

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My Little Introvert, Part 2

So this morning I continued to think of Lauren and her newly found introvert behavior and I thought of three more times I'd noticed her being shy in playing with others.

First is the pool this summer. She LOVES the pool and is fine with being in it as long as mommy and daddy are right by her side. Once I went by myself with the girls and she was glued to my hip, normal- cool with me. I tried to get her to play in the kiddie pool while I was cleaning up from lunch and then again when I was tending to Olivia and she wouldn't have anything to do with because there was a little boy she didn't know in the pool already.

Then another time she was enjoying the background was when I had six kids here last week. She was so quiet, taking it all in. I asked her a few times if she was having fun with all her friends over and she said yes with a big smile on her face. She was enjoying playing with everyone but she was pretty calm and chill- which any other day would not be the case.

Lastly was when we met our neighbors at the park. It was our first time meeting them and Lauren was again glued to my hip. This little boy was being all boy and running about, where Lauren was just taking it all in. At one point we headed to the bathroom and as soon as we were out of earshot from them she just started talking about the little boys Thomas the Train shirt. Which mind you I hadn't even noticed. She thought this little boy was wonderful but you won't know from her "play" with him, as she just quietly played on a few things.

All of these incidents isolated didn't cause the light bulb to go off, but when I thought about them all together it dawned on me. I shouldn't be too surprised, Matt is very shy and quiet around large groups and people he doesn't know. He however sometimes won't let me have a quiet moment at home as he talks my ear off. It really shocks people when I tell them that.

I had always looked at my little crazy girl as very outgoing so this summer really opened up my eyes to her ever growing and changing personality. Also, please just let me say that I don't say any of this in a negative manner. God created my little girl in His perfect and loving way. I don't want her to ever be anyone but her. It's just so fun and causes me such great joy as I get to watch who she is unfold before my very eyes. She is such a great gift and I'm so grateful for her! May God help me guide her and make her feel safe and protected so that when the time is right she will make her mark on this world- that she will fulfill her role for God, as only she can do.

"No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you." Joshua 1:5

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