house decorated, and present shopping done. I've had to store all the gifts in the closet this year. Usually as they come in I wrap them and put them under the tree to wait until Christmas. This year I can't do that since at Lauren's birthday we taught her how to open presents it might not be a good idea to taunt her with them. Plus I don't want to tell her no, no, no and then Christmas day want her to be excited about the gifts. I'm kind of hoping that when she comes down Christmas morning and sees all the gifts she's be super excited. Ha, watch her care less-lol!

I do most of my shopping online for Christmas. We did go to Target for some gifts this year, but for the most part Amazon is my holiday friend. I love that they will ship stuff for free- it not only saves me from having to go to the store, but the post office as well. Although I had a wonderful experience at the post office the other day. I had to send out Finn's gift and Matt's brother, Josh's girlfriends gift. Matt's work is right next to the post office so I had asked him if he would go with me. It ended up that Lauren fell asleep in the car so he stayed in the car with her and I went it. The line was out the door but it moved pretty steadily. While in line I had a wonderful converstation with a nice lady. I love when that happens because I feel so often we notice the crabby people or the hostile ones- it is wonderful to notice the nice people who enjoy brighten others days.

In the Luke Bible study I'm doing with Shauna it really highlights how God and Jesus usually use the ordinary people to do extraordinary things. When Jesus came he didn't use Kings and Queens or even others in high positions, like priests, to reveal His glory. It has opened my eyes to look for God in those ordinary people around me and to be an person who God can work through. Many people in Jesus' day missed what wonder was right in front of them because they were caught up in how they thought the coming of Christ should look. I don't want to be a person who missed the spender and glory God has laid out right in front of me. I pray that my eyes and heart will always be open to seeing what He has sent.

"...because the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:21

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Thrills and Chills of Growing Up

Yesterday I had an interesting day with me sweet, little baby girl. I realized in full force that she's growing up. You would think with all the hype of her turning one year old it would have sunk in then, but no. And why, you might ask. Well because actions my friend speak louder than words.

The day started out with her not listening when her daddy asked her to stay out of Annabelles litter box. You see, in the past she has "helped" daddy clean the box by having her own pink shovel and "scooping" the pretend litter outside of the box while daddy cleaned the real litter inside the box. It was so cute and she thought she was the most awesome helper. Well yesterday she wanted to jump right in and help with the real litter. I mean we really should have seen this coming, but I'm admitting now that we didn't. Of course he had to sternly tell her multiple times no and yucky. I eventually had to intervene and take her away.

Her actions continued as the day did. She decided to show mommy how fun it is to pull clothes out of her dresser drawers- might I add she did this multiple times. I obviously didn't see how fun it was the first three times so she needed to keep showing me. She also showed mommy how fun it is to play with the living room light timer. Who knew that clicking sound could be so entertaining- well my daughter knew and she was so sweet she wanted to share!

These wonderful actions just proved how big my little girl is getting, especially when she looked at me with those eyes that said "I want to do this, so I'm going to do it." You really need a sense of humor and a glass of wine.

When daddy got home that day, mommy took a time out and walked around Michael's for about an hour. That was all I needed to feel refreshed and anxious to get home a read bedtime stories and say prayers. Amen for daddies and breaks, and double amen for bedtime stories and prayers!

"I will say of the LORD, "He is my refugee and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." Psalm 91:2

Thursday, December 1, 2011

'Tis the Season - Part Two

So after all the yuck we headed home to enjoy Lauren's birthday and Thanksgiving with family. I remember last year's Thanksgiving. Matt and I were going to be here alone, so we had planned to help out feeding the homeless at church. Church is our family here, so what better way to spend the holiday if we can't be with our other family. Then Lauren decided, Amen, to come a little early so we ended up spending Thanksgiving with our new born baby and my mom, who had come to spend the week with us to help out with Lauren and the house. It was a quiet day and mom only cooked up a turkey breast since it was just going to be the three of us. It was our first holiday with Lauren and one I will not soon forget.

This year there were a lot more people to celebrate with. My sister, her husband, and my nephew were in town too, along with my step-dad's son- Matt. So my mom had a full house with five adults and two babies added to her and my step-dad. We relaxed and enjoyed each other. My favorite moment is when my mom, my sister, and I took a walk to the lake. We were being silly and making each other laugh. I felt relaxed and full from our meal. I was very content in the moment and was enjoying being with them. Being so far away that type of stuff doesn't happen very often so I embraced the moment.

I'm smiling now as I remember it. I just love them so much. My sister and I are very close in age, 14 months apart (what in God's green earth was my mom thinking- yikes). We tend to be opposites, although just the other day we discovered that our core values and life ideals are very similar but how we live them out isn't always the same. Shauna and I have been doing a Bible study on Luke and it sure is wonderful to see our relationship grow and to share the Lord together makes it feel like its strengthening too. It's hard ,since now we've lived apart from each other for just a little under half our lives, to really forge that bond and continue a strong relationship. But God is making it happen and I know we're both very grateful for it. Especially with the babies now and staying home, it gives us common ground, which is something we didn't always have. I know that I sure am thankful this year for our growing relationship.

We also stayed with Matt's parents and as always it was fun and relaxing there was well. We had my dad and step-mom , Sue, over for dinner on Lauren's actual birthday. All day long I kept remembering that day just one year ago. How I went to brunch with the girls and was bummed when the contractions stopped mid-day. Then how I was afraid they were going to send me home from the hospital when they were sure my water hadn't broken. Matt kept picking on me because I said I wanted to stay up until 11:50- and sure enough he was right I fell asleep just shy of 11:50. I can't help that I'm not a night person.

Lauren eating snack at her big girl table at Grandma & Grandpa B's on her birthday

The Saturday after her birthday we had a big birthday bash at my in-laws for Lauren. There were only four kids there, lol, one was Lauren, one was her cousin Finn (5 months old), and then the two kids I use to nanny when I was in college. Emily is in high school now and Ethan is in middle school. It was more for us than her, but she had a lot of fun. I had made her two cat cakes. One for her to have and smash and eat and one for the rest of us. She L-O-V-E-D the cake and frosting. She's got four sweet teeth, that's for sure!

Lauren's Big Cat Birthday Cake

Over all we had a wonderful visit. I was thankful for the time to relax and see Lauren get to know all of her grandpas and grandmas, aunts, uncles, and her sweet cousin Finn. I loved that I didn't have to cook for a week. I didn't realize before leaving what a nice break that would be, but I can tell you I sure appreciated it. I think the cakes and Thanksgiving stuffing were the only things I baked/cooked. It was great to spend time with Matt too. I would call it a successful vacation and a wonderful visitation! I'm a poet and did even know it...hehehe...I know I'm corny and I'm okay with that!

My sweet baby girl enjoying her little cat cake at her birthday party.

"But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord" Luke 2:10-11