

Friday, September 27, 2013

Giving my Hubby some props

So if you follow my blog at all, then you know that I've been working on changing my perspective and being the person God intended me to be. One way I've been doing this is by intentionally showing my husband how much he truly means to me. You know how it is, in the hussel and bussel of the day and in the stress of life's moments it's a lot easier to get caught up in the crazy- and forget to really lift up and support our spouses the way we should. Why it seems so much easier to do it with the little ones and not our spouses sometimes baffles me. So here I am lifting him up and sharing with you:


10. He does the dinner dishes! 
9. How he tolerates my backseat driving and even jokes about it, I know I'm working on this one ;-)
8. The way he's a big goofball and just does the silliest things with the girls and me 
7. When he holds my hand in church as we listen to the sermon
6. The way his hug can melt away the rest of the world and make me feel safe and loved
5. His ability to be selfless- and put others first without hesitation 
4. Helping me out all. the. time. with our crazy life - he's a great partner!
3. Being a great father to our two girls- everytime I catch an 'outsiders' view of him with them it makes me fall in love with him all over again
2. Being able to make me laugh, really laugh, even when I'm tired and cranky
1. Loving me unconditionally, daily and sharing this journey with me

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