

Monday, July 16, 2012

Cups and Cars

Silly things happen all the time in our house. I'm not one of those people, like my husband, who remembers them and can repeat them back- that is unless it is something on going. In this case, the case of the cup, I found myself chuckling last night as Matt cleaned up the dinner table. Thought I would share our on going fun...

So I have an issue. I'm a big enough girl to admit it. So here it is...I almost always have a cup filled with something to drink. Sounds normal so far right. I drink from this cup throughout the day, but I never seem to finish it. Whenever it is getting low or I do take the last sip, I fill it up again. Then I continue drinking from it as the day progresses. By the end of the night this cup always has about a sip left that I never seem to finish. At dinner, I will often drink all but the one last sip of my drink. If I have a can of pop, same issue, I often leave behind just a splash and never actually finish the beverage. 

This drives Matt nuts. He will often make a comment about how I, once again, left a cup with a splash of drink left in it. I'm not sure why I do it and most of the time don't pay the cup a care in the world. If I'm cleaning up I just dump it and move on. Well to add insult to injury, a few nights ago I had left some lemon aid on the table from dinner. I was playing with Lauren and then I think I ran an errand and later that  night went into the kitchen anticipating my lemon aid that I knew was there, but low and behold it was gone. I called to Matt asking him what happened with my lemon aid. He promptly tells me that he drank the little that was left and put the glass in the dishwasher. I then proceeded to harass him about how I wanted to drink it and how "dare" he help himself to MY lemon aid. He swiftly returned with "there's more in the fridge...help yourself." I told him that I didn't want what was in the fridge I wanted my lemon aid from dinner. The banter continued back and forth as he made fun of me for my silly little habit. 

I love knowing that we enjoy and play fun on each others quirks. Lord knows I have plenty to go around. It makes living with him fun and allows us to make sure we take time to laugh at not only ourselves but each other. Life shouldn't be taken too seriously!

So on to the cars part. Well when I was pregnant with Lauren I had a random fear of highway overpasses. There was one in particular that really bothered me and it was one I took regularly to get home from church. I would drive very slowly and make sure that I wasn't going to have to stop quickly due to an animal and crash over the side (You should have seen the scenes play out in my head as I took this overpass weekly- they were right out of a 1960's drivers ed. movie). This fear is not one I had ever possessed before become pregnant and was gone once I delivered. I have no problem zoom over it now. 

I found this fear very odd, but hey, lots of odd things happen when you're pregnant. Well last week I started having a fear of backing over someone or something in my car. I absolutely hate backing up now. I get the same anxious feeling and get super paranoid the whole time the car is in reverse. Now I've owned this car since 2009 and never before had this fear. I'm telling you that so much of this pregnancy mirrors my pregnancy with Lauren. I pray that is a great sign, since she turned out to be a wonderful baby! 

Anyway, just some random thought that fly around this head daily. Now I'm going to lay down for a moment before my sweet baby is up from nap.

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." ~ Dr. Seuss

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