This afternoon I'm feeling like I identify with the little engine that could. I happily took on the large load of toys and chuffed my little engine up the tall, tall hill. But boy is my boiler out of water now and I'm just coasting down that hill- no steam left in this little (or big might be a better way to describe me these days) engine.
So this past week we had the joy of having my mom and step-dad (Grammy and Papa) here for a visit. To be completely truthful I was not looking forward to the visit. But for reason. You see they are in the process of moving. Not just moving from one house to another, but moving one state to another. We are a good 'way point' on their trip so it made sense for them to stop here and they were absolutely invited to do so. However, moving is stressful- and there was no lack of stress to go around, so I was not looking forward to it entering my things here aren't crazy enough!
Part of the stress was the sudden burst of winter we've been having. I guess the groundhog is the one laughing now (refer to this post if you didn't get my not so funny joke reference). They were hoping to be at our house last Tuesday the 17th, but they weren't quite as ready as they thought and the snow that pounded down on them didn't help. So they actually arrived a week later. Each night during that week we would talk and figure out when they might be here- the wait game is not one I enjoy but it was the nature of the beast that no one could change. Then I wasn't even sure until I called them Monday at 3 pm that they were on their way. They didn't arrive here until well past my bedtime, 10:45ish, Monday night.
Part of the stress, for me at least, was they were bringing their cats. I've said it on here before plenty of times that I do not have a spacious 3,000 square foot house nor do I want one- however this would have been very handy this past week. We put her two cats into our office so we had to move Annabelle's litter box into our bedroom- not my favorite choice but really there was not many other places to put it. My house always feels like it shrinks a little when people visit, as does every ones house I assume. But this added fun with the cats just made it even smaller. Plus, the clean up after they left was, hum how do I say this, oh yeah miserable. But it's over and now my office is the cleanest it's been in a long time (positive thinking).
So this was why I wasn't looking forward to their visit but I love them and just adore spending time with my family since I feel I see so little of them being so far away. And this week was such a blessing in that matter. And God added his sweet surprises in a way only He can. My mom calmed the longer and longer she was here. She helped out a bit with the girls and with things around the house, as did my step-dad. They were able to watch them while I went to my 32 week appointment. Wow, I still can't believe I'm now 32 weeks pregnant- it is all going so fast! We also enjoyed a date night. And it seemed once they settled in and put the stress of the move behind them and I put the stress of their move behind me it was a fabulous time.
The girls really enjoyed playing with Papa, and Grammy had fun helping with school on Wednesday. My parents even stayed through Friday so that Matt and I could enjoy our first date night in a long, long time. We went to see the movie American Sniper. Wonderful movie and great alone time for Matt and I. Friday night started with a big family dinner out then the girls went home with Grammy and Papa and we headed to the movies. It was nice to come home to sleeping babies and just be able to snuggle into bed.
We kept remarking over and over on Friday how this week flew by and the stress of Monday seemed so far gone. I really do love them. I am getting a little nervous to think that the next time I will see my mom it will be because I've given birth to the baby girl inside my tummy right now- who is kicking, pushing, and tumbling around as I type.
Speaking of my wee little one- can I tell you ever since I hit 30 weeks on the calendar it seems that the third trimester has settled itself right in. My body feels big and continually stretched to it's limits. I swear sometimes she just pushes up against my poor abdomen and tries to make more room for herself. My lower half seems to have swollen with love times a gillion. The aches of pregnancy are settling in and the joy of second trimester is fading fast. I laughed this Thursday at the gym. I went to Zumba but the winter weather had all classes cancelled so I figured I'd hop onto the treadmill and walk my hour away to the hum of the gym noises. But as I walked I could tell my hips had 'repositioned' themselves in the tilted manner as they often do during pregnancy and to be honest it usually continues while I'm nursing too- so about a year and 10 months of this fun. I haven't been to the physical therapist in a while so I wasn't too surprised. But I could tell without a doubt that my legs were two different lengths- it's rather awkward feeling to say the least. I think I noticed it so much since my stride is longer when I walk on the treadmill, as opposed to walking around the house. But Monday morning I will be calling to make an appointment for sure!
Everyone in the house is napping and I'm enjoy the sounds of the washer and dryer as each load of blankets, sheets, and towels gets cleaned. Reflecting on the blessings of this week, a week I wasn't so sure about, has helped me to collect my thoughts and prepare for tomorrow...the first of March!
March holds big meaning to me this year- usually it just signifies the end of birthdays and holidays around here but this year is will be our last complete calendar month of pregnancy. Wow, I just can't believe it's already that time- crunch time as we prepare for baby. Just a few things left on my baby bucket list and we'll be ready! Matt and I were discussing over lunch that we're just five weeks away from when her big sisters came into the world but eight weeks away from her due date if she's more content to stay in there than they were. Oh and some wonderful new to share that Matt came home with on Thursday night- Matt has been at his job long enough that he can take paid paternity leave!! And get this he can take up to three weeks! Yes, you read that right. I don't think he's going to take it all but he said he was thinking about a week and a half would be good. That sounded good to me. He won't have to take any vacation time and it's paid time off!! My mom still plans on coming down right away to tend to the girls while we're in the hospital. It will also be helpful for my mom since she's got limitations due to her conditions. We're all excited all the way around! We love when daddy is home!
So here's to the little engine who keeps on chugging and praising God with each chuff along the way.
"For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline" 2 Timothy 1:7