

Monday, November 19, 2012

Sitting in the doctor's office...

Here I am at the doctor’s office. Sitting in a corner chair, typing this post in Microsoft Word (I plan on cutting and pasting it later since I can’t seem to find a network to connect with). I have three hours to kill sitting on my butt. My last doctor appointment, last Tuesday, I had to do the blood glucose test. For those of you who might not have a clue, you fast after dinner, head to the doctors and they give you an “Oral Glucose Tolerance Beverage” to drink (you have five minutes to get it down), and then they take your blood in an hour later.  This is the test to determine if you have Gestational Diabetes.

I passed this test with flying colors when I was pregnant with Lauren, so I wasn’t worried about it in the least. Well last Thursday I get a call from my doctor’s nurse saying I failed. Yuck! According to Matt’s research, 20% of women fail the first test. So those, or should I say us, lucky 20% get to take the test again. But this second test is yuckier!! This time you fast after dinner the night before, get your blood taken when you get to the doctor’s office (base line reading is my guess), then you drink the drink and get your blood drawn every hour after that for the next three hours. Matt tells me that 2-5% of women fail the second time around. Let’s all pray I don’t fall into that category.

So here I am just ten minutes into the first hour of waiting. I apologize for what I know while be a long post…hey this girl has three hours to kill. I did bring a book but it’s too early in the morning for that. Too much floating around in my mind- so first I’m writing here.

Oh I forgot to mention you pretty much have to sit on your butt this whole time too. No walking around, except when you need to use the restroom. You are allowed to drink water and they did allow me my pepcid AC (so grateful for this since the stomach acid will be begging for food and the last thing I want to do is throw this “yummy” fruit punch drink up and have to repeat the process).

So now onto my random thought…first I can’t get over how much Lauren has ‘bloomed’ this past month. She has learned how to use zippers and loves to zip up her coat and pajamas (she can’t get it started yet but once I’ve gotten it going she’s good). She can also take off her shoes, and we’re working on getting her coat off- some she’s better at than others.  She recognizes our house when we pull into our street, and once or twice when we’ve made the turn off the main street she’s said “house” from the back seat. She’s getting so much better at using her fork. I know it’s still easier for her to pick things up with her fingers and stuff them into her mouth but we’ve been working hard for her to use a folk/spoon and she’s getting there.

She loves watching old video’s of herself on the computer and the ones of her at the beach are her favorites (this makes Matt and I super excited for our beach trip this year).  When we’re watching one she’s had enough of she says “All done this one.” We find this so adorable.

She also has learned to match things. I’m so blow away and impressed with this skill. I think it’s from playing Hello Kitty Bingo with daddy so much. She matches like colors or like objects, as well as like pictures. She said two books matched because they were both orange and then two other books from the same series matched because the covers looked similar. It’s just such a higher level of thinking for a girl her age.  I have said it before and I will say it again, I give her until 3 years old and this girl is going to be smarter than me!

 Oh, another thing she did was use her manors the other day without being prompted and she did it perfectly, saying “More milk please.” I’ve been teaching her this for quite some time now. We started by just saying “please” and “thank you,” and then we moved into saying “no, thank you” and “_____ please.”  So her doing this unprompted was super exciting and was enough of a blessing to let this mama know that she’s getting it, so don’t stop (even if I have to prompt her seven hundred times a day)!

One more thing, she’s been acting shy and this is new. At church we have the “meet & greet” time and the last few Sundays she just snuggles into Matt’s arms instead of smiling and saying hi, which she use to do. Not sure why, but Matt thinks it’s the cutest thing ever.

Next random thought has to do with the holidays. We’ve super excited to be headed to visit family and celebrating Lauren’s birthday, Thanksgiving, and my mom’s birthday. Wow, three days of special moments. I can’t wait to enjoy time with my mom and sister and soak up everything I can about my ever growing nephew. It really does kill me that our little ones are so close in age and they aren’t able to see each other more. I don’t know why God kept them where they were but I hope maybe someday he’ll move us closer together. It will be a great time, that’s for sure. But before we head to visit them, Lauren’s going to enjoy her birthday at home. I’ve got her presents all wrapped up (all two of them) and now I just need to get her a card. Silly me, totally didn’t think about a card until I was wrapping the gifts- oops.

I know this next thought is silly, but I’ll put it down anyway…way back when I purchased her gifts I found the cutest pair of Bunny pajamas at the Gap Outlets. They reminded me of these sweet hand me down pajamas she had when she was a little baby, and my girl loves her bunnies so I thought they were the perfect gift. Now months later as I’m wrapping the gift, I realize this girl has a plethora of pajamas. She got a bunch of hand me downs, a bunch from my mother-in-law from her garage sale adventures, and my mom had picked up a bunch here and there when she found a good sale. I’m not kicking a gift horse in the mouth and I’m extremely grateful for each and every pair she has, but she could go two weeks plus and not need me to do laundry. Now I’m wishing I had gotten them the next size up. Oh well, maybe we’ll have a lot of pajama days once the baby gets here were we just go from one pair of jammies to the next instead of putting on clothes!

Random thought number three. Lauren and Matt got to see my belly jumping around this weekend. I was lying down and the sweet baby in my tummy was all over the place. I called them in and she just started whacking me. Lauren could have cared less but Matt was excited. He has felt her kick but hadn’t seen it yet, well now that I think about it, I hadn’t really seen it either. The poor second baby takes a back seat during pregnancy. With Lauren I was so focused on everything going on with my body and hers. Now I’m lucky I get a weekly email that I sometimes have a moment to read, filling me in with fun facts about the baby.  I’ve always got something going on or Lauren’s got something going on and we’re busy little bees. The baby’s not too crazy in there but she’s more of a mover and groover than Lauren, which I personally enjoy.

This pregnancy has gone by so fast. I can’t believe we’re on the home stretch. It feels like the second trimester went by with the blink of an eye, too bad I can’t say the same for the first trimester. I love being pregnant, of course once you get past the yuck. What a privilege God has blessed women with. Even the birthing process. Not that I want to be birthing a baby every day or anything, but it’s just awe inspiring how God made us. How he can make a baby from two small cells. Those cells contain all the information about what this little ones eyes will look like, how tall she’ll be, and everything from her temperament to her health. How do you not know this and believe that God has it all planned out. Not planned to the “T” but he knows us and what we’ll be.  That kind of stuff blows my mind. It makes me so grateful for a God who loves us and desires us to be with him. He’s caring and nurturing. We’re made in His image, he wanted us to be like him. He wanted me to have blue eye, blond hair, and be a planner, and outgoing. He wanted Matt to have his mysterious deep brown eyes, and dark hair, and be patient, and easy going.

Lauren has a book that is called “God Loves Us” and it’s all about how God made us each special, with our own features and our own personalities. He wanted us to be who we are and that being us makes him happy. Being with us makes him happy. I pray that Lauren and our new baby girl yearn to have this shared relationship with God. That they desire to know how great he is and how much he yearns to be in their lives too. I hope that his wonder captivates them as much as it does me. That they too are in awe of his greatness, mercy, and love. May they fear his holiness and walk on His path. Oh Heavenly Father, please help me instill this into their hearts. May they see you and your light in Matt and I so that they too desire to walk with you. These are my deepest desires for these two girls. If they get this, everything else isn’t as hard, life seems that much more bearable and so much more meaningful.

Well my time here is winding down, AMEN!!! I’ve made this post long enough. Now I feel the need to catch up with the magazines sitting next to me. If you've made it through this post I feel like I should send you some cookies or give you a hug for thinking I’m worth your time. Here’s to me passing this test and enjoying the remainder of this blessed pregnancy!

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139: 14-14

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