

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"I bring you good news of great joy..."

Well Christmas was here (I so remember when it was the "in thing" to write 'Jennifer was here' on things...lol). And it was a great Christmas. We saw many blessing and felt very blessed this year. I really enjoyed starting wonderful family traditions and enjoying the season of our Lord and Savior together as a family. Here is a slide show of all the wonderful things we did to celebrate...

This year, like last, we went to church on Christmas Eve. It is such a great service. They do a spontaneous Christmas pageant. Last year Lauren was asked to be baby Jesus- we felt to honored. This year, as you can see from the picture above, Lauren got to be a sheep. I love the lighting of the candles they do at the end of the service and I feel like it reminds us, we drift off to sleep on Christmas night, that it really isn't about the gifts under the tree but the gift of a baby boy who was sent here to give us the greatest gift of all.

With the thoughts of joyful Christmas tones in our heads, we got home in time to get out our sillies before bed. With Christmas just beyond our grasp- it's time for bed sleepy head. We made sure to read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas - narrated by Grandma P before laying our heads to rest.

The next morning we awoke to presents under the tree and what else do we see...Annabelle...hum do you know where all these presents came from?

After taking care to unwrap each gift, it was time for some fun! Like zooming around on our new tricycle! Bunny Night-Night came along for the ride too.

All of the excitement gave us a big appetite! So homemade blueberry buttermilk pancakes and sausage did the trick and gave us all the energy we needed to go play some more.

After yummy breakfast behind us we got dressed up in our "Mommy's Little Helper" Christmas outfit Grandma P got Lauren. And it's time again to play with some new toys.

And give daddy lots of love too!

Mommy wanted to get in on the fun too! Making a Lego house and of course destroying it make for loads of Christmas day entertainment.

Then the best present of all came... Grandma and Grandpa B! They drove through the Christmas morning and got here just before afternoon nap. We set out with them on a nice walk with the new tricycle and enjoyed the rest of the day visiting. Blessing all day long!

"While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn." Luke 2:6-7

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