First my dad flew down to us so he could be the main driver as we headed back home. I can say I'm adventurous but a 9 hour car ride alone with a nursing baby sounds like torture to me, so I asked dad to help out. He was happy to and I was so excited to have that extra time with him. The ride home went so smoothly. Lauren is a car trip angel! She did so well and over all it wasn't too bad. Now mind you that I have never really enjoyed car rides so for me to say one wasn't bad is saying a lot.
We spent the first leg (4 days) with my dad and step mom.
On Saturday we ventured down to meet Lauren's new cousin!!!! Yes, my sister and her husband became new parents to a sweet little boy- Finn on June 26th. We were so lucky that we would be nearby enough that we could visit them while on this whirlwind vacation. It meant another 6 hours in the car (3 hours there and then 3 hours back), but it was worth it. He seemed so small to me, since Lauren has gotten so big! Lauren whacked him a few times and grabbed at him (we're working on 'gentle', but we're not quite there yet). It was a huge blessing to see them all and rejoice in God's blessing!
Another surprised for this week was finding out that my dad and Sue (step-mom) are selling their house and had put in a contract on a new house. It didn't come as too much of a shock but it was really sad to know that this was the last time I'd ever be in that house. My dad grew up in the house and has lived there for 47 years of his life. He seemed a little sad to know that he's moving on, but I think the big barn on the new property has him a little distracted! As goofy as it may sound though I'm glad that Lauren got to go there, even if she won't remember it, I will.
While with my dad, Lauren got to go out on her first boat ride. She was so cute and so good! She's just like me and enjoyed the outdoors/water. We were lucky enough to have Matt's parents get to come out with us too. It was such a wonderful day. I felt God's bless abound that day.
If that wasn't already enough for one leg of this vacation, on the 4th of July we got to spend time with some great friends. My family is small and spread out over the states, so my parents friends and their children were our extended family growing up. We took trip together, spent holidays together, and enjoyed each others happy times and sad times together. They all come over for a small cook out and we just sat around, ate, and enjoyed hearing about each others lives. I hold each one of them very near and dear to my heart. So, by Monday I was exhausted and exploding with joy!
Tuesday morning began the second leg of the trip as I headed to my mom's house.
Here it slowed down a little. My mom and I visited my grandparents, took walks at the state park near her house, and watched Lauren and some movies. I get so sad to think that my parents don't get to see Lauren as much as both they and I would like them to. This time with my mom was so special because most if it was spent just the three of us. I like getting my mom all to myself, even if she can drive me nuts some times. I'm sad as I right this, knowing it might be November before I get to see her again, I love her so much!
Now the last and final leg begins as I wait for Matt to arrive on an airplane. He is flying in, visiting with me and Lauren for the next four days, and then we'll turn around as a family and drive back home to our little house. I feel grateful and happy as I think about all the people I've gotten to visit with this past week, and the visits that are still to come (Lauren gets to meet her uncle Josh on Sunday- I know she can't wait ;-).
So I'll end with a quote from God's good book:
“I will praise You, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works.” Psalm 9:1
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