A lot of blessing have come our way in these past few weeks. I feel like the Lord is knocking at my door and I'm trying to look and listen at each turn.
The first of a few blessings happened when we went pumpkin picking. Each year, except one, since we've been here we go to a local farm and get hot cider, fried cakes, ride the hay ride, and pick our pumpkins from their pumpkin patch. It is number two on my top ten favorite days of the year. I look forward to it each year and Matt rolls his eyes and smiles each year. Although, this year I think with Lauren here he was just as excited and into it as I was.
Lauren is "Mommy's Little Pumpkin"
Anyway, when we got there I ran into one of the ladies I worked with a few years back. She is the reading specialist at one of the schools I taught at. She took my kiddies each year and she is a barrel of fun. Always smiling and just bobblely. She has a little girl, who I think is in 4th grade now. She noticed the headband in Lauren's hair. I HAD to put something in Lauren's hair because she was in a black, grey, and orange outfit and without the headband she looked like a little boy (see above picture). We got to chatting and she said that she still has all of Lillian's old hair bows and she would love to pass them along to me. I was just telling Matt that I wished I had some hair bows for Lauren, since her hair is growing in and it looks like a boy hair cut right now. And then God blessed us with tons of hair bows! The gallon sized bag was three quarters full!
Blessings number two came from multiple people. Three people have blessed us with clothes lately. My good friend Garrett has once again given me a bunch of loaner clothes and a Halloween costume. Enough pants and shirts to get us through the winter. She also gave us a few fall time coats (see pink coat in the picture below) and a winter hat. The cute Halloween outfit you see in the pictures is from her too.
Two friends from church have also blessed us. Sandy, she has two girls- one in 1st grade and one in preschool, she gave us a Halloween costume, two coats, and a hat with matching mittens (the coats and mittens are a little bit too big for right now, but will fit in a year or two). Than Jenny, (she also has two girls) she gave me three paper bags full of clothes for the spring. This is the third time she has blessed us with hand-me-downs. There we some wonderful clothes in there. Same as the last three times.
Blessing number three came from my mother-in-law. She often gets things for Lauren at garage sales. I had asked her to look for a winter coat for Lauren and that I would be super excited if she could found some snow pants. I know that there isn't much snow around here as compared to back home, but when it does snow I want to take Lauren out and play in it. I loved playing in the snow as a child so I want to be able to share that with her. She didn't have much luck at the garage sales for the coat so she found one on e-bay and it is awesome!!! I didn't expect one nearly as nice as the one she got- it's a warm, but not too thick and bulky, Columbia coat and matching snow pants. I was so grateful. I'm really not interested in winter weather getting here any sooner than it has to, but I sure am ready to put her in this cute coat!
Just wanted to be sure to jot down God's blessings, so I can look back and remember!
"Every happening, great and small, is a parable whereby God speaks to us, and the art of life is to get the message." ~Malcolm Muggeridge
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