

Friday, September 7, 2012

Plans for the Fall

I L.O.V.E. the fall! It is my favorite season and I've always enjoyed this time of year. Some of my reasons include, but are not limited to...
  • the change in the weather- moderate temperatures, cooler nights
  • the changing colors all around- love orange, purple, deep reds
  • the smells of fall- wood burning stoves, apple pie, apple cider 
  • the return of structure and routine- enough said!
I've got so many plans brewing for this fall too. I'm glad to have most of my energy back and I'm ready to put it to good use.

First, we head back to library time regularly. Now that vacations and camps are over we can get back to that regular routine. I'm looking forward to what Miss. Erin has planned each Tuesday!

Second, walking, walking, walking- getting this butt back in motion! 

Third, bible study. This spring/summer I've been bad about doing my daily devotional and prayer time. I really miss that daily time with God and I'm looking forward to building that back into my daily schedule. In fact, I'm getting involved with a Bible study at my church and since I don't watch Noah this year I can take advantage of the Friday morning study. It will help me build that back into my day.

Fourth, craft/pre-school time with Lauren. Since Lauren is older now and very capable of being actively involved with an activity or craft- I'm uping my game from last years stuff. Just a reminder, last year we worked through the primary colors with songs, books, and crafts. We also started on the "Christian" alphabet too, but only made it to the letter "F" before June hit and things got harder as I got sicker with pregnancy. 

This year I'm taking more of a thematic approach to this time. I decided Monday and Wednesday we'd devote a half hour or so to a lesson. I decided I'd start with the Creation story- sounds like the perfect place to start, right?! I've only brainstormed ideas but the first week we'll start with Day 1 of creation. Will bring in the numbers and have a bible verse with each lesson that we'll post so that we can refer back to it. I'm going to pull the letters and colors in as well. I plan on making a felt board and pieces that follow the story. Also reading books about creation and singing songs. We can do color sheets for each day too. I'm hoping to better organize my thoughts in an outline soon so we can start in the next couple of weeks.

Oh how I love the fresh start of this new season!

"...That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither- whatever they do propers." Psalm 1:3

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