So much going on these days (I feel like I say this in every post lately, but that's a good thing). I wish I could get it all down. Visiting with family and friends. Church work camp. An up coming vacation. The happiness of life surrounds us.
As I debated a nap verse writing this post today I knew it would serve me better to get the thoughts swirling around in my head out- I sometimes find more rest in that, than a nap.
I was thinking about how Lauren has the sniffles and boogies. Last night I embraced the moment I heard her poor cry for mommy only two hours after her falling asleep. As I entered her otherwise quiet room and let my eyes adjust to the darkness her words clinging to my sleepy body, "mommy snuggle with me?" Already toting my pillow I laid down, reassuring her I was here for the long hall. I got comfortable and she just snuggled right up to me. Other than being a little more tired and blowing her poor nose every two minutes she seems to be okay. I think it's just the ever persistent summer cold, yuck. Even as my tired body has been moving that little bit slower today I wouldn't trade those late night snuggles for any amount of sleep.
Olivia has needed more snuggles lately too. Her teeth, although still not visibly, are causing her pain these days. She's needed a little more mommy and daddy love than usual. I find myself having the thoughts - "just one more minute Olivia" as I try and accomplish a task in 3.2 seconds. But once she's in my arms, I'm remind of how fleeting this time is and how I need to embrace it and I do.
I can't remember who told me this but I feel like it the chapter title of this portion of our journey: "The day's seem so long but the weeks/months/years seem too short" It is so the truth! There are some evenings I feel like Matt's car couldn't pull into our driveway fast enough if he were Dale Earnhardt and then Saturday night after we put the kids to bed I have the thought "Where did this week go?" it seems to rush by in a blur.
The monitors have grown quiet, letting me know that the girls have entered dreamy land, so I think I'll try and do the same. I know that a late night of smiles, laughs, and great memories lay ahead and I don't want to yawn my way through it!
So for my parting words today I'm leaving you with a song that has been the soundtrack of my day- playing over and over in my head. Great song, for a great day! Praise God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon me, and keep my sweet Matt safe as he travels about.