This past weekend we had the joy of celebrating Matt's birthday. We had a great day and he sweetly said to me Sunday morning "Thanks for making my day so special." Melt my heart, what a wonderful husband I have- and he's taken ladies!! LOL...just being silly. Lauren's reaction was the best and I need to put this one down so I don't forget it...we descended the stairs after I got her up and reminded her it was daddy's birthday and her exact words as we entered the living room "Where's the big pile of gifts for him to open?" She was so disappointed for him, and her too I think, that there wasn't a pile of birthday presents like there is for her special day. I had to explain that as you get older you need and want less...she didn't buy it but left it at that. I also explained that we made him lots of beautiful cards and we were going to make him a special breakfast. Then she asked where his cake was....poor thing. I then had to explain that daddy wanted to go to an ice cream place with all of us instead of cake. She did seem okay with that answer (amen!). Here are a few pictures I got at the ice cream shop:

I picked a bad table to sit at because I guess the bees had already claimed the table. So poor Matt had to deal with me fussing to get my babies away from the bees. They were landing on Olivia's bib and her and I was in pure panic mode. His ice cream for some reason was melting fast while I held it and he relocated the girls and swished away the bees. I'm sure the people next to us were secretly laughing at me- but what is a mama to do when bees are walking on your baby?! I hate bees! Olivia kept cracking us up because she kept going to the ice cream poster that measured the kids to see if they were short enough of a free cone (A+ both girls were free, nice- plus Matt had a free birthday cone coupon and a coupon for 75 cents off mine, the bill was under $4). I think Olivia wanted to bring Ice Cream Guy home. Lauren was so excited to see that this ice cream place had been here all along, next to many of our favorite places to shop- I'm surprised she didn't ask why we never went there before (oh we have, just without you...hehehe...mean parents).

We ended the day with a fun time swinging on our new swing set! Matt's parents came down the weekend before and stayed a few days. Matt and his dad built a swingset for the girls. We just wanted swings and something strong enough that we could enjoy it with them. Since it was end the season Matt got a great deal on everything except the wood and did a wonderful job planning and shopping. He's truly a wonderful husband and dad- incase I didn't mention that yet ;-) Matt's dad called it industrial quality- and they did such a beautiful job on it. The girls love it too!!
Then today was Lauren's first day of preschool!
We started with bible time- Learning about creation and God. |
We made a play-doh mixture and then created things with it. |
Lauren's dump truck joined the fun |
We're doing a little Math with cars |
Olivia used some lovies - she was right along with Lauren, too smart these girls |
Art time - tracing weather symbols |
Olivia just coloring along too |
She's all done with day 1! |
The morning went so smoothly. I was more anxious then she was, because I wanted it all to go right. One thing got mixed up but it was quickly taken care of. One of the activities was making a name tag. I had these little name tag sleeves and I have no idea where on earth I put them. You would think they were with the stuff I had all prepared, but no. So I just used index cards and foam letters instead- they didn't know the difference and had just a grand time. I was amazed at how well Olivia stayed right along with us. She was more distractible at reading time, which was on the couch, aka her personal romping grounds, so I don't know if that had anything to do with it. She looked through books but wasn't much interested in the ones we were actually reading together. Lauren on the other hand was just in love with each book we read. Both girls picked two books from the school bin and I picked one. Lauren sat through all five and loved them all. One that Olivia picked was a book on CD and Lauren especial enjoyed that treat. But I would have to say that Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs got the best reaction from her.
I was so excited to be there to share these moments with her. I was so proud of how well she did and found it interesting how she almost seemed to enjoy the routine of it (can you tell she's my daughter, ha!). The morning went fast and we all enjoyed it together. I am looking forward to the next 107 days of school!
Our character trait is compassion and I've had Hillsong - Mighty to Save stuck in my head all morning. Such a great song! So today I'll end with our memory verse:
"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." John 15:12