

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mother Goose Story Hour

Lauren and I visited the library for story time today. It was a wonderful success! My good friend Heather has taken her son and told me about how fun it is. I wanted to go this summer, but life proved to be busy enough without it, so I waited until the fall. This session (they seem to go for six weeks and then there's a break before going for another six weeks) started last week but Matt was home for his birthday so we didn't go. I was nervous that was going to matter- but it didn't at all.

They offer the "Mother Goose" story hour at multiple libraries in our county but most of them hold the 9:30 time slot. This wasn't going to work for us. She has her nap around 9:45 and Lord knows after a week without naps, this little girl needs them. I did find the library closest to Matt's work had theirs at 11:30. I thought- hum, I could swing that one. It's hard because I'm still nursing her and 11 is one of the four times I'm still nursing her during the day. I figured if I just went upstairs and made a little noise around 10:45, then she would stir herself awake and could nurse a little earlier, and then we'd be able to make it to the library on time. And it worked!

We showed up and waited for a minute or two for the story time room doors to opened. There were lots of other moms standing around with their babies and toddlers. When we walked in there was a sweet little girl who looked right about Lauren's age, but I was so nervous I just smiled and walked past. Another mom with older children talked with me and then the librarian rang the bell and we were ushered inside.

I wanted to try and sit next to the little girl and her mom we'd seen when we walked in and it worked out. But low and behold, once we sat down I noticed Lauren had lost a shoe! I looked around but didn't see it anywhere. I figured we lost it in the library while we were waiting. I didn't want to lose my spot next to the little girl so I asked the mom to watch Lauren, KNOWING it would be so much faster to scoot out and look for it by myself. She said sure and within thirty seconds I found it and was back sitting down. I was so nervous- I felt like it was the first day of school for me! I know, I know- I'm a dork to be nervous for a library story time.

Anyway, we made friends with the little girl and her mom and lingered at the end so that we could keep talking. Esther, that's the woman's name, also stays at home. We exchanged email addresses and talked about getting together for walks, going to the park, and Children's Museum. I was such a school girl, hehehe! I called Matt all giddy and excited about Lauren's and my new friends. Since we were in the area (lol, Matt only works ten minutes down the road from where we live and two minutes from the library) we stopped by to see daddy. He road with us while we got gas; silly idiot light was on because the pumps worn't working when I was out Saturday night grocery shopping.

I think it's funny because Esther looks like our friend Liz from back home, she was comforting because of that. I'm trying to get myself out there and make friends, not only for Lauren, but for myself as well. I'm a social girl and as much as I enjoy the quiet of the house sometimes, I need adult interaction. Lauren needs to interact with other babies her age too. We don't have family around to rely on. It makes me sad that Finn and Lauren are so close in age and we don't live closer. Shauna and mom keep telling me they're going to move down here in a few years. I pray that it happens but don't want to get my hopes up.

So anyway, I found a moms/play group online in my area and have emailed the lady who seems to lead it, but I haven't heard back. I'm okay if I don't but I've just been praying that we don't go bonkers in the house alone. Having Noah here Mondays and Fridays is going to be great for Lauren too. It was so sweet yesterday how they "played" with each other. He's six and a half months and Lauren is nine and a half, so they more or less co-existed. But a few times she gave him a toy to play with and he smiled at her. I know once they're toddlers it will be so much more fun for them. Just grateful for God's blessings today and wanted to share!

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17

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