Today's naptime began with a nice hot shower. It's been a lazy day here and oh how we have all enjoyed the first lazy day in about a month. But as I was putting myself back together and enjoying the heat from the hot water still radiating from my skin I hear Lauren yelling on the monitor. I head to the bottom of the stairs to find out what is the matter. As I enter her room, after her not saying any specifics as to why she was screaming my name at the top of her lungs, I find a child in just her underoos. "Why are you in just your underwear Lauren?" I ask with a relaxed, but puzzled tone. Since I was in the shower I hadn't heard any of the the "goings on" from the monitor. She tells me in her frustrated and annoyed voice "I need you to put my pajamas on right now!" of course I had to ask the question "Why are they off?" She goes on to explain that she tried to unzip them but when as she began the task the zipper got stuck and by the time she got the zipper working again she was frustrated so she just took them off altogether. This makes perfect sense, but then I just needed to know, as I help her back into the pajamas, "Why did you need to unzip them in the first place?" "Well mama, I wanted to see my boo-be-button." I laugh and reply "What's your boo-be-button?" She plainly restates the word again, like I must have not heard her the first time- duh lady, you know my boo-be-button. Then it clicks and I realize she wanted to look at her belly button. Oh the joys of being three!
I have felt her frustration so much this holiday season. I L.O.V.E the holiday season but I'm finding myself needing to hear, as I have repeated a million and a half times to Lauren as she rattles off the long list of Thomas the Train Engines she's expecting Santa to bring her (mind you she told him they could all be found at, where else, Target)- that the reason for the season is to celebrate the birth of our loving Savior and Lord Jesus.
This holiday season has been so short and rushed. It all began with preparing to have my family down for Thanksgiving. Oh what a grand time it was to have a house filled with the crazy known as my mom, step-dad, sister, brother-in-law, and nephew. I love them so much and was glad that they could all come, because there are always lasting memories made when we're all together. After a fast and furious Thanksgiving (everyone arrived the day of, thankfully we were smart enough to have it catered form a local grocery store- best idea ever!) we headed off to a vacation spot not too far from our house, about an hour. There we stayed in two adjoining condos and had a fun week of spending time together. Although a few hiccups occurred it was an overall wonderful week (it's hard putting three "head-of-the-house", take charge women in one community space and expect there to be nothing but harmony). I really enjoyed Lauren getting to know Bill, her Papa P, since this is really the first time she's spent more than a day or two around him in a few years. By the end of the week they were good buddies. It was also great because this is the first time Bill had met Olivia too! My second favorite thing about our week away was snuggling with my nephew Finn- he is such a cutie. His personality is so different from my girls, it was neat to watch them all interact. Finn pretty much followed Lauren around all week. This took some getting use to for Lauren but when the vacation was over and I ask her what her favorite part was she said sleeping in a room with Olivia and Finn- I thought that was so awesome! And Olivia, she just spent the whole week wanting to be wherever the big kids were- and playing with whatever they had, much to their annoyance.

All three kids enjoying a bounce on Aunt Shauna's air mattress Thanksgiving night.
Matt stayed only for the weekend, and then him and my brother-in-law headed back home Sunday to go back to work that week, while the rest of us enjoyed the whole week together. Before we knew it, Thursday evening was upon us and back home we headed. Friday I spent doing laundry, organizing, and repacking. Because off we were again. That weekend we were headed north for a wedding. Thanks to my wonderful friend Esther, who watched both kids for us overnight, Matt and I got to get away to celebrate the wonderful marriage of a great friend. Natalie was my mentee when she started teaching and now she's in her seventh year of teaching and even though she has moved to the northern part of the state I still hold our time teaching together so close. Her friendship is so cherished. Her now husband, also Matt, is wonderful as well. I love weddings more than ever as I take the time to reflect on my marriage and friendship with my Matt. It was so nice to have some quality couple time too. It was a two and a half hour ride up and over three hours home due to crazy weather conditions. We spent the time talking, laughing, and being goofy with each other. Giving thanks for our girls and all the blessings we have. Taking a moment and remembering what life was like before two girls took our attention away from each other and on to them was just what we needed. The wedding day/night was filled with laughing and enjoying all my old teacher friends. Some of whom I get to still see regularly but rarely all together. They are a goofy bunch. It's been a long time since I'd stayed up and out that late!

All the teacher friends with the bride.
Matt and I
Natalie and I - what a beautiful bride!
As I was walking down stairs from Lauren's boo-be-button episode I felt like I completely understood and identified with her frustration. All she wanted to do was see her belly button- a simple task. But as she set out to complete it things got in the way and muttered up what was to be a fun adventure. That is how almost every task has been this holiday season. Here are the ways this holiday season has been a little more frustrating then normal...
-I went with the girls on a Tuesday morning to get our Christmas tree because I couldn't bear to wait until the following weekend and have it up for a mere two weeks. We get to the tree place only to find it was all gated up, closed, no one around. The sign read open on Tuesdays starting at 10, my clock read 11:15- what's going on. So we turned around and headed home. I told Lauren we'd eat lunch and give the place a call after lunch. When I called the co-owner picked up to tell us how sorry he was, that he had misplaced his keys and that is why he wasn't there earlier. So we headed back after lunch only to have both kids fall asleep in the car and for me to pick the tree out all by myself. Not really the fun experience I had pictured in my head. But I kept my thoughts positive, and my spirits high. Nothing good would be accomplished from me being a Grinch.
-Life continued to be busy so fast forward to Friday night. Lauren was at church for Parents Night Out- enjoying dinner, craft, a movie, a magician, and Santa while we enjoyed Olivia and all her cuteness. I decided we'd put the lights on the tree so that when Lauren got home she would see them and be all excited. I tending to our very mobile little girl as Matt hangs up all six strands of light onto the tree only to find out five out of the six no longer work. Lots of efforts for nothing but a garbage can full of broken lights. Again I kept my thoughts positive, and my spirits high- we'll get the nice new LED lights that should last us at least another ten years! Nothing good would be accomplished from me being a Grinch.
Ultra cuteness known as Olivia the red nosed reindeer!
-Saturday arrives and I was planning on making Christmas cutout cookies with Lauren and decorating the tree. What do I wake up to? I wake up feeling like pooh!!! I spent the whole day getting each task done, but wishing I was in bed and not feeling like a sick lady. But again I continued to keep my thoughts positive and my spirits high. The cookies did get baked, although mostly by me since Lauren elected to go with Matt and Olivia to Target to buy new Christmas lights. And the tree got decorated, even though I sat on the couch and directed Matt and Lauren. It was so cute as she asked with each ornament "Does this one need a sturdy branch Mama?" Nothing good would be accomplished from me being a Grinch.
Cookies baked and awaiting frosting - that is a Christmas Eve task, as we prepare for Santa's arrival
The Tree is done!
-About midweek I had started having severe pain when I nursed Olivia on my left side. I had also gotten my first blocked duct with her. After emailing our pediatrician, who is a lactation consultant, and going to the lactation center near us I learned I had developed a nipple bleb. Not. fun. But I was keeping my thought positive and my spirits high. I was praying a lot and gritting my teeth too. Nothing good would be accomplished from me being a Grinch.
-Then last night. We headed to see Santa. After much debate was to when strategically it would be best to do it, we headed out after a quick dinner. As we left rain drops fell upon the deck. Oh goodness. We get there and it is pretty much a downpour. I run inside with Olivia and find out that they've given all the passes out already but if we hung around we will still be able to see Santa around 8:15 or so. We shopped and looked around for over an hour and then Matt stood in line for another 45 minutes while I took the girls to different activities they had set up for the kids to be entertained. We got our picture (in such cute coordinating dresses given to us by my aunt) and Lauren informed Santa that she wanted "Some trains." We came home soaked to the bone at 9:05 pm (a little late for our girls) but I kept my thoughts positive and my spirits high. The girls were so well behaved for the circumstance in which they just endured and we learned to go earlier next year. Nothing good would be accomplished from me being a Grinch.

So cute!
So today was I enjoyed snuggling with the girls as we let movies play on the television all day and I reminded myself once more that this season is about God and His eternal gift of life and love given to us in the form of a humble baby, born in a barn. Yes, each of the crazy encounters we had could have us moaning and groaning, but then what would we be teaching Lauren and Olivia. We'd be teaching them that if things don't go as planned and that if life doesn't always fall in our favor that we behave like brats who think the world should revolve around them. When in fact our world revolves around a loving Heavenly Father. And when we keep our eyes on Him then we will have faith in the truth of His redeeming love. Life might not always fall into place exactly how we expect it too, but it's not about us. In the big picture- we have a beautiful, fragrant Christmas tree adorned with lights that remind us of the starry night that shown the night Jesus was born, and ornaments that each hold a special meaning as we watch them dangle from the branches. We have yummy cookies waiting to be special treats for us and Santa on Christmas Eve. We have two beautiful girls, who are full of life, love, and joy this holiday season. Whose dreamy eyes await to see what each new day will bring. So as I held each girl this week during nap time and today, I have reminded myself of all the blessings and all the happiness that surrounds our family this holiday season and beyond. So Merry Christmas to you and many blessings this holiday season!!
And Mary said:
“My soul glorifies the Lord
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has been mindful
of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed,
for the Mighty One has done great things for me—
holy is his name.
His mercy extends to those who fear him,
from generation to generation.
He has performed mighty deeds with his arm;
he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.
He has brought down rulers from their thrones
but has lifted up the humble.
He has filled the hungry with good things
but has sent the rich away empty.
He has helped his servant Israel,
remembering to be merciful
to Abraham and his descendants forever,
just as he promised our ancestors.”
Luke 1:46-55