

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Excited! Elated! Overjoyed!

I'm not sure how many more synonymy I can come up with for how I feel, but I'll spare you and tell you why...I'm pregnant with a sweet little "Blueberry!"

We found out on Valentine's Day and I've been bursting to write about it on here. Today we went and had the first ultrasound and saw a strong heartbeat and that little Blueberry was already kicking and moving all over the place. I don't think I've allowed myself to get too excited but I'm getting there. After two miscarriages you tend to be more on the cautious side. But this one's a sticker and we feel blessed.

What I can say is that this little one is making me sick, sick, and more sick. My poor husband commented this weekend that he feels like a single parent, and I rebutted with- I feel like an absentee mom. With Lauren I just had trouble in the morning and learned that if I ate first thing it helped. Then I was pretty good all day- tired but functional. Then when I got home at night I was a dead dog, going to sleep by seven most nights. With this one- I'm just getting by, barely, all day long. In fact, some days I can't get myself off the couch long enough to eat, only to head right back there. Oh and eating. I don't want to eat- no sir! I have very little appetite but struggle because if I don't eat I'm worse off. The only food I've found to settle me is beef and peanut butter. If I eat mass amount of beef I can function pretty normally throughout my day. Have I mentioned that I'm not a big beef fan?!? I usually only plan a meal or two at most a week with beef. And then it's usually ground beef for tacos or Shepard's Pie. Occasionally I make us some burgers. But the other day I went to the grocery store a spent seventy dollars on beef products for our house. It's kinda sick. Tonight- pulled beef, mac and cheese, and coleslaw. I've never in my life had pulled beef- but I think it will not taste that much different than pulled pork- or so I hope.

We've already started the name game. Me coming up with names and Matt not liking them. We've got the boy's name all set since we still like what we had picked for Lauren (before we knew she was going to be a sweet little girl). The only switch is that this baby is do near Matt's dad's birthday (I hope I did the 's right?- sorry I suck at grammar). So if I happen to give birth on his birthday we are going to use his dad's first name for the middle name, if not then his middle name will be after my dad. The girl name- ha- is up for debate. Although the middle name has been decided. It will "Jean" after Matt's mom's middle name, my mom's middle name, and my middle name. That part was easy. Now if we can decided on a girl name- or not depending on how long the debate goes we might not need one...lol...oh lordy. 

We're just overjoyed with the thought of growing our family. What a blessing God has given us as we thank him for Blueberry daily. I know that Lauren is just as excited about Blueberry now that she has "pictures." When I showed them to her I also went upstairs and got out the little album we have of her ultrasound pictures. She really didn't care to much about the ones of her, but she kept pointing to and looking at the new ones that I added today to that special album. I called it her Blueberry book- she even took it in the car on our trip to the grocery store. She's already holding her brother/sister close. Another blessing.

Well I'm sure there will be more as we are just at the beginning of this very long and wonderful journey. But for now I need to go lay on the couch and pray Matt get's home soon so I can be "off duty." 

"He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor" Proverbs 21:21

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! I'm a bit delayed in catching up with reading blogs, and I know I already congratulated you in person, but reading this made me even more excited for you and Matt. Lauren is going to be such a good big sister too!
