I feel very lucky to be able to stay home with Lauren. We've made and will make many more sacrifices to do this, but I've never once thought God won't be there holding our hands to make those hard sacrifices.
Just yesterday and one other time this week, even Matt has made a comment about how glad he is that I'm home with Lauren. Earlier in the week, when Lauren pulled herself to a standing position in her crib for the first time I was able to snap a picture of it and then email it to Matt to show him what our sweet baby girl did. He was so excited and part of his response was "aren't you glad you were there to see it." My thought were YES!!! I know that part of him was sad he wasn't, but that it made him feel better to know that I was there. It really hit me then to think we could be paying someone to witness all of these firsts for us. That thought made me sad. I feel so blessed that I'm here witnessing it all!
Then yesterday Matt came out and said "I'm glad you're at home taking care of our daughter." That was music to my ears! I know that it has always been a dream of mine to be a stay at home mommy to my children, and I'm glad to know that my husband shares in that dream with me. I know that God has blessed me with a gift to teach, but more so a passion to help children grow and blossom into what God has created them to be. I would hate to think that I wasn't able to do that for my child, like I've been there to do it with some many others.
So today was just wonderful as well. Matt let me sleep a little longer and he took Lauren down and they ate breakfast without me. Then we all stayed in our pj's until after lunch time. We finally got ourselves dressed and headed out to do some errands. Lauren fell asleep and we decided to go for a drive, which we use to do more before sweet Lauren came around. We got home, enjoyed play time, made and ate dinner, and finished with a Skype chat with Matt's mom. Every part of today was enjoyable.
Now it's time to head upstairs and snuggle with Lauren one more time before we wrap up a day I'm so thankful for.
"...But as for me and my household, we serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15
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